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精品文档四年级上册英语期末试卷听力部分一、听录音,选出你听到的选项(听两遍))1.A. bhdB. dbhC. hbd)2. A. NMWUB. MVUWC. VMUW)3. A. sadB. saladC. san dwich)4. A. threeB. thirtyC. thirteen)5. A. nice cakeB. small catC. sweet candy)6. A. run fastB. jump highC. swim well)7. A. would like a pie B.would like some juice C. like tea)8. A. in the bedroom B. in the kitchen C. in the bathroom、听录音,选出合适的应答句(听两遍 )()1. A. Its in the fridge. B. Theyre in the box.C. Yes, here they are.()2. A. Theyre pens. B.They re books.C. It s a pen.()3. A. Yes, I ca n.B. No, he cant.C. She can run fast.()4. A. Its five o clock.B. Its time for home.C. It s time to eat cakes.C. I have four.()5. A. Four, please. B. Four yua n.()6. A. Id like this doll. B. I like dolls.C. I like this doll.三、听录音,根据所听对话作判断,用 T表示相符,用F表示不相符(听两 遍)()1. Mike and his frie nds are in the library.()2. Mike has (有)some man goes.()3. Su Hai has some sweets.()4. Yang Ling has four cakes.()5. Liu Tao has many grapes.笔试部分一、根据发音规则选词填空good hat library hot family bike1. Hele n would like a hamburger and adog.2. Fanny is flying a kite with her.3. Bill bought a toyfor his brother.4.1 can see eleve n lights in the.5. Mylittle dog, go and get my bag on that log.6. A fat cat is weari ng a black.二、英汉互译1. 喜欢苹果like 2.跳得高 high3. 踢足球4. 开门open the5. 十八个球6.看那匹马 at that 7. 做水果沙拉 a fruit8. 在课桌后 the9. 一条绿色的短裙a10. 在卧室里in the11. pigs on the farm12. so funny and lovely13. I can t fly either.14. Your cap is in the kitche n.三、选择题()1. -you like robots?-No, we.A. Can; can t B. Do; do C. Do; don t()2. I like dogs.cute.A. They re B. It s C. They( )3. -1 haveoran ges. Do you haveoran ges?-Yes, I do.A. some; some B. any; some C. some; any( )4. -Is my clockthe livi ng room?Yes,.A. in; it is B. in; they are C. on; they are()5. -Ca n I ?-OK!A. have look B. have a try C. have a like( )6. -How manydo you have?I have one.A. toy trai nsB. toys trai nsC. toy train( )7. I d likenoodles. five yuan.A. a; It s B. some; They re C. any; They re()8. This toy isyour brother.A. withB. toC. for()9. -my pen cils? -On the table.A. Where are B. Where is C. What( )10. - Don t talk. -.A. Thanks.B. OK. I m sorry. C. That s OK.四、在B栏中找出与A栏匹配的选项AB()1. Can birds swim?A. Yes, I ca n.( )2. Can you close the wi ndow? B. Pin eapples.()3. I can t swim.()4. What do you have?()5. What do you like? E.C. No, I don t.D. No, they can t.I can t swim either.()6. Do you like pigs?F. We have some toy mon keys.五、连词成句1. make, let, a, us, kite(.)2. like, we, living room, the, in, TV, the (.)3. toy, cute, tigers, those, are (.)4. is, where, jacket, your ( ?)5. fifteen, have, they, beautiful, pears (.)6. orange, what, an, about (?)六、选择括号中的单词将下列对话补充完整A:(look, look at) these stickers.B: Oh, an imal stickers. How lovely!A: Thank you. I like this(cow, cows)sticker. Do you likecows?B: No, I(doesn t, don t).A:(What, What color ) do you like?B: I like(pa nda, pan das). They re cute and fat.A: Look! I have(much, many) panda stickers.Would you(like, have) some?B: Yes, please.A:(how much, how many )do you want(要)?B: Two, please.七、将下列句子排成一段通顺的对话()Would you like a hot dog?()A glass of milk, please.()Thank you.()Here you are.()An yth ing else?()Yes, please.()Dad, I m hungry.八、 阅读判断,正确的用“ T”表示,错误的用“ F”表示A: Hello, Liu Tao.B: Hi, Wang Bing. May I use ( 用)your ruler?A: Sure. Oh, where s my ruler?B: Is it in your pencil box?A: No, it isn t.B: Here s a ruler. It is yours?A: No. It s yellow. It s Gao Shans. My ruler is green.B: I see a ruler un der your desk. Is it yours?A: Yes, it is. Here you are.B: Thank you.( )1. Wang Bi ng can t find his ruler.( )2. Wang Bi ng s ruler is in his pencil box.( )3. Gao Shan s ruler is yellow.( )4. The gree n ruler is Liu Taos.()5. Wang Bing finds his ruler at last(最后).九、写作以 “ My school为题写话,要求三种句型,至少五句
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