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摘 要本次设计主要是为了开发利用B江流域的水利资源,建设一个以发电为主,同时兼顾灌溉、供水、防洪及养殖等综合利用效益的跨流域开发的水利水电枢纽工程。在明确了建设目的并具有了建设依据和条件后设计的枢纽概况如下:B江水利枢纽为复合土工膜防渗堆石坝最大坝高53.0米,装机6400kW,电站设计水头174米,保证出力1461kW,装有两台3200kW机组,正常蓄水位275.5m,主坝长236.5米左右,上游边坡1:1.5,下游边坡1:1.4。本次设计主要容为:经洪水调节确定坝顶高程;坝型的比选;第一主要建筑物的设计;施工组织设计。并进行了导流隧洞投标文件的编写,其中重点对本次设计专题施工组织设计了设计及编写。复合土工膜防渗堆石坝是一种新的坝型,其防渗材料-复合土工膜的设计、施工、质量控制是该类坝型的技术关键,在本设计说明书第六章第三节有详细说明。本工程导流隧洞施工具有施工工作断面小,工期紧的特点,故其施工工艺是关键,在本设计说明书的有详细的说明。本次设计以一般混凝土面板堆石坝和一些已建复合土工膜堆石坝为参考,在注重各细部独立分项设计的同时,综合考虑了整体工程的统一性。在专题的编写中参考已建工程的导流隧洞,对导流隧洞的施工组织进行了设计,确保按期完成导流隧洞标段工程。在设计过程中既充分运用了所学知识,广泛参考了堆石坝设计、施工等相关书籍,并在规规定设计,体现了本设计的科学性、规性。关键词:复合土工膜、堆石坝 、 防渗 、 边坡稳定 、导流隧洞 、施工组织设计AbstractThe purpose of this design is to develop the water resources of B Jiang Basin,constructing a power-based, taking into account irrigation, water supply, flood protection and aquacultureEtc. of comprehensive utilization efficiency, such as the development of inter-basin water conservancy and hydropower project.After clearing the purpose of the construction,having the basis and conditions of the construction the project is designed as follows:B Jiang Project is a composite geomembrane impermeable rock-fill dam height of 53.0m,installed 6400kW,the design head of power station is 174m,the firm capacity is 1461kW,with two engine unit of 3200Kw,the normal water level is 275.5m,the length of the main dan is about 236.5m,the upstream slope is1.5 and downstream slope is 1:4.The primary coverage of the design is: ascertain the crest elevation;Pa-selection; the first major building design; construction organization design. And composed the tender documents of the diversion tunnel, and focus on the design special topicthe diversion tunnel construction organization.Impermeable composite geomembrane rockfill dam is a new type of dam, the impermeable materialcomposite geomembranethe design, construction, quality control is the dam of such key technology in the design of Chapter VI of the third statement Festival are explained in more detail.The diversion tunnel construction project have the characteristics of small construction work on the section, tight time limit, so its construction technology is the key, in the design have the specification of a detailed explanation.The design is refer to the general CFRDand some of geomembrane rockfill dam which has been build .Pay attention to the detail design of the independent sub-item ,at the same time, considering the unity of the overall project.In the design of the topic , referencing the diversion tunnel that had build, the construction of diversion tunnel design organizations is to ensure that the scheduled completion of diversion tunnel project tenders. In the design process which is full use of the knowledge, extensive reference to the dam design, construction and other related books, and design within the provisions regulating, the design reflects the scientific and standardized.Key words: composite geomembrane rockfill damanti-seepage the diversion tunnel construction organization.目 录ABSTRACT- 2 -第一章综合说明- 8 -1.1 工程特性表- 8 -1.2 建设目的和依据- 11 -1.3 建设的条件- 11 -1.4 建设的规模及综合利用效益- 11 -1.4.1 建设规模- 11 -1.4.2 综合利用效益- 11 -第二章自然地理条件- 12 -2.1 地形条件- 12 -2.2 水文特性- 12 -2.3 工程地质条件- 12 -2.3.1库区工程地质- 12 -2.3.2坝址工程地质- 13 -2.3.3 引水发电隧洞工程地质条件- 15 -2.4 气象、地震及其他- 16 -2.4.1 气象、地震- 16 -2.4.2 天然建筑材料- 16 -第三章设计条件和设计依据- 17 -3.1 设计任务- 17 -3.2 设计依据- 17 -第四章洪水调节计算- 18 -4.1 洪水调洪演算- 18 -4.1.1 洪水调洪演算原理- 18 -4.1.2洪水调洪演算方法- 19 -4.2 洪水标准分析- 19 -4.3 洪水建筑物的型式选择- 19 -4.4 调洪演算及泄水建筑物尺寸孔口尺寸/堰顶高程的确定- 20 -4.4.1 调洪演算过程- 20 -4.4.2 洪水过程线的模拟- 21 -4.4.3 计算公式- 21 -4.4.4 计算结果- 21 -4.4.5 方案选择- 22 -4.4.6 坝顶高程的确定- 22 -第五章主要建筑物型式选择及枢纽布置- 25 -5.1 枢纽等别及组成建筑物级别- 25 -5.2 坝型选择- 25 -5.2.1 定性分析- 25 -5.2.2 定量分析- 29 -5.3 泄水建筑物型式选择- 29 -5.4 水电站建筑物- 30 -5.5 枢纽方案的综合比较- 30 -5.5.1 挡水建筑物复合土工膜防渗堆石坝- 30 -5.5.2 泄水建筑物正槽溢洪道- 30 -5.5.3 水电站建筑物- 30 -第六章第一主要建筑物设计- 30 -6.1 大坝轮廓尺寸及防浪墙设计- 30 -6.1.1 L型挡墙顶高程及坝顶高程、宽度- 30 -6.1.2 坝体分区- 30 -6.1.3 L型挡墙设计- 30 -6.1.4 坝坡与马道- 30 -6.2 堆石料设计- 30 -6.2.1堆石料基本特性参数- 30 -6.2.2主、次堆石料设计- 30 -6.2.3垫层、过渡层设计- 30 -6.2.4堆石体设计技术参数表- 30 -6.2.5堆石体填筑技术参数表- 30 -6.3 复合土工膜设计- 30 -6.3.1复合土工膜的选型和分区- 30 -6.3.2土工膜强度校核- 30 -6.4 大坝稳定分析- 30 -6.4.1 计算原理及方法- 30 -6.4.2 坝坡稳定分析- 30 -6.4.3 坝坡面复合土工膜的稳定分析- 30 -6.5 副坝设计- 30 -6.5.1 副坝及主坝的连接及副坝型式选择- 30 -6.6 细部构造设计及地基处理- 30 -6.6.1 坝顶构造- 30 -6.6.2 护坡设计- 30 -6.6.3 分缝及止水- 30 -6.6.4 坝基处理- 30 -6.7趾板设计- 30 -6.7.1 趾板的作用- 30 -6.7.2 趾板最大剖面设计- 30 -6.8坝体沉降估算- 30 -6.9工程量计算- 30 -6.9.1 工程量计算的依据及项目划分- 30 -6.9.2主坝工程量计算- 30 -6.9.3副坝工程量计算- 30 -第七章施工组织设计- 30 -7.1基本资料分析- 30 -7.1.1工程概况- 30 -7.1.2施工条件- 30 -7.1.3有效工日分析- 30 -7.2施工导流- 30 -7.2.1导流标准- 30 -7.2.2施工导流方案及大坝施工分期- 30 -7.2.3导流建筑物规划布置- 30 -7.3主体工程施工- 30 -7.3.1堆石体施工- 30 -7.3.2堆石体施工- 30 -7.3.3导流隧洞施工- 30 -7.4施工交通运输道路布置- 30 -7.5.1 质量目标- 30 -7.5.2 质量
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