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四年级科教版英语下学期连词成句专项辅导题班级:_ 姓名:_1. is, Shopping, easy, fun, and, online, (.)2. of, like, cup, Id, a, coffee (.)3. computer room where is the (?)4. Amy, talking, her, friend, to, is, (.)5. goes, She, school, to, usually, by, train (.)6. boy, whos, this, (?)7. cute are fat they and8. is, nurse, doctor, she, a, or, a (?)9. these, look, at, and, toy, animals, boys, girls, (, .)10. white, where, cap, is, my (?)11. friend, Amy, is,my (. )12. in the classroom It is (.)13. aregameplayingaonTheyplaygroundthe(.)14. lost, I, schoolbag, my (.)15. her very hair is long (.)16. seven, there, books, schoolbag, are, my, in (.)17. here, is, not, near, Tammy (.)18. can, chopsticks, use, I (.)19. stationtheItsat (.)20. all, now, right, is, he (.)21. want, book, I, buy, a, story, to, (.)22. Monday, Friday, to, from, to, go, school, we (.)23. robots, do, everything, one, will, day, (.)24. she No isnt (, .)25. arethebrokeneggs (.)26. they the fridge Are on (?)27. the on desk the is phone (.)28. great is That (.)29. Have, pet, got, you, a, (?)30. Where, train, is, the, (?)31. yourscarfisthis (?)32. curtains behind Put the it (.)33. on, I, play, my, toys, Sunday, with (.)页码 / 总页数
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