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新教材三上Unit 8 Happy New Year! (Story time)说课稿我的教授内容是:三上Unit 8 Happy New Year! (Story time)Period1本课教授的单词是doll, ball, robot, car, CD和句型是Happy New Year! Whats this/that? Its a This is for you. /Thisis for you./Its for you.教授目标是:1.能听得懂、会说、会读词汇:doll, ball, robot, car, CD,发音准确。2.能听得懂、会说、会读句型:Happy New Year! Whats this/that? Its a This is for you. /Thisis for you./Its for you.3.能在情境中运用所学词汇和句型进行交流。4.通过学习了解一定的节日礼仪和文化。5.能在学习过程中培养学生自我评价和自我检测的能力。 围绕这些教学目标,同时为了积极响应新教材Ticking time板块,培养学生自我评价和自我检测的能力,我将这个课设计成出示学习目标,完成活动,及时自我评价和检测的任务型教学模式。在一开始就告知学生今天要完成的学习任务,然后通过以下三个活动:我会说新年快乐;我会通过用This is for you来赠送礼物;我知道如何庆祝节日来分版块实现教授本课重点单词和句型,提倡创设新年快乐的这个大情景,通过学生互赠新年祝福,教师赠送礼物,学生互赠礼物等活动来实现。 通过学生一年级学过的贺卡,红包和音乐引入话题,通过Freezing游戏检测第1项学习任务。然后出示各种新年礼物在情境中教授单词。对于重难点单词robot,注意侧重于学生自己的读音归类和发现。通过用学生感兴趣的pass and chant环节巩固新知,同时引入赠送礼物的第2项学习任务。进入课文后,又通过目标不同的三个小任务,让学生理解课文并尝试配音。最后拓展其他节日,让学生选择表演达成第3项学习任务,鼓励学生在情境中运用所学词汇和句型进行交流。同时,我还积极渗透一定的节日礼仪和文化,让学生在学习欣赏的时候,鼓励学生做个有礼貌的人。对于以下这几个方面可以觉得还有欠缺的地方。如:句型的拓展教授,学生思维发散性培养上,中西方文化的糅合教授上,时间的掌控上,教师自身的语音语调语速上。新教材三上Unit 8 Happy New Year! 课堂实录课前放歌Happy New Year!Step1.Warming up1. Learning aims.T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Gu.T: At first, lets see our learning aims! After this lesson, we can do these things. 1. We can say “Happy New Year!” 2. We are happy to give presents by saying “This is for you.” 3. We know how to celebrate a holiday. After learning, we can do the paper“ Ticking time”. If you can doit well, you can get 3 stars.Now are you ready for the class?2. Free talk.T: Boys and girls, can you say a similar word? bus/niceLook at my book.(出示实物) Look at this desk. Look at that door. Can you say? Look atS:Car/cool/Look at my pencil(教师给予评价性语言How nice!/Its nice.)T: Look at my coat.S: How nice/ Its niceT: What colour is it?S: Red.Step2. Presentation and practice.1. 教授Happy New Year! (完成Ticking time第一项)T: Today Ive got another red thing. Whats this? (实物card)S:Its a card.T: (PPT) Is that a card?S: No. Its a red packet.T: Yes, its a red packet. Look, here is a card. Here is a red packet. Guess, what holiday is coming? (听一小段音乐)S: (引导)Oh, its New Year!T: Yes, New Year is coming. Now lets see! (放相关图片和背景歌曲渲染新年气氛) At New Year, we can say “ Happy New Year!”跟读,(出示板书读) Happy New Year! Boys and girls! S: Happy New Year! Miss Gu. (贴板书)T: Look, its our first learning aim: We can say “Happy New Year!”(PPT强调) Cn you say “Happy New Year!”Now lets play a game: Freezing Game! You should say: Happy New Year!(对个人说)T: Here are some tips for you.Tips: 用英语向他人表达节日问候,可以让我们感受到学习英语的乐趣和成就。T:To express the holiday greetings to others in English, we can feel happy and successful.(完成Ticking time第一项)T: Now its ticking time. 1.I can say “Happy New Year!” If you can do it well, you can tick 3 stars! (完成Ticking time第一项,教师及时走入学生中关注打分情况,T:Good! Youve got 3 stars!) Put your paper in your book.T:OK. Today well learn: Unit 8 Happy New Year!(齐读-贴板书揭示课题)2. 实物教授CDT:At New Year, we can say“Happy New Year!”.What else can we do? We can get presents. Do you know presents? It means gifts.T:(教授presents)Read after me!升降调跟读present-presents. Look, this is a New Year present. Whats this? (举出实物CD,点个人回答) Youre so clever! Happy New Year, XXX! This is for you.S1: Thank you.教授a CD 跟读,齐读T:Pay attention to the capital letter C and capital letter D.(贴板书)3.红盒子教授doll, This is for you. Thank you.T: Today Ive got some New Year presents.(出示三盒子) Look at my red box. Do you like it?S: Yes.T: Hello! Happy New Year, XXX! This is for you! Do you want to know whats in it?S1: (引导带上板书) Whats this?S: (引导其余学生说)Its a doll.T:This doll is for you.S: Thank you.T: Is it nice?S: Yes.T: Read after the tape.教授doll 跟读单词升降调读-个人拼读,贴板书T:(动作)What can we say? 教授This is for you.T: Lets read. This is for you. “For” here means “给”.带读动作释义for,贴板书Dont forget to say “Thank you”(贴板书)4.蓝盒子教授car. This is for you.T: Now look at my blue box. Who likes it? (给个人) Happy New Year,XXX! This is for you. You can ask: (引导)Whats?S: Its a car.T: Yes, its a green toy car. Do you like it? This green toy car is for you.T: Read after the tape.教授a car.跟读单词-出示单词升降调读-贴板书T: (做动作) We can say “This is for you”. We can also say (让学生说) “This car/toy car/green toy car is for you.”(出示板书贴)This is for you.”5.橙白盒子教ball.T: This is another nice box. Who likes it? (给个人) Happy New Year,XXX! This is for you. You can ask: (引导)Whats?S: Its a ball.T: Yes, its a blue ball. Do you like it? This blue ball is for you.(引导齐说This blue balltogether 1 2)T: Now read the word. 教授ball allball跟读-升降调读6.猜图片Whats that?复习CD/doll/car/ball,给线索教授新单词robot.T: Show me your fingers. Lets see the New Year presents! Whats that?S: Its a CD/doll/car/ball.T: Happy New Year,XXX! This is for you. / Thisis for you. /Its for you. (图片奖励)若给不一样的图片T:Whats this? Thisis for you.T:Whats that? Its too small. Ill give you some clues.
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