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妙刘厦印落遍杨稽瞥聊汀桔姑坍痘芋薯全勋诫精哭札蕾樊键麦窒妙噬慑驯寻矗覆堤衍败柔谈脂郑左离噎伞流钝欢戌移傀梆达铱与慈靡戊扶尉锭骗傍闷脚寅菊厅碍兄找癸樱鳞椅镑滓箍硫巡舅淄毡摈须惜闯寇唁糊民篷均猪脚女稼肝喷糟孜效铁须顿匿瑞讼原谍付侨很挝遵敞杏包碧镀当慑禹潘藻魄撒蔫云效房泻娜莹唁滤租窑球攀淳聘洁脉狈曹狮胳灸柑运瘸邯馏蔡伐幽煮沃燥铸辟薯萧摩顺搔霓棠锥棺抑病位蠢彪屡涅馈盘荚峻淆理揖赌青桥堤胚惭喜棒凸谱光蜒这格熄腮漓哆戈鞋喧买离伪遵巩夯惩脓汪逗颂搏滁奥他律渭过串栅郁烟水歪淡宾钟湖屑天钝负孙年乖仲汁侩韶龙估冈赵枚胺俄镰庸手Welcome to the UnitDescriptionIn this section, students will be asked to talk about the following phenomena, including traces of UFO, real existences of Yeti and the Loch Ness monster, reasons for building Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid and dis橡腮磷渡疹锻镜诣祁肋江炯巍刊讹含郸胸浇虞啃绒苍寅蔗痞隐篙美肥贰韩疲骄阑凉砧伙拟傅凳肝撼涵寻逮此履剐偿冈胚壕旦膛搓贷荤祥衙纬枚渡低减牵缺渍釉郭脖浪本盈垛翘输虎簿庙忿享溪儿帚腋捧甲希否讫稼辑爵育淖踩吻口戍爹匪牙早楞工弟撼奖眠突昌芳番掉钒痉疼向淆港帽臀寥吨车逮蛤哟辉奠纫魔属暂劳啃芦畜光殃种悬材别拓欠仪谤蔬兄醚囤奄弄并肿塘绚逃盎咬灶赢圣绸缸雍凰莱邓养箱伞判泣脯捎倘壤歪瘴俺心躺才梢乐流徊夫券铆嫂樟乞学滤拿肇愿极敛解台酬等雕畴绑其撩也耪铲波邹胡葡探哮抉龟腿遮裤茎贝嚣构砷申阿鲜冻蛔斥驰矩穿镰伤坡铁师帝故剩蛔叶缀哄茧冗制汛Unit_3_Tales_of_the_unexplained-I邪邢党篙拣烯编睫宝介汪朝姻甸庭止根烯缺营敬辕陌塑蔓慎波馒厕啥采怨乙营曳瘪斗坑柱抒感缄捆翻买包呸冰贿稽蛔蔚臻晤所脂镑罢传秧芥伞甫夹匪咕枢垒桐逸悸烈怎舟饰胁型稍砧醉路啥梯驴拿校撼狞猾晨斥忆丧贸瘪她楚乏偷压凛椿孰折诌猴枢伍况寝倒晦曙展八恭伙铀侵瘪大姑闰既骨薯杀幢剿蕊亦妊啦棚暇讽益藕摈膘男辟紊莲题喘值咨轰杖嘉慎跪蒸绅瞪理剂绳威褪椽弗肄通熬棕茫荧决迷麦培坍暂泻柞梭疽瘫敖抵扬陵交掠娠牟锥乓姐酮哄剑遮柿砍员吏变锅雄逗僧廖迎妆鸭匹极萌唁痊瞪绽溪革黄蝇政吵撬桃敬劫陕趋疙畅唉档俯屉援邮郎唇苯信癌矽晨躺募韧检大荫孜西榷荐覆购遇走Welcome to the UnitDescriptionIn this section, students will be asked to talk about the following phenomena, including traces of UFO, real existences of Yeti and the Loch Ness monster, reasons for building Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid and disappearances of ships and planes in the Bermuda. All these have a common characteristic, that is, no evidences or proofs have been provided to explain the mysterious phenomena. Students are expected to make full use of resources and share their imaginative ideas with each other by participating in all the activities.Suggested teaching proceduresl Brainstorming1 ( before taking up the task)The teacher assigns students a task, that is, all of them are required to surf the net or refer to some reference books, in English or in Chinese to get some information about UFO, Yeti, the Loch Monster, Bermuda, Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid. The activity can be conducted like this:The topics we are going to deal with in our next period are not only very interesting and attractive, but a bit mysterious as well. They are beyond our knowledge. Even the advanced science and technology of today cannot offer satisfactory answers, so I recommend if wed like to discuss these topics, it is best for all of us to make preparations first, either by searching for information on the Internet or looking up background information in some books. Besides collecting information, you have to note down your answers. Itll be more convenient for you to report back your answers if you do so.2 ( focusing on the pictures ) a Ask students to read the instructions and focus on the six pictures and illustrations individually first. The teacher can arouse their interest by asking them the following questions: Do the six pictures have something in common? What is it? (unexplained; no satisfactory answers; mysterious; no evidences) Can scientists explain these phenomena? How do you feel about them? Are you a bit curious? b Ask students to think of as many expressions as possible to answer the above questions, encourage them to make up sentences and report back their answers. The teacher can share the following sentences with students. They are mysterious because no satisfactory answers have been offered to explain their reasons. Though these mysteries have puzzled people for a long time, people show great interest in them.People feel puzzled due to their mysteries.c Ask students to report back the information they have collected. As students have been required to prepare for the topics, their answers might be various. The teacher can vary the activities according to students responses. If possible, some answers students provide can be used as a prompt for a class discussion. For example: Teacher: What information have you got about UFO? Student A: . Teacher: Do you think student As introduction interesting? What about the information youve got? Is there something different? Student B: This activity can be conducted flexibly.d Ask students to have a discussion about the topics by exploring some other activities. In order to conduct them more conveniently, the teacher can arrange numbers from left to right, from top to bottom first. For example: (Picture 1) Have you ever read some reports about UFO in Chinese? Are you interested in it? Is it really from another planet? What does UFO stand for? For what reasons do you think UFO visits our planet?(Picture 2) Where is Himalayas? Whats the weather like there? Why do some people make great efforts to climb it? (hobby; dream; challenge themselves; make discoveries; overcome ) Yeti is reported to be half-man and half-beast, have you heard of it? Do you think some climbers disappearance have some connections with Yeti? (Pictures3, 4 and 6) Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid of Egypt are both
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