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2022年考博英语-江西财经大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题The population of Pennsylvania increased from 50,000 in 1730 to more than 200,000 in 1763, ( )to the thousands of Scotch Irish.问题1选项A.in effectB.in consequenceC.in large partD.at large【答案】C【解析】in large part 表示“主要地”,相当于mainly:in effect意为“实际”“事实上”;in consequence 意为“因而”“结果”;at large意为“大体上”。本句意为:“宾夕法尼亚的人口从1730年的5万增加到1763年的20万,主要是由于苏格兰和爱尔兰人混血的后裔造成的。”2. 单选题I cant work with you( )all the time. Go away.问题1选项A.stepping on my toesB.breathing down my neckC.standing in the gapD.coming into your own【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项stepping on my toes的原型是step on ones toes,意思是“触怒某人”;B选项breathing down my neck的原型是breathe down ones neck,意思是“紧跟着,紧盯着”;C选项stand in the gap“挺身阻挡;首当其冲”;D选项coming into your own的原型是come into ones own,意思是“进入繁盛期;得到自己该得的东西”。句意:你一直 ,我不能工作。走开。根据句意可知,“我”想让对方走开,那么很有可能是因为对方一直在监视自己,所以B选项正确。3. 单选题Her humorous remarks seemed ( ), but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.问题1选项A.intentionalB.spontaneousC.preciseD.crude【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项intentional“故意的;蓄意的;策划的”;B选项spontaneous“自发的;自然的”;C选项precise“精确的;明确的;严格的”;D选项crude“粗糙的;天然的,未加工的;粗鲁的”。句意:她的幽默的评论看起来好像很自然,但是实际上是事先认真准备好的。but表转折,前后形成对比。由后一句的“prepared beforehand事先准备的”可知“seemed spontaneous看起来很自然”符合句意,因此B选项正确。4. 单选题For decades, people had continued to pay down mortgages until their last cent was spent. Now, increasing numbers were giving up their homes even as they continued to service other debts. Faced with a plunge in house prices across the US something that has not happened since the Great Depression of the 1930s the mortgage industry is already dealing with a surge in the numbers of people defaulting on their payments.The concern is that the losses on risky subprime mortgages could soon swell further as people with good credit history decide it is not worth continuing to make payments on houses worth less that the loan. House prices in the US are already 20 per cent from the 2006 highs and are forecast to keep falling. For many, especially those who have put little of their own money into a house, sending back the keys could be perfectly rational. The practice has given a name in the industry “jingle mail” and there are even companies specializing in helping people with the decision. Youwalkway.com, one such service, almost makes it sound an alluring prospect, “what if you could live payment-free for up to eight months or more and walk away without owing a penny?” the website asks.Larry Rosenberger, arguably one of the most experienced crunchers of consumer debt statistics around, was meeting the consortium of mortgage lenders to talk about analyzing their data from clues about which people in negative equity could be expected to keep paying down their mortgages. They said, “were getting killed with losses, can we figure out more accurately who will do what, so we can be more accommodating with some borrowers but not with others,” Mr. Rosenberger says.The accuracy of the models used by the likes of Mr. Rosenberger to flag good and bad customers could make a huge difference to the losses that lenders eventually have to absorb losses that will, in turn, determine the availability of fresh funds for new loans. His approach was to seek clues to peoples future actions in their past behaviors. For example, people with children at local schools may be less likely to walk away than people without school-age children. People with mortgages on second homes may be more likely to give up the investment.26. Which of the following is NOT true according to Paragraph 1?27. People stop paying house mortgages because( ).28. The worrying situation in mortgage industry( ).29. What do you think Larry Rosenberger does?30. What does the underlined word “flag” mean in Paragraph 4?问题1选项A.The pattern that people pay down mortgages has changed recently.B.The last time that house prices dropped so rapidly was the Great Depression.C.People stop paying mortgages for not only houses but also everything else.D.The mortgage industry is facing a big challenge because people can no longer pay their debts.问题2选项A.they find that their houses are worth less than the loanB.their credit cards are closed and they have gone bankruptcyC.they do not have a good credit history and fail to get the loanD.they can live in the house without paying anything问题3选项A.is accompanied by a new mailing service called “jingle mail”B.is worsened by the new business such as Youwalkaway.comC.is caused by those people who have invested little in housingD.can be changed if people become more rational and law-abiding问题4选项A.He crunches consumers so that they will pay their debts.B.He provides borrowers financial information to mortgage lenders.C.He analyses the lenders data to predict what customers will do.D.He uses his experience to help t
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