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2014 届高考英语一轮复习词汇天天练 22( 精析版 )( )1. In the centre of Zi Yang park sit three life-sizeplaster( 石膏), Zhu Xi included.A. passengers B. poles C. figures D. creatures【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查名词辨析: A. passengers 乘客, B. poles 极点,磁 极,电极;杆,竿,杆位 C. figures 图形;数字;外形;体型;形 状;人物;塑像;图表, D. creatures 生物,动物,人,创造物, 句意:在紫阳公园的中间有三个真人大小的石膏雕塑,包括朱熹。选 C。考点:考查名词辨析。()2.“He has had one of his kidneys (肾)removed and has beenill, too, ” she in her diary.A. putB. notedC. noticed D.picked【答案】 B【解析】试题分析:考查动词辨析:A. put放置,B. noted注意,记录,。对加注释,指出 C. noticed 通知,注意到, D. picked 捡起,挑选, 句意:“他的一个肾脏被摘除并一直生病。”她在她的日记记录到。选 B。考点:考查动词。( )3.Wewere scared to death whenthe fire . Fortunately,it was put out before it caused much damage.A. broke out B. came out C. gave out D. turned out【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。 break out 表示“ ( 战争、打斗等不 愉快事件 ) 突然发生” ;comeout 表示“出发, 发芽” ;give out 表示“分发,用完” ; turn out表示“结果是,生产” 。语意:突如其来的大火把我们吓得要死, 幸好被扑灭了,没有造成很大损失。 A 项符合语意。考点:考查动词短语。( )4. - Lucy seems in low spirits.- Yes, all her efforts were and no one was interestedin her invention.A. in needB. in vain C. in placeD.in use【答案】 B【解析】试题分析:考查介词短语:句意: - 露西好像情绪低落。 - 是,她的努力似乎是徒劳的,没有人对她的发明感兴趣。 A. in need 需要,B. in vain 徒劳, C. in place 在适当的位置, D. in use 在使用中, 所以选 B。考点:考查介词短语( )5. From the top of Mount Tai you can get a particularlywonderful of sunrise.A. scenery B. sight C. viewD. scene【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查名词辨析: 句意为:你可以从泰山顶上看到特别美丽 的日出风景。 A. scenery 自然风光, B. sight 风景名胜, scene 场 景, view 指在远处或高处以人的角度看到的 scenery 的一部分,符 合语境。所以选 C。考点:考查名词辨析( )6. The young actress looked so charming in her beautiful dress that we took pictures with her.A. masses of B. the number ofC. a great many ofD. a large amount of【答案】 A【解析】试题分析:考查短语辨析:句意:年轻的舞蹈演员穿着漂亮的衣服,非常迷人,所以我们拍了好多张他们的照片。 massesof 可以修饰可 数名词和不可数名词,表示大量的。The numberof的数量,a large amount of 修饰不可数名词,大量的; a great many of ,一般指的 是什么中的许多。这里不合适。所以选 A。考点:考查短语辨析( ) 7. Dont be by products promising to makeyou loseweight quickly.A. taken offB. taken outC. taken awayD. taken in【答案】D【解析】试题分析:考查词组辨析: take off 取下,脱下,起飞,开始流行, take out 取出, take away 拿走, take in 吸收, 欺骗,句意: 不要太快地被那些自称能保证很快减肥的产品骗到。所以选D。考点:考查词组辨析( )8. We do have trained people, but the problem is how to organize them, and their enthusiasm.A. raise B. arouse C. riseD.arise【答案】 B【解析】试题分析:考查动词辨析:句意:我们确实训练过人们,但是问题是 如何组织他们并唤起他们的热情。 A. raise 举起,提高, B. arouse 唤起,引起, C. rise 上升,上涨,起立, D. arise 产生,出现,所 以选 B。考点:考查动词辨析( )9. Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks in disasters.A. turn down B. break down C. turn out D. break out【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意为:在灾难中当无线网络发生故障时,老式的电话就 很重要了。 turn down 减小,关小,拒绝; break down 发生故障, 身体跨了; turn out 结果是,证明是; break out 爆发。故答案为B。考点 : 考查动词短语的用法。( )10. The accident caused some to my car, but it snothing serious.A. harmB. injury C. ruinD.damage【答案】 D【解析】试题分析:句意为:这场事故对我的车造成了一些损害,但不严重。常指心理或身体上的伤害; injury 通常为身体受到的外伤; ruin 废 墟,毁坏(不可修复);damage事故造成的伤害,破坏,但可以修复。 故答案为 D。考点: 名词词义的考查。( )11. The country hastoo many wars.A. packed up B. made sense C. gone by D.gone through【答案】D【解析】试题分析:考查短语动词的用法。 句意:这个国家经历了太多的战争。A打包;收拾;B讲得通;有意义C时光流逝;顺便走访;经过 D 经历;经受。大多指痛苦的事情。通过;用完;检查;完成。故选答 案D考点:考查短语动词的用法。( )12. - Pleaseall the numbers and tell me theresult.-Those numbers 10,000.A. add to, add upB. add up, add up toC. add up, add toD. add up to, add to【答案】 B解析】试题分析:考查近义短语的区别。句意:请把所有的数字加起 来并告诉我结果。那些数字加起来总共是 10000. add to 增添, 增加,增进 add up 加起来 add up to 加起来总共是 (总计是) ,根据 句意故应选 B考点:考查近义短语的区别。( )13. Whenwe visited Zhou Zhuang again ten years later, we found it changed so much that we could hardly it.A. request B. recognize C. swap D.realize【答案】B【解析】试题分析: 考查动词辨析。句意:当我们十年后再次访问周庄的时, 我们发现它改变如此之大以至于我们几乎认不出来。A要求B认出;辩认;认识C用替换,把换成,掉换D认识到;了解,实现; 完成。故选 B。考点:考查动词辨析。( )14. children whose parents had died in theearthquake sent to live with families in other cities.A. A great number of; wasB. The great number of;wasC. A great number of; wereD. The great number of;were答案】 C【解析】试题分析:考查a number of与the number of 的用法区别。句意: 很多父母在地震中丧生的孩子被送去和别的城市的家庭居住。Agreat number of是很多,大量的意思,谓语动词使用复数形式。而 The great number of 的大数量,描述的事物是数字,是个单数主语,故谓语动词使用单数形式。故选 G考点:考查 a number of 与the number of 的用法区别。()15. The school isn t the one I really wan ted to go to,but I suppose I II just have to it.A. make the best ofB. get away fromC. keep an eye onD. catch up with【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查动词短语。句意:这所学校不是我真正想上的学校, 但是我认为我只好充分利用好它了。A充分利用B远离C关注D追上, 赶上。故选A。考点:考查动词短语。()16. -Have you fini shed the report?-Sorry. It was so noisy in the office that I couldn tdow n to write any thi ng.A. settle B.put C.sit D.lie【答案】A【解析】试题分析: 考查动词短语。句意:你完成了报告吗?抱歉,办公室这么吵,我无法静下心来写任何东西。settle down定居;(使) 安静下来;平息; put down 放下, 记下, 拒绝, 镇压, sit down 坐 下 lie down 躺下,屈服。考点:考查动词短语。( )17. Lydia doesnt feel like abroad. Her parents areold.A. studyB. studying C. studied D
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