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Period 6Cultural Corner; Task; Module File整体设计教材分析本节主要是文化背景阅读和模块复习。学生通过阅读了解许多国家关注环境问题, 在一些国家, 绿色革命开始遍及整个欧洲, 人们更加关注环境。之后学生的任务是设计一张鼓励人们关注环境问题的海报, 可以分组设计然后课堂展示。最后整理一下本模块学习的词汇、短语、句型和语法, 帮助学生将本模块的知识系统化。三维目标1. 知识与技能1)Make students master some new words and the main idea.2)Instruct students to design a poster encouraging people to protect environment.2. 过程与方法1)Encourage students to check what they have learned.2)Read a lot to increase knowledge scale and learn English well.3. 情感与价值Through the study of The Green Movement, students may know people from all over the world are taking measures to protect environment.教学重点1. Make students know something about the “Green” movement.2. How to design a poster.教学难点1. Get the main idea of the text and design a poster.2. How to review the whole module.教学方法Skimming and explanation.教学过程 Step 1 Revision1. Greet students as usual.2. Check up their homework exercises.Sandstorms have been a major disaster for many Asian countries for centuries. Northwest China is part of the sandstorm center in Central Asia. Sandstorms begin in desert areas. This is a process that happens when land becomes desert because of climate changes and because people cut down trees and dig up grass. It was frightening to be outside in a sandstorm. I was in a very big sandstorm some years ago. Luckily, everyone survived.3. Ask a few students to read out their own passages. Step 2 Cultural CornerPlease look at the picture on Page 39.What is the child doing?Throw thing into the dustbin.If people do a lot of things to improve the environment, what is this movement called?The Green Movement.Read the short passage quickly and answer these questions.1 How do countries in Europe try to improve the environment?2 Are there organisations in China whose aim is to protect the environment?3 What do you know about these organizations?Suggested answers:1 They recycle everything, do differential collection of rubbish and have a green movement.2 Open.3 Open.If there is more time, find more information in the text.Organizations in China. Step 3 TaskTask in this module it to design a poster that encourages people to look after the environment.This is a community Activity.Work in groups of four, and list seven things you can do in your everyday life for environmental protection. (The teacher can ask students to look through some magazines about environment protection, or download some information on the Internet. )Prepare a large piece of paper. Think of a heading for your poster and write it in big letters.Stick the pictures you found on your poster.(Give the students a few minutes to prepare)The teacher asks some groups to show their posters.Design a poster1HELP THE PLANETPictureEnvironmental Protection:1 . . .2 . . .3 . . .4 . . .2Whats the problem:environment?1 . . .2 . . .3 . . .4 . . .PictureHow to protect the environment?1 . . .2 . . .3 . . .4 . . .Students can design the poster as they like.If they cant finish it perfectly, leave it for homework. Step 4 Module FileThis section lists the main points dealt with in this module. You may want to use it formally for repetition, and pronunciation revision or you may want to give students 10 minutes to go through it by themselves.The teacher can show the module file on the screen and let students check.1. Words and expressions:sandstorm; frightening; inland; mass; campaign; dune; desertification; process; citizen; dust; forecast; strength; cycle; mask; atmosphere; carbon dioxide; chemical; environment; garbage; melt; pollution; recycle; coastal; concerned; evidence; major; urgent; pollute; complain; nutshell; scary; absolutely; protectioncut down; be caught in; one after another; have a bad effect on; take in; give out; in a nutshell; look through; as a result of; dig up; wake up to; go to work2. Sentence patterns:1)They are often so thick that you cannot see the sun.2)There was nothing to be done.3)Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a result of “desertification”.4)I cant help but feel very concerned.5)I couldnt agree with you more.6)It couldnt be worse.3. Grammar1)The different types of infinitive:do, to do, to be doing, to have done, to have been done2)Expressions with but+infinitiveI cant(help)but agree.We do nothing but talk about it.4. Functions:1)I couldnt agree with you more.2)I think youre absolutely right.3)Its extremely serious.4)I have no idea.5)It couldnt be worse.6)Its absolutely hopeless.5. Everyday English1. In a nutshell2. Its scary. Its frightening.3. Ill do ones best4. From what I understand. . .5. Youre absolutely right. Step 5 Summary and HomeworkIn this period you learned something about environment protection. And then you learned to design a poster to encourage people to protec
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