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八年级下册短语归纳Module 1- 4 -1. 整理tidy up2. 占据take up3. 一直;始终all the time4. 对有/感兴趣be interested in5. 想要某人做某事want sb. to do sth.6. 收集have a collection of7. 听某人演奏音乐listen to sb. play music8. 在结束时候/末尾at the end of9. 接受(某人的)采访give an interview (to sb.)10. 将会出名be going to be famous 11. 并且;还as well as12. 例如骑自行车上学such as cycling to school13. 结果as a result14. 出版;发行come out15. 迫使/使得某人做某事make sb. do sth.16. 发展兴趣develop ones interests17. 在某方面花费(时间或钱)spend .on sth./ doing 18. 在野营地at the camp19. 在未来in the future20. 努力/尽力做某事try to do sth.21. 喜欢/享受做某事enjoy doing sth. 22. 为某人制作某物make sb. sth = make sth. for sb. 23. 买某物给某人buy sb. sth.=buy sth. for sb. 24. 帮助某人做某事help sb. (to ) do sth. 25. 省钱save money 26. 照顾,照料look after27. 花费(时间或钱)做某事spend in doing sth. 28. 必须/有必要做某事need to do sth.29. 在过去in the past 30. 学到/了解到很多关于的知识learn a lot aboutModule 231. 回电话call back 32. (别挂电话)等一下hold the line/ hold on33. take a message捎口信34. 是否whether . or not35. 欢迎来中国welcome to China36. 实际上;事实上in fact/ actually 37. 公共音乐会a public concert38. (将)在两三个月之后in a couple of months39. 思念亲人miss ones relations40. 亲密的朋友close friends41. 与不同(be) different from42. 觉得像(是)feel like sth.43. 喜欢;愿意 feel like sth./ doing44. 和交朋友make friends with45. 好运伴随good luck with46. 顺便问一下;顺便说by the way47. 遥远的far away48. 害怕做某事be afraid to do sth. 49. 担心;担忧worry about50. 和往常一样;照常as usual 51. 在那时at that moment52. 转身turn back53. 一天天地;逐日day by day54. 靠近;亲近close to55. 感觉心碎了feel ones heat break56. 同某人谈论某事talk to/with sb. about sth.57. 记得做过某事remember doing sth.58. 使我感到幸福make me feel happy59. 去听音乐会go to the concert60. 改变某天的生活/人生change ones life 61. 采访某人interview sb. 62. 当然of course 63. 现在right now Module 364. 通过收音机on the radio 65. 当心,小心look out (for ) 66. 最新消息the latest news 67. 别提了。没关系。别客气,不算什么。别放在心上。Dont mention it.。68. 带领某人参观show sb. around 69. 停止交谈stop talking 70. 同意某人的意见agree with sb. 71. 朝下看;瞧不起look down72. 寻求;要求;申请ask for73. 关闭;倒闭close down 74. 亲自in person 75. 在岁时at the age of 76. 以开始begin .with . 77. 测试声音do a sound check 78. 为考试做准备prepare for a test 79. 朝外面看look out of 80. 健康问题health problem 81. 健康与医疗health and health care Module 482. 摄像机video camera 83. 打开(灯,水等)turn on 84. 回放视频play back /replay the video85. 摄像take videos 86. 用电子邮件by email 87. 查明,发现find out 88. 连接A与B connect A with / to/ and B89. 保存文档save the document 90. 按压按钮press the button91. 等待10秒 wait for 10 seconds92. 开始(工作);快点;振作起来come on93. 拉小提琴 play the violin94. 做某事对某人重要It is important for sb. to do sth.95. 挽救某人的生命save ones life96. 给某人开药give sb. medicine97. 咬了某人的手bite sb. on the hand 98. 拾起,捡起pick up 99. 保持冷静stay cool 100. 上医院看病go to hospital 101. 拿给某人看show sth. to sb. 102. 编辑短信text a message 103. 邮寄明信片post a card 104. 给家里发短信send a message home 105. 在农村/乡村in the countryside 106. 查阅look up 107. 发现;找到find out 108. 准备好做某事be ready to do sth. 109. 关闭turn off Module 5110. 拒绝做某事refuse to do sth. 111. 一起all together112. 在结束时/末尾at the end of113. 打败某人/赢某人beat sb.114. 提醒/ 警告某人注意 warn sb. about sth.115. 送走;让走开send away116. 以而自豪be proud of117. keep ones best friend留住最好的朋友118. 还有一次机会;有再一次的机会have another chance/ have one more chance119. tell (sb.) the truth (向某人)说出真相 120. 有困难/难处have a problem 121. (向某人)征求建议ask (sb.) for advice 122. 提醒/警告某人不要做某事warn sb. not to do sth. 123. 用某物来做某事use sth. for sth./doing sth. 124. 出故障/出问题go wrong125. 把复制到电脑上copy sth. onto the compute126. 从电脑上卸载take sth. off the computer 127. 确保;确定make sure 128. 主动提出/建议做某事offer to do sth. 129. 犯错误;做错事make a mistake130. 生某人的气be angry with sb. 131. 至少at least132. 零花钱pocket money133. 毕竟;终究after all134. 帮助某人做某事help sb. with sth. 135. 真心感到抱歉/内疚be truly sorry 136. 维修电脑mend the computer137. 赶快hurry up138. (给某人)提建议give advice (to sb.)139. 得高分get high scores140. 睡眠充足get enough sleep141. 能够be able to142. 在某方面做得好do well in/ be good at143. 做个备忘录keep notes144. 积蓄,存钱save up (money)145. 在某人回家路上on ones way home146. 为而感到骄傲be proud of147. 看太多电视watch too much TVModule 6148. 发生take place / happen 149. 醒着/睡着be awake / asleep 150. (和)交朋友make friends (with .) 151. 为担心be worried about 152. 向某人解释explain sth. to sb. 153. 拍手欢呼clap and cheer 154. 想念家人和朋友miss ones family and friends 155. 许多打斗场面lots of action 156. 在我看来in my opinion 157. 反映真实生活的true to life 158. except for 除了之外159. act well 表演出色 160. (和)面对面face to face (with) 161. 出版come out 162. 太多too much 163. 扮演某人play sb. 164. 建议某人做某事advise sb. to do sth. 165. 许多plenty of 166. 玩得开心have a great time 167. 玩得开心enjoy oneself 168. 在的尽头at the end of 169. 加入某些人(成为其中一员)join sb. Module 7170. 全中国 all around China171.
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