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归纳总结功能相同的句型 感谢类:Thanks!/ Thank you!/ Thanks a lot!/ Thank you very much! / Thank you very,very much!答谢类:Thats all right . / Thats OK. / Not at all. / You are welcome. / Its a pleasure .道歉类:Sorry. / I am sorry/ I am sorry for 应答类:Thats all right. / It doesnt matter . / Thats nothing.建议类:You had better / Shall we do ? / What about doing ? / How about doing ? Why not do ? / Lets do sth OK ? / Would you like some ?同意类: OK. / Sure ./ Certainly ./ All right ./ Yes, please./ Yes, I think so ./ I agree with you.不同意类:I am afraid not. / Sorry, I dont think so. / I really cant agree with you.祝愿祝贺类:Good Luck to you! / Best wishes! / Have a good (nice) time! / Congratulations to you! Happy TeachersDay! / Happy birthday to you! / Happy New Year! / Merry Christmas!问天气:Whats the weather like today?/ How is the weather today?问时间:Whats the time? / What time is it ? 问职业:Whats your father? / Whats your fathers job? / What does your father do?问价格:Whats the price of the book? / How much is the book? / How much does the book cost? / How much should I pay for the book?问年龄:How old are you? / Whats your age?问地址:Where do you live? / Whats your address? 问姓名:Whats your name? / Could I have your name, please? / Can you tell me your name? Do you mind my knowing your name? / Do you mind if I know your name?问词意:Whats the meaning of the word? / What does the word mean? / What do you mean by saying the word?问单位:Where do you work? / What company are you working for?问爱好:Which do you like best? / Which do you prefer? / Whats your hobby? / Whats your favorite?问感受:What do you think of the film? / How do you like the film?问数量:How many people are there in your family? / How much water do you drink every day?问人口:Whats the population of China ? / How many people are there in China ? How large is the population of China ?问路线:Which is the way to the station? / Do you know the way to the station? Can you tell me the way to the station? / How can I get to the station?问尺寸:What size is your sweater? / What size do you want? / What size do you need?问距离:How far is your school from here? / How far away is your school from here?问日期:Whats the date today?问星期:What day is it today?问高度:How tall are you ? / Whats your height? / How high is the mountain ?问宽度:How wide is the river?问长度:How long is the bridge?问体重:Whats your weight? / How much do you weigh ?问电话:Can I know your telephone number? / Whats your telephone number ?看病v Whats wrong with you? v How long have you been like this?v I have a headache. v Can I take your temperature?v Is it serious?/ Its nothing serious. v How often should I take this medicine?v Take this medicine three times a day. v Youll get better soon. 购物v Can I help you? v What size do you want? v Have you got any other colours?v Can I try it on?v Im looking for a gift for my father. v How much is it? /How much does it cost? v I will take it.v How about giving your father a new wallet? v Can you give me a cheaper price? v I think shell like it. v Do you have anything larger than this one? v It fits you very well. 打电话v Could I speak to Peter, please? / May I speak to Peter, please? v He is not here right now. v Who is that?/Whos calling, please? Hold on, please. /Hold the line, pleasev This is Peter speaking. v Can/May I leave a message? Could I take a message for you?Whats your telephone number?v Thats me./This is he/she./Its Peter./Speaking.Peter, its for you./ Youre wanted on the phone, Peter Im sorry I have the wrong number. v You must have the wrong number.问路v Excuse me, where is the nearest post office? v Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the nearest post office? v Excuse me, how can I get to the TV Tower? v Which bus shall I take? v Its over there. v Go along this street until you come to the end. v Turn left at the second crossing. v Youd better take a bus. v You cant miss it. v Sorry, I dont know. Im a stranger here. v Do you know where the post office is? v How long does it take to get there? v Why not ask the policeman over there? v Is it far from here? v Is there any bus going there? 约定v Are you free tonight? v What are you going to do this weekend?v Nothing much.v Shall we go to the new museum? v Would you like to come with me? v When and where shall we meet? v Lets make it half past four. v Why dont we make it a little earlier? v Im looking forward to seeing you. v How about tomorrow?v Lets change another day. 就餐v What are you going to have?/ What would you like to eat? v May I take your order now? v Would you like anything else?v Could I have the bill, please?v Please feel at home. v I feel like having a coke. v Do you want something to drink? v Thanks for inviting me.
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