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精品文档开发区太和寨中学 2013-2014 学年度第一学期期中考试七年级英语试卷(考试范围: Starter Unit1Unit5,时间 90 分钟,满分 120 分,出题人:)一听力部分(每小题1 分,共 25 小题)精品文档精品文档二单项选择(每小题1 分,满分 20 分)()26. Hi, Lucy. Nice to meet you. Hi, Jim. _.A. Fine, thank youB. Nice to meet you,too.C. Good morningD. How do you do()27. Do you know how to _this word?Yes, B-A-L-L.A. spellB. readC. seeD. meet()28. Where _the tapes?_ on the bed.A. is; It s B. are; TheyC. are; They re D. is; It()29. This is my little sister. _ name is Jenny, we all like_.A. She; sheB. Her; herC. She; herD. Her; she()30. _ It s 33-06027. You can call me in the evening.A. What s your name? B. Do you have a telephone? C. What s your phone number? D. Where is my phone?.()31. There is a computer _ the desk.A. onB. inC. underD. for()32. _. Is this your pen?A. SorryB. HelloC. HiD. Excuse me()33. This song sounds _ , I like it.A. goodB. badC. wellD. badly()34. I can seebooks.books are on the table.A. a, TheB. some, TheC.the, SomeD. the, The()35. It is notskirt.is in the bag.A. her, HerB.mine, MyC. your, YourD. his, His()36. This iseye and that isnose.A. a, aB. an, aC.a, anD. a, an()37. Are those your brothers?.A Yes, theyreB No, they areC Yes, they arentD. Yes, they are精品文档精品文档()38. What s thisEnglish?A.toB. forC. atD. in()39. Your jacket is very beautiful(漂亮的 ).A.WhereB. NoC. Thank youD. Good()40. Are you good friends? Yes,.A. I amB. we areC. we are notD. they are()41. This is your dictionary. Here you are. Thank you very much.A. Thank you, tooB. That s all rightC. All rightD. That s right.()42. Call Alan _ 994-5864.A. inB.onC. atD. with()43. Is your father a teacher?.A. Yes, I amB. No,you isn tC. Yes, he isD. Yes, Im()44.Sam and Mike aren t at school.are they?A. HowB.WhatC.WhereD.Who()45. Whose(谁的 )is the ruler? It s not.Its .A. my; isB. mine;yourC. my;hersD. his;hers三、完形填空(每小题1 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的ABCD四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。This is a46 of Jim familys.This man47 Mr Green.48 is Jim fathers.49womanis Mrs Green. 50is Jim smother.Who 51this boy and 52girl?The53is Jim, Mr Green s son.The54is Kate, M r Green s daughterKate. is55 sister. Jim and Kate are brother and sister.()46. A. bookB. photoC. mapD. room()47.A. isB. amC. areD. be()48.A. SheB. HerC. HeD. His()49.A. AB. AnC. TheseD. This()50.A. SheB. HerC. HeD. His()51.A. isB. amC. loveD. are()52.A. aB. theseC. thisD. an精品文档精品文档()53.A. girlB. boyC.boysD. girls()54.A. girlB. boyC.boysD. girls()55.A. JimB. JimsC. Jim sD. Jims 四、阅读理解(每小题2 分,满分 30 分)AThis is Cara and Ben. They are twins( 双胞胎 ). They are twelve. This is their bedroom. It s a nice room. There are two beds in the room. The yellow bed is Cara that green one is Ben sThe. twins have one desk and two chairs. The chairs look the same. Carasweater is on his bed. Ben scoat is on his chair. Their clock, books and pencil-cases are on the desk. Their school bags are behind the chairs.() 56. Cara and Ben are _.A. brother and sisterB. brothersC. sistersD. friends() 57. Cara and Ben have _.A. two chairs and one deskB. two desks and one chairC. two chairs and two desksD. one desk and one chair() 58. Cara s _ is yellow and Ben s _ is green.A. chair; bedB. sweater; sweaterC. bed; chairD. bed; bed() 59. Cara s sweater is _.A. on his bedB. on Ben s bedC. on the chairD. on the desk() 60. Which is TRUE?A. Their class is very nice.B. Their two beds look the same.C. Their school bags are under the chairs.D. They live in the same room.Hello!This Chinese boy is Li Lei.HeB s 12.He s in No.3 Middle School.He2,Grade 1.His good friend is Jack.He s an English boyLi.HeLei sschoolin. He s inClass1.Grade2.Mrs Read is an English teacher in their school.She s an English womJack and Li Lei have a secret(秘密 )- Jack is their English teacher s son.()61.How old is Li Lei?A. 11B. 12C. 13D. 14
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