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2017年大学生英语竞赛(NECCSC类决赛真题试卷(精选)( 总分: 160.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、 Vocabulary and Structure( 总题数: 16,分数: 32.00)1. Part n Vocabulary and Structure(分数:2.00 )解析:2.Some bacteriaextremely harmful, butare regularly used in producing cheeses,crackers and many other foods.(分数: 2.00 )A. is: the othersB. has been: the othersC. are: othersVD. have been: others解析: 解析: 句意: 一些细菌极度有害, 但其他的细菌通常被用来制作奶酪、 饼干以及其他食品。 bacteria 为 bacterium 的复数形式, 因此谓语应当用复数形式。 该句陈述客观事实, 使用一般现在时。 “其他细菌” 为泛指,不需要加定冠词。故选 C。3.It was once a very prosperous part of the city, but now many of the businesses have moved away or gone.(分数: 2.00 )A. bankruptcyB. bankruptVC. bankruptedD. to bankrupt解析:解析:句意:这里曾经是这个城市非常繁荣的地区,但现在这里的很多企业要么搬走了,要么破产 了。go在此作连系动词,后加形容词表示“变成某种状态”。故选Bo4. When one is unfamiliar with the local customs, it is easy to make a.(分数: 2.00 )A. blameB. blunderVC. commitmentD. fault解析:解析:句意:一个人不熟悉当地习俗时,很容易就会犯下大错。blunder大错。blame责备。commitment承诺。fault 故障。故选Bo5. your timely advice, I would never have known how to deal with the tough job.(分数: 2.00 )A. But forVB. Except forC. Not untilD. Prior to解析:解析:句意:要不是你及时提出建议,我都不知道该怎么处理这件麻烦的工作。but for要不是oexcept for 除了。not until 直到才。 prior to 在之前。故选 A。6.Idhis reputation with other drug dealers and business people in the city, and then makea decision about whether or not toa loan.(分数: 2.00 )A. account for: supportB. make up for: objectC. take account of: approveVD. wipe out: oppose 解析:解析:句意:我要考虑到他在这个城市中其他贩毒者和商人之间的名望,再决定要不要批准给他贷 款。 take account of 考虑到。 approve 批准。故选 C。7., a manwho expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a manwhosecommand of language is poor.(分数: 2.00 )A. Were other things equalB. Other things to be equalC. Other things being equalVD. To be equal to other things解析:解析:句意:在其他条件一样的情况下,能够有效用言语表达思想的人比语言薄弱的人能更快获得 成功。该句主句为一般现在时,从句为独立主格句,谓语应用现在分词形式。故选C。8.In the book The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry, a valuable book was lost for years when it turned up one day, quite out of the.(分数: 2.00 )A. blackB. blueVC. redD. white解析:解析: 句意: 在小说 岛上书店 中,一本贵重的书在失踪了很多年后, 意外地在某一天又出现了。 out of the blue 为固定搭配,意为“意外地”。故选B。9. True patriotismputting the interests of ones country above everything, including onesown life.(分数: 2.00 )A. copes withB. derives fromC. takes inD. relies onV解析:解析:句意:真正的爱国主义仰仗的是把国家利益置于所有事物之上包括个人的生命。rely on依赖,仰仗。 cope with 处理。 derive from 源于。 take in 吸收;欺骗。故选 D。10. My father decided to make me go back to college immediately, study my lessons carefully,and.(分数: 2.00 )A. a masters degree must attainB. must attain my masters degreeC. attain my masters degreeVD. my masters degree be attained解析:解析:句意:我父亲决定让我立刻回大学读书,认真学习课程,并且必须拿到硕士学位。该句为并 列句, and 后连接的句式应与前面一致,且补语的主语也应一致。故选C。11. Librarieshave reference books you can check out a physicians educational background,training, and other credentials.(分数: 2.00 )A. from thatB. of whichC. through thatD. by whichV解析:解析:句意:图书馆有参考书,你可以用它们参阅医生的教育背景、受过的训练和其他的证书。空格后面为定语从句,引导词若介词前提则必须使用which。表示“通过参考书参阅” 一意时用介词 by比of更好。故选 D。12. The term BRIC was firstby Goldman Sachs economist Jim ONeill in a research paper,BRIC stands for Brazil, Russia, India and China.(分数: 2.00 )A. coined: in which VB. invented: of itC. made up: andD. produced: that解析:解析:句意:“金砖四国”这一术语由高盛经济学家吉姆奥尼尔在研究报告中最先提出。“金砖 四国”代表巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国这四个国家。 coin 作动词时意为“创造”。后半句为非限制性定语 从句,应用 which 或介词 +which 领导。故选 A。13. Had Dickens foreseen that his novel would cause such a disturbance, heit.(分数: 2.00 )A. should not have writtenB. would not have writtenVC. didnt writeD. had not written 解析:解析:句意:如果狄更斯能预见到他的小说会造成这么大的混乱,当时他就不会写这部小说了。该句使用了虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反。此时从句用“lf+主语+haddone”的形式,若if省略则had应提前,主句使用“ should could might would have done ”的形式。根据句意可判断情态动词应使用 would 。故选 B。14. lm concerned about your weight, l think you should go on a diet.Good, then youmight as well start right away.(分数: 2.00 )A. Youre so kind, but l dont have to do that.B. Actually, lve been thinking about the same thing.VC. Definitely. What about my blood pressure then?D. Oh my! You know its such a tough job for me.解析:解析:题干中第一个人说很关心对方的体重,认为对方应该节食。根据第三句话可推测对方接受了 他的看法,同意进行节食。由此可推测B项“事实上,我跟你考虑的一样。”符合语境。故选B15. Let me ask you some questions about the accident you witnessed.Thank you. Whendid the accident occur?(分数: 2.00 )A. Yes, l really enjoyed it.B. lts none of my business.C. Sure, go ahead. VD. Oh, stop teasing me. 解析:解析:题干中第一个人说要向目击者询问有关事故的一些问题。根据第三句可推测目击者同意回答 问题。 C 项符合语境。16. l t should be good. lm looking forward to taking it.(分数: 2.00 )A. Do you like computer games?B. How about cleaning the room with me?C. What do you think the computer course will be like?VD. What are you going to do after you graduate from high school?解析:解析:题干中的回答为“应该很不错,我很期待。”由此可知问题应该是对回答者推测的提问。C项意为“你觉得电脑课会是什么样 ?”,符合语境。故选C。二、 Cloze( 总题数: 2,分数: 40.00)17. Part 山 Cloze
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