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高一英语导学 M4 Unit 1 Women of achievementWarming up学习目标1.学习和了解历史上那些伟大女性为他人所做的有用的事。2.就伟人应该具有什么样的优秀品德,对伟人就是名人和名人就是伟人发表看法课前预习: I. 单词/ 1. achievement_2. welfare_3. project_4. institute_5. specialist_6. organization_7. connection_8. campaign_9. chimp_10. behave_II.词组释义1. 为.而奋头 _ 2. 处死 _3. 把贡献给,致力于 _ 4. 人类 _5. 把某人赶出某地_ 6. 福利事业 _7. 关心,挂念 _ 8. 代替 ,不是.而是_9. 把和.联系起来 _ 10. 成为一名.的专家_III. Look at the six pictures onpage One then fillin the chart.Name AmbitionProblemsSacrificesJoan of ArcElizabeth FrySong QinglingLin QiaozhiJane GoodallJody Williams课后巩固I. 词性转换动词名词动词名词achieverespect connect inspireorganizeentertainobserve argueII. 单词拼写(根据汉语或首字母提示写出下列单词的正确形式)1. They should solve the problem by _(辩论) and not by fighting.2. With her great efforts, she has a_ everything she wanted to do.3. Its known to all that many scientists have made great achievements under difficult_(处境).4. Mr. John was so kind that all the students r_ him.5.Pay attention to your _ (行为).6. His encouraging speech i_ us to be always ready to fight with all kinds of hardships.7. Have you ever o_ any activities by yourself?8. The c_ succeeded and Bush won the election.III.句型记忆1. Song Qingling _ _ _ welfare projects, especially the China welfare Institute for women and children.宋庆龄把精力投入到福利事业中,特别是中国的妇女及儿童协会中.2. Lin Qiaozhi _ all her life_ medical work Jane helped people understand for Chinese women and children.林巧稚把毕生的精力都奉献给中国的妇女及儿童的医疗卫生事业.3. Jane Goodallwent went to Africa studied chimps _ _ going to university.简.古道尔去非洲研究黑猩猩而没有去上大学.4. Jane helped people understand _ _ they behave like humans.她帮助人们了解黑猩猩跟人类的行为是多么的相似.5. Watching a family of chimps _ _ is our first activity of the day.我们当天的首要任务就是观察黑猩猩一家是如何醒来的.学生反馈教师评价高一英语导学M4 Unit 1 Women of achievement Reading 1学习目标1.理解课文中对简。古道尔这一群学者对大猩猩的一天生活的研究。2.在阅读中培养提高学生的阅读能力,学会提取关键信息,把握文章脉络3.使学生了解简。古道尔在成功之路上的牺牲和所取得的成就,培养学生为实现目标而努力学习的精神课前预习(词汇过关)I单词记忆1. shade_ 2.welfare_ 3.nest_4. bond _ 5.observe_6.childhood_7. outspoken_8.respect_9.organization_
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