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2022年考博英语-中共中央党校考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题He had a clear picture of a sad and lonely man, deeply concerned about his health which seemed to promise only a fairly rapid decline into ( ).问题1选项A.convalesceB.recoveryC.senilityD.relapse【答案】C【解析】名词词义辨析。convalesce “渐渐恢复”;recovery “恢复”;senility “衰老,老态龙钟”;relapse “复发,恢复原状”。句意:他很清楚地了解到一个悲伤孤独的老人,非常关心自己的身体健康状况,这种健康状况似乎预示着会迅速进入衰老状态。选项C符合题意。2. 单选题History before the emergence of writing around 3,000 B.C. receives brief treatment, ( ) it constitutes 99.9% of the five-million-year history of the human species.问题1选项A.becauseB.althoughC.thatD.when【答案】B【解析】语法题。空格前句提到书写于公元前3000年左右的历史知识得到了简短的称述,空格后句提到这个时间的历史构成了人类500万年历史的99.9%,所以前后两句是让步关系,选用让步连词although,选项B符合题意。3. 单选题When discussing cultural perspectives, we need to recognize that there are two kinds: emic and etic. Emic perspectives are (1) articulated by members of the culture to explain themselves and their culture, while etic perspectives are those of outsiders to the culture who use their own criteria to explain (2)culture.Etic perspectives include those of visitors to the culture, the criteria they use to describe and explain what they encounter, (3) categories for cross-cultural description and analysis established by anthropologists and other cultural researchers(4) many cultures. (5) the continuum, etic perspectives consist of simple explanations from ones own cultural background. This is a common reaction to cultural phenomenaexplaining them (6) perceived similarities or differences to ones own culture, better (7)ethnocentrism. At the other end of the spectrum, etic perspectives consist of categories that can be used to describe (8) cultures. Some of these categories are drawn from notions of cultural universals and(9)the table of contents of introductory cultural anthropology textbooks. They reflect cultural practices and products: institutions like family, kinship, economy, leisure, music, or government. Other etic classifications come from theories of cultural perspectives: value orientations such as individualism / collectivism, low-context / high-context, polychromic / monochromic, and (10) .Etic perspectives, (11), provide frameworks to describe, analyze, and explain a culture from the (12). Each etic category carries assumptions about the nature of culture, and it is important to (13) these assumptions.Emic explanations are perspectives that members of the culture use to describe or explain their own way of life. These perspectives do not necessarily correspond to etic categories, (14) that the members use for their explanations. (15), members may easily express the reasons for cultural products and practice. Or, given that many fundamental cultural perspectives are outside awareness, like the submerged bulk of the cultural iceberg, members may have difficulty finding words to fully explain them; (16) I had no explanation on American toilet training practices.It is a daunting task to identify the perspectives of a culture. Fortunately for language teachers, anthropologists, interculturalists, and others have devised frameworks for explaining cultures. These frameworks, because they apply to all cultures, are examples of the (17) perspectives.A number of models of etic perspectives are (18) in the field. (19), these models presume that there is a finite set of realities that all cultures must address. These realities are part of the human condition. Different cultures perceive these realities in distinct ways. These distinct perceptions, (20), lead to different beliefs, values, attitudes, and practicesin a word, to different worldviews.问题1选项A.whatB.whichC.theseD.those22.问题2选项A.anothersB.the othersC.the othersD.others问题3选项A.exceptB.as well asC.besideD.besides问题4选项A.to describeB.describingC.describedD.describe问题5选项A.At an end ofB.At the end ofC.At one end ofD.At end of问题6选项A.in term ofB.in terms ofC.on term ofD.on terms of问题7选项A.been known asB.been known forC.known asD.known for问题8选项A.any and allB.all otherC.some otherD.one another问题9选项A.read fromB.read inC.read likeD.read as问题10选项A.the likeB.the likesC.a likeD.likes问题11选项A.neverthelessB.moreoverC.thereforeD.however问题12选项A.insideB.outsideC.visitorsD.nature问题13选项A.bring aboutB.bring inC.bring offD.bring out问题14选项A.no the terminology doesB.no does the terminologyC.nor the terminology doesD.nor does the terminology问题15选项A.When been askedB.When askedC.When askingD.When having asked问题16选项A.becauseB.just asC.thoughD.since问题17选项A.anthropologicalB.interculturalC.eticD.emic
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