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Unit Five Telephone OperatorTeaching aims :1.practice the students listening ability2.practice the students speaking ability3.let the students know the telephone behavior and master some useful sentences for operator.Teaching focus:1. telephone behavior2.some useful sentencesTeaching difficult *how to use correct terms to answer telephone.Capacity-building methodsReading and speaking.Role playTeaching classes 4First 2classesTeaching proceduresThe first 2 classesstep1 . learn the dialogue Step2 1.types of calls Person-to person call Station-to station call Collect call A long-distance call An overseas call A local call2. telephone languageP149Answering outside calls 1)打招呼(接外线电话)Good morning, this is Huatian Hotel.Room number, please?2)请对方等候Just a minute, please. Ill put you through to 请稍等会儿,我帮您接、Hold the line, please. Ill connect you to .请别挂电话,我帮您接、3)接通Mr.Jacksons line is available now. Ill switch you over.Ill put you through.4)听不清楚Im sorry, I cant hear you. Could you speak a bit louder? 对不起,我听不清楚,请您说得再响一点好吗?Could you repeat that, please?请您再说一遍好吗?5)占线Im sorry, the extension is busy right now. will you try the call later?对不起,那个分支现在占线,您再等一会儿打好吗?The line is engaged. Shall I have you paged as soon as I get through?电话占线了,如果接通了,我传呼您好吗?6)受话者不在Sorry, Mr. Bellow is not in right now. Would you call back?对不起,贝罗先生,您待会儿再打来好吗?May I take a message?我能为您带个口信吗?Would you like to leave a message?您要留个口信吗?7)打错了Im afraid youve got the wrong number.对不起,您拨错号码了。Connecting room calls(接宾馆内线电话)1)招呼语This is General Switchboard.2)客人要打市内外线电话The number of the Park Hotel is 3225225. Please dial 0 before you dial the number.3)客人要打途电话What number are you calling?你要的号是什么?Whos the call for?你要给谁打电话?Whats the name of person you wish to speak to?你要通话的人叫什么名字?I cant say how long it will take. If the line is not busy, youll get the phone within half an hour.我也说不上这个电话要等多久。如果不忙,半小时内可以通话。Weve got DDD system and IDD system in our hotel.我们宾馆设有国内和国际直拨电话系统。If you make a pay call, you can place it right in your room. If youd like to make a collect call, please dial 0 and ask the front desk for help.如果你自己付款打国际长途,你可以就在客户直接打。如果你要对方付款,那就先拨0,请总台代挂。Take a message(受话者不在)Would you like to leave a message?I can tell him that you called.Does he know your telephone number?Ill ask him to call you later.Would you mind calling back sometime tomorrow?If you leave your name and number, Ill have him call you back as soon as hes is available.Step 3 read the dialogues (five groups)The second 2 classesStep 1 read the dialogueStep 2 ask sb. To translate some sentencesStep 3 role play (30 preparation) Situation:1) You are staying in a big hotel in Shanghai. You want to call back to your boss in New York and you want the operator to make it a person-to person call, but unfortunately he isnt there.Make a dialogue between you and the operator.2)您好,总机,有什么事可以为您效劳吗? 您好。我想ROSE小姐讲话。请您告诉我她的房间号码。对不起,我不能告诉你她的房间号码,但是我可以把您的电话转过去。好的。请稍等。让我查一下。(转过去)对不起,ROSE 小姐出去了。那我可以给她留个口信吗?可以的。请问你是哪位?BLACK电话号码?8735004 请她一回来就跟我联系好吗?好的。我重复一下。BLACD先生给ROSE 小姐留言:请回来后尽快和8735004联系,对吗?是的。谢谢。Teaching feelings: 1. read the dialogues more times. 2. ask the students complete the exercise in class.
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