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精品文档Class_Name_Score_I. Listen and circle the picture.10%(听音,圈图。)12345II 、Listen and match. 10%(听音,连线)1. Ricky2. Tin Tin3. Beeno4. Coco5.BettyIII、listen and put a tick “” or cross“”10%(听音,判断对错)。1.()2()3.()4.()5.()IV 、Listen and circle the correct word.10%(听音,选择你听到的单词).精品文档1.A: sofaB: smallC: shelf2.A: underB: inC: near3.A:fatB:catC: hat4.A:readB: swimC: write5.A: tableB: chairC: cupboardV、Listen and choose the right answer 。听音在括号里圈出你听到的单词。 10%1.What ( isare) this?2.They are (nearin) the chair.3.The cat is (onunder) the table.4.The hamsters are ( nearunder ) the sofa.5.Where are the ( turtlesbirds)?VI Listen and number the pictures听.音,排序。 10%1.2.345.VII 、 Listen and write the missing letter. 听音,写出单词中所缺的字母。 10%1 . _nake2._ion3_ed4 _able5 ._ofa.精品文档I Read and choose .10%(读一读,圈出正确的单词)1、A:i n the chairB:in the chair2、A:cupboardB:box113A: elevenB: twelve4A:a sofaB:a chair5A :pandaB:lionIII (看图片,读句子,在方框里打 或者打 X )5%1. The ball is on the cupboard.2, It is a monkey.3.Beeno is under the table.4、There is one shelf.5.This is my pet, it is a cat.II 、Read and match.10%(看图,连线。 ).精品文档1、 They are birds.2、 It is a rabbit.3、It is in the box.4、It is under the box.5、There are two hippos.四、 Choose and write.5 %选词填空,每个横线只填一个单词.inonundernear1.The bearis _ the box.2 The rabbitare _ the box.3 The robots are_ the shelf.4 The rabbits are _ the table.5 、The pens are _ the chair.Class_Name_Score_.精品文档 .Listen and choose the right picture. .Listen and tick or cross.1.()2.()3.()4.()5.()6.()7.()8.()9.().精品文档10.()11.()12.()13.()14.()15.() .Listen and circle the right numbers.1.5912.81033.6974.3245.7910 . Listen and clour.1.2.3. .Read and choose the right numbers.hamsterrabbitbirdsturtledogcatunder the shelfchairunder the tablein the bag1.2.3.精品文档4. . What do they like? Circle the correct answers.1. I like ( this / these ) dog. ( It is / They are ) brown.2. I like ( that / those )rabbits.( It is / They are ) black.3. I like ( these / those ) birds. ( It is / They are ) green.4. I like ( this / that ) cat.( They are / It is ) white. . Where are they? Write the questions and answers.Where is the robot?It is _ the cupboard.精品文档1Where are the teddy bears?They are _ box.2Where _the cat?It_ the shelf.3Where _the rabbits?_the table.Where_ the _?_on _6 _are _ balls?_are_ _ bag.
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