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隆胸?还是隆凶?2022完好中英文对照剧本去年年末时 At the end of last year, 有毒隆胸假体的新闻充满了各大版面头条 news of toxic breast implants hit the headlines. 英国女性使用的硅胶隆胸假体 .Women in Britain with silicone breast implants 来自于一家法国公&;hearts;司&;hearts; made by a French pany. 风行世界的假体填充物 Implants used across the world各大报纸对此新闻的报道 突然间被发现存在着破裂的危险 suddenly were found to be at risk of bursting,使得女性们 leaving women terrified开场担忧其可能造成的伤害 about what this could mean for their bodies. 我名叫吉玛加勒特 My name is Gemma Garrett,PIP 即法国贝丽公&;hearts;司&;hearts; 是英国使用 PIP 假体的 and Im one of nearly 50,000 women in Britain 近五万名女性中的一位 who was given those PIP implants. 他感受到肿块的存在He felt along the lumps并告知了我关于 PIP 的事情 and then he said to me about PIPs. 这是我第一次听说这些 That was the first time Id ever heard of them. 在我的假体两次破裂之后 After my own experience of double rupture 并准备再次做手术之前 and going under the knife again. 这种假体破裂情况真是前所未见 Ive never seen implants ruptured in this way. 我踏上了找出 Im on a mission to find outPIP 丑闻根的道路 how the PIP scandal was allowed to happen. 我认为整形诊所要回应很多问题 These clinics have got a lot to answer to. 而且要为此买&;hearts;&;hearts;单 They should be footing this bill. 拜访深受其害的女性朋友 To meet the women its affected the most. 你在那儿安了两枚定时炸&;hearts;弹&;hearts; You have ticking bombs there. 我本来还想坚强点一笑置之的 Ive tried to be so strong and laugh through it, but. 并将假体产业看做一个整体 .And investigate the implant industry as a whole. 你升到哪个罩杯了 What size do you go to? 我想弄清楚终究有何潜在风险 I want to get to grips with what the risks really are. 天呐 Oh, God. 疼痛这儿的伤疤痛得钻心 The pain, you know, the scar is really sore. 弄明白为何女性不惜赌上安康.Understand why women gamble their health追求丰乳 for a bigger bust. 是它给了我实现梦想的自信 Its given me the confidence to actually live my dream. 对我来说隆胸利大于弊 The benefits for me outweigh the risks. 找寻假体丰胸的替代品 .Explore the alternatives out there. 30 天就能让胸部变大 Your boobs get bigger after 30 days. 丰胸产品 并为了成百上千女性的利益问一句 .And ask on behalf of hundreds of thousands of women, 隆胸还是隆凶 are my fake breasts safe? &;隆胸还是隆凶&; 丰胸手术绝非 Boob jobs are by no means only reserved 名人或迷人模特们的专属 for celebrities and glamour models. 手术不是非为了聚光灯下的风采 You dont have to be under the spotlight to go for surgery. 去年仅仅在英国 Last year in the UK alone, 就有两万五千名女性选择了假体隆胸 25,000 women opted for breast implants. 对女性胸部具有迷恋之情的不单只是男人 Its not just men who are fixated by womens breasts. 潮流报道 作为一名时尚记者和前英国小姐 As a fashion journalist and former Miss Great Britain,我深知年轻女性为追求所谓的完美身材 I know all too well the pressures heaped on young women 而承受的压力 to look a certain way. 我大概是 B 罩杯I was about size B,大号&;hearts;的 B 罩小号&;hearts;的 C 罩 a large B, small C, 一边乳&;hearts;房&;hearts;&;hearts;比另一边稍大些 and one was bigger than the other. 我对此非常在意 I was just very self-conscious about it. 因此在 26 岁时我决定做丰胸手术 Thats why, at 26, I decided to get implants. 我绝不希望整形痕迹太明显 I definitely didnt want a plastic look. 最后的效果却太夸大 I ended up with breasts that just looked ridiculous, 因为相对我的身材我的胸部太大了 because they were far too big for my small frame at the time. 更糟糕的是它们是 PIP 公&;hearts;司&;hearts;的 And even worse, they were PIPs. 三年过去了2022 年 5 月It was three years later, in May 2022,我的噩梦由此开场 that my nightmare began. 那时包括我在内的大多数人 Long before most people, including me,都还不理解 PIP 的真面目 had any idea what PIPs were, 我开场觉得不适 I started to feel very ill, 一边乳&;hearts;房&;hearts;&;hearts;开场急剧变形 and one of my breasts began to dramatically change shape. 那时我还不知道我用的是不合格的假体 I didnt know it yet, but my implants were faulty. 这就是左边的假体 This was the left one. 就是感觉到有肿块的那一边 This is the one that I had the lump in, 很明显这个肿块就是硅胶 and obviously, the lump was just silicone. 它整个都破裂了 So its pletely ruptured. 我感觉到不适后 As soon as I felt ill, 便联&;hearts;系&;hearts;了植入假体的诊所 I tried contacting the clinic that had put the implants in. 但没有得到回应我便对他们不再信任 But when I didnt get a response, I lost faith in them, 另找了一位外科医生 and found a new surgeon. 他也感受到了肿块的存在 He felt along the lumps as well, 并和我说了关于 PIP 的事情 and then he said to me about PIPs. 这是我第一次听说这些 And thats the first time Id ever heard of them. 我习惯它们 I like to keep them 因为我想给大家看看这些富有魅力的硅胶 because I like to show people how glamorous it is 公&;hearts;司&;hearts;法国 PIP 是法国一家公&;hearts;司&;hearts;的名称 PIP is the name of the French pany它制&;hearts;造&;hearts;的隆胸假体 that made the implants put in me为我和全球四十万女性所使用 and 400,000 other women around the world. 去年 12 月 Last December, 隆胸假体敲响致癌警钟 新闻报导news broke that一名植入 PIP 假体的法国女性死于癌症 a Frenchwoman with PIPs had died from cancer. 有毒假体 癌症后证实并非由假体引起 The cancer was not found to be caused by the implants, 问题假体作假药物和没牙的看门狗 但这件事照旧掀起了轩然大&;hearts;波&;hearts; but this story opened a can of worms 恐惧 成为了一条国际性丑闻 that became an international scandal. 硅胶假体大胸也大凶 劣质硅胶引发恐惧 P PIP 私自使用工业硅胶的事实 It quickly emerged that PIP had been secretly using 很快浮出水面 industrial-grade silicone. 一位法国毒理学家甚至发现他们的假体中 A French toxicologist even found their implants 包含了燃料添加剂 contained fuel additives以及医学界所未知的化学成分 and chemicals unknown in
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