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考研考博-考博英语-四川师范大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题All the rows, all the ethical problems and all the money spent in pursuing the human code for life will have been well worth it if it fulfils even some of its medical promise.The potential prizes certainly glitter. In the far future, it may be possible to prevent genetic diseases from being inherited by cutting them out of the gene pool once and for all, so-called gene engineering. At the nearer end of the time scale, genetic tests are allowing people to choose suitable therapies and life styles to beat disease. And in between, lie further tantalizing prospects: thousands of new drugs for previously untreatable diseases; drugs tailored to individuals, so with far fewer side effects, the ability to replace faulty genes, short-circuiting diseases at source.But the work of turning the base pair data into the gold of new treatments has already begun, according to Dr. Francis Collins, head of the US National Human Genome Research institute. I keep a tally of the genes that are responsible for human diseases that are identified over the course of year. In a good year, in times gone by, there might have been two or three. Last year, there have been 29 discovered.Private companies have also combed the data to find genes that play roles in diabetes, asthma, psoriasis and migraines. The most extreme suggested use for the human genome data is editing the DNA inheritance passed down from one generation to the next. Such a scenario involves identifying an abnormal gene and then correcting it in the cells which are used to pass genetic information to offspring. No subsequent generation would then be affected by their ancestors gene defect. However, such irreversible intervention generation would then be affected by their ancestors gene defect. However, such irreversible intervention with the code for life will only be allowed after major ethical reservations and safety concerns over possible unexpected results of the changes are addressed.There is little doubt that the revelation of human genome will benefit healthcare in the short and long term. But many of the treatments will be expensive and will do nothing to avoid the damage caused by viral and bacterial diseases. It has been suggested that a brave new world awaits us in which all ailments can be monitored from a daily mouth swab inserted into a DNA reader in our bathroom cabinets. But Dr. Ian Purvis says, “It could be that like, a long time in the future, but that is based on the rather arrogant view humanity has that it will understand everything we findand we never have in the past.”1. By saying that the “potential prizes certainly glitter”, the author means that _.2. The chief purpose of gene engineering is to _.3. From the first sentence of the third paragraph we learn that _.4. The author warns that in trying to alter human genes, special attention should be paid to _.5. According to Dr. Purvis, human beings _.问题1选项A.pursuing the human code for life certainly provokes much debateB.gene engineering fails to fulfil some of its medical promisesC.gene engineering will certainly prove to be a fruitful researchD.potential prizes for gene research have actually proved to be small问题2选项A.develop drugs suited to each individual with fewer side effectsB.prevent faulty genes from passing on to the next generationC.develop drugs for previously untreatable diseasesD.work out the best therapy for the terminally ill问题3选项A.actual work on gene engineering has been under wayB.getting away with faulty genes has proved to be a tough taskC.the prospect of finding the new treatments seems brightD.researchers have begun to collect the human genome data问题4选项A.ethical problems involvedB.abnormal genes to be alteredC.the code of life to be searched forD.protecting healthy genes问题5选项A.are more arrogant than we were in the pastB.will be able to monitor all ailments in the near futureC.understand our past better than we do our futureD.may not understand everything we discovered【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.语义推测题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段“The potential prizes certainly glitter. In the far future, it may be possible to prevent genetic diseases from being inherited by cutting them out of the gene pool once and for all, so-called gene engineering. At the nearer end of the time scale, genetic tests are allowing people to choose suitable therapies and life styles to beat disease. And in between, lie further tantalizing prospects: thousands of new drugs for previously untreatable diseases; drugs tailored to individuals, so with far fewer side effects, the ability to replace faulty genes, short-circuiting diseases at source.(潜在的奖励肯定是闪闪发光的。在遥远的将来,通过将遗传疾病一劳永逸地从基因库中剔除,也就是所谓的基因工程,就有可能防止遗传疾病。随着时间的推移,基因测试使人们能够选择合适的治疗方法和生活方式来战胜疾病。在这两者之间,还有更诱人的前景:数以千计的新药可以治疗以前无法治疗的疾病;为个人量身定制的药物,副作用少得多,能够替换有缺陷的基因,从源
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