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一般现在时一般现在时第一节基本知识一般现在时表示经常重复性的动作或是存在的状态。例如:他喜欢睡觉。He likes sleeping. Im a teacher.(状态) 我经常在周末去看望祖父母。I often go to see my grandparents at the weekend.(重复性的动作)标志词:always usually often sometimes never everyday everyweek at+时间 on+Sundays(解释at+时间at five oclock at a quarter past seven等 表示具体的几点几分解释on+Sundayson加表示星期的单词 包括Monday Tuesday等)标志词的作用:1.做题时,帮助孩子迅速确定这句话的时态,填入相应的动词形式2.初期学习,标志词是可以准确对应时态的,但是随着知识的加深,一个标志词变不只代表这一种时态, 这时候,就需要把标志词这个拐杖扔掉了。所以标志词的学习,就是让孩子有时态的意识,并熟知各 大时态动词的形式,乃至以后,这句话中没有标志词了,孩子也会正确表达出符合此句话意境(时态) 的句子。一般现在时动词形式:1. be原形 am is are You are a boy. I am a thin girl. The Whites are at the beach. He is collecting shells.2. 动词原形及单三 Sally usually does(单三) her homework in her bedroom. We have(原形)dinner together.什么是单三?单三就是人称的第三人称单数。如果人称是单三,那么动词也得跟着变单三。判断方法除了I和you这两个单词之外的所有单数意义的词 I you 单数 复数 (单三)做个小练习找单三 a girl photos a bowl she I he water it the tree Mary a fat dog they leaf you leaves we three boys MayTony man men the desk English class a red hat动词变单三记不记得判断出人称是单三了 动词也得跟着变单三啊?动词变单三的方法和名词变复数是一样的。一.大部分的单词直接加s 二.以ch sh s x结尾的动词加es 三.辅音加y改y为ies 四.以o结尾的加es举例:一 直接加s put-puts open-opens dance-dances二 加es watch-watches wash-washes plus-pluses三 辅音加y 改y为ies fly-flies 注意:play-plays(元音加y)四 以o结尾加es do-does go-goes做练习:将下列单词变单三work_clean_write_drink_stay_brush_carry_pass_come_plant_fly_play_look_have_do_go_现在来试试做一般现在时的练习题:Judy说在前头:1.划标志词 2.记住判断人称是不是单三 3.人称是单三的话,动词得变单三啊!We often _(play) in the playgound.He _(get) up at six oclock.Danny _(study) English,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art at school.Mike sometimes _(go) to the park with his sister.At eight at night, she _(watch) TV with his parents.答案:找单三:a girl photos a bowl she I he water it the tree Mary a fat dog they leaf you leaves we three boys MayTony man men the desk English class a red hat做练习:将下列单词变单三work_s_clean_s_write_s_drink_s_stay_s_brush_es_carry y去掉ies_pass_es_come_s_plant_s_fly y去掉ies_play_s_look_s_have_has_do_es_go_es_时态练习We often _plays_(play) in the playgound.He _gets_(get) up at six oclock.Danny _studies_(study) English,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art at school.Mike sometimes _goes_(go) to the park with his sister.At eight at night, she _watches_(watch) TV with his parents.一般现在时第二节句型转换一般疑问句:一提 二变 三改1. be动词提前 2.变I变you me变you we变you us变有 my变your our变your I am变Are you3.改句号改问号例如:We are giving our best wishes to her. Are you giving your best wishes to her?练习:I am doing my homework in the living room._ _doing_ homework in the living room?We are dancing at the birthday party of Marys._ _dancing at the birthday party of Marys?My father is taking me home._ _father taking_home?Our teacher is talking with us._ _teacher talking with_?答案:I am doing my homework in the living room.Are you doing your homework in the living room?We are dancing at the birthday party of Marys.Are you dancing at the birthday party of Marys?My father is taking me home.Is your father taking you home?Our teacher is talking with us.Is your teacher talking with you?一般疑问句:一写 二变 三改1. 动词原形写do 动词单三写does 写完does 动词单三还原 2.变I变you me变you we变you us变有 my变your our变your I am变Are you3.改句号改问号例如:1.My mother washes the dishes for our family everyday. Does your mother wash the dishes for your family everyday?2.My family drink milk every morning. Do your family drink milk everyday?练一练1.My mother washes the dishes for our family everyday. _ _mother_the dishes for_family everyday?2.My family drink milk every morning. _ _
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