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短对话考点1. 否定2. 转折3. 建议4. 词组及多义词5. 虚拟语气与场景词汇否定No, none, nobody, no one, nothing, nowhere, neither, never, hardly, rarely, little, seldom, few, without, far from, short of, out of too, instead of, rather than, avoid, dislike, hate, deny, fail, refuse, ignore, overlook, miss 否定I Could hardly stay awake I guess I havent spent much time exercising lately I guess its something I havent acquired a taste for yetIve never felt better in my lifeIt never occurs to me that you are an athlete I had no idea you were a marvelous writer I would take a plane instead of a train Blue isnt my favorite color and pink is too fancy for meIt could hardly be more disgusting You cant deny the fact that he is really smartI am short of money. 建议Why dont youHe really shouldWhatever you do be careful not to Maybe you should Maybe you just need toI think if we , we wont It might be time to I think you really need to 转折But 高频多义词BeatHe beat me. The problem beats me This game beats every game I watched 2012年6月大学英语四级真题详解2012年6月真题详.2012年6月真题详.drop: He dropped the wine glass Please drop me a few lines He dropped out of school when he was young I wonder if you can drop by tomorrow Im going home, but I can drop you at the supermarket Its too difficult, I have to drop it this timefine Its a fine day! Do I have to pay a fine? load Loads of people are looking for you Load it up onto the truck We have a rather heavy work load Ride Ride a bike. Will you give me a ride? Part I like this part of the novel. There are some spare car parts in the garage. I hope we part as friends. Model She used to be model. The latest model of car costs a lot Taste It tastes awful! He really has a bad taste for clothing. Mark The map is marked with a red pencil. Coffee doesnt leave lasting marks on clothing. Block He lives only 2 blocks away. The road was blocked by a huge rock. Bill I will pay the bill this time We all passed the bill on yesterdays board meetingHere is a ten-dollar bill Copy Id like to buy a copy of his bookCould you copy this article for me? Count She is counting the days Well have to count on good weatherCover The hard cover is on sale I think weve covered everythingShe was so scared that she covered her eyes Release He was released from prison last month The new film will be released next month Hit This movie is such a great hit. I have to hit the books/hit the shower Dont hit on herBother Sorry to bother you Dont bother with itSpot He is wearing a spotted tie He has spotted a parking lot Fund Our company is in want of fund The pension fund owns shares in big companies Youve got fund him长对话所听即所得原则1. 以每个题为单位比较所听录音和四个选项,找到相似或基本一致的选项并排除有明显出入的选项2. 出答案的顺序基本上和录音的顺序一致3. 注意表示原因的词汇:如because, the reason is that, thats the reason why, since, as等4. 问题可以不听,利用问题时间看下一题选项词组及多义词Figure out 想出,pass away 去世make sense有道理、说得通absent-minded心不在焉put it off取消get access to能连上 能获取pick up接、养成习惯、继续做某事tidy up清理put together组装face up to大胆面向、用于正视out of shape/paper/touch身材走样、缺纸、缺乏联系pay off回报、还清run into碰巧遇见turn out结果是、原来是all ears洗耳恭听worn out筋疲力尽all tied up忙碌doze off打瞌睡give sb a hand帮某人cut down on减少put up with忍受come up with想出end up with什么方式结束get along with相处的好be bound to一定会keep an eye on关注短文听力1. 对词汇要求进一步提高2. 比对所听录音和所看选项的能力依然重要3. 如果看到某一个选项和录音完全一致或没有矛盾,且其它几个选项与录音有出入或未提及,则与做长对话一样,大胆选择4. 有可能会出现两个以上的选项与录音没有任何矛盾,需要运用定位的方法或者听问题来确认答案5. 通过听前预测了解大意,做一次筛选听前预测一、通读选项预测整篇短文大意二、与其它三个选项相差太远的一般不是选项三、绝对原则常识判断四、对仗选项中可能有一个是答案(词汇的重复和词义的对仗)答案定位能力以下四项一定要听的到并且争取能够听懂一、最高级定位(出现first, earliest, most, the most important reason, the chief, the simplest, many of, only, especially附近的可能是答案,当这些词附近出现数字或者时间,答案一般会出现)二、转折原因定位:如果故事突然转折而且给出原因,转折及原因往往由以下词汇引出:but, because, however, instead, on the contrary, unfortunately, surprisingly, unexpectedly, ironically, yet, other, on the other hand, although, nevertheless, otherwise, since, as, for, the reason is ,as a result, if, 自问自答三、数字时间定位:传记型文章,如果一句话中出现两个以上的数字时间,该句一般含有答案四、首末句复合听写1.共读三遍。第一遍全文朗读,没有停顿;第二遍单词空格后略有停顿,句子空格后有约1分钟停顿;第三遍同第一遍一样。2. 考查单词8个(0.5%/个),句子3个(2%每句)。3. 考查语音、词汇量、单词拼写、语法、短期记忆和笔记1. 对名词的考查2. 对动词的考查3. 对形容词的考查4. 对固定搭配的考查5.对拼写较复杂的单词的考查6. 对易混、音近或形近单词的考查1预判下列词性2同音词Heal-heelband-banned hour-our Peace-piece brake-break insure-ensure Bread-bred ceiling-sealing rose-rows Cent-sent sail-sale steal-steel Dying-dyeing site-sight fare-fair Threw-through way-weigh flower-flour Wait-weight wood-would hair-hare Sweet-suite 3近音词Avoid-award pass-path Loose-lose Presence-presents bald-bored Council-cancel-cancer cut-cart Foam-form sleep-steep sweet-sweat Sympathetic-systematic hut-heart Ide
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