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汉语句式:“虽然但是/却”“即使也” “尽管也/却/但” “不管/无论/不论也”英语对应句式:第一式:although / though+从句,+主句(注意:1、英语中but字句也表达“虽 然但是”。但用了 but就不能用although / though; 2、as可视为 although / though 的替换词。)As+从句,+主句例如: 1、他虽然还是个刚满五岁的孩子,却懂得帮助妈妈生火做饭了。真是 穷人的孩子早当家啊。A small child of just five though / as he is , he knows enough to help his mom with the sort of things in the kitchen : making a fire and cooking rice food . Its a truth that children born into poor family understand and shoulder the burden of life much earlier .2、虽然我跟他从没见过面,但他的为人我听说不少。认识他的人都说 他办事认真,原则性强,性格开朗,能与群众打成一片,适合做领导。Although Ive never met him before , Ive heard of a lot about what he is . As is said by those who know him , he is serious , principle-oriented , open-minded , willing to identify himself with ordinary people and always ready to help others , really a right person for being placed in leadership .3、我虽然很想去,现在却没法去。Much as I should like to go , I cant go right now .第二式:名词/形容词+that (副词用法)+从句,+主句(that主要说明程度,可 用于替换 although/though/as)例如: 1、尽管穷到这个份上,我也不会乞求施舍。Poverty-stricken that I am , I will not plead for charity .2、虽然她最近几天一直是病病歪歪的,但依然坚持给学生上课,一天也 没休息。A patient that she had been in these days , she insisted on her classroom teaching without taking a day off .第三式:not but that+从句,+ 主句(not but that 作 although / though 解,用于 叙述一种情况之后,再作意义上的转折。)例如: 1、他这位老师非常和蔼,尽管在原则问题上也十分严厉。He is too kind an instructor , not but that he could be extremely stern on matters of principle .2、家里突然有事我参加不了你们的聚会啦,但并非我不想来。I cant come to join you in your get-together for something unexpected occurred in my family that I have to tackle , not but that Id like to .3、他从未走过那么的路虽然要走也还是可以走的。Hes never walked that farnot but what he could do it if he tried .第四式:-ever+从句,+主句 例如:1、无论花多长时间,我们都要想方设法把那位迷路的游客找到。However long it takes , we must try every effort to find the traveler who has lost his way .2、不管谁反对,这项规定不能改。Whoever may object , this rule should not be altered .3、不论你选哪一件,你都得给你姐姐留一件。Whichever you pick , you should leave one for your elder sister .4、不管你在哪儿工作,也无论你的职位高低,你都别忘了你是个农家子 弟。Wherever you work and whatever your rank is , please dont for get you are from a farmers family .5、无论发生什么,我们都要有足够的勇气面对。Come whatever it may , we must have enough courage to face it .6、不论你们时候采取行动,都要确保万无一失,要将贩毒团伙一网打尽。 Whenever you take an action , you have to guarantee that you shall arrest every member of the drug gang with only one attack on them without any loss on the part of us .注:此式可视为“no matter how / who / when / where /which . ” 的省 略式。例如:7、不论你跟他的友情深到什么程度,你都不能当枪手,代他考试。 However deep youre in friendship with him , you shouldnt become a fake /proxy examinee in his place .(试比较:No matter how deep you are in friendship with him , you should not become a fake / proxy examinee in his place .)8、无论是谁问起他的去向,我们都要守口如瓶,什么都不能说。Whoever asks where he goes , we should be tight-lipped without saying a word about him . (试比较: No matter who asks where he goes , we should betight-lipped without saying a word about him .)第五式:if / even / even if+从句,+主句 例句:1、树欲静而风不止,发生什么事情并不是按人的意志的。The wind will not stop even if the tree desires very much stillness . Whatever may occur does not depend on the will of people .2、即使活到一百岁,我们也学不完所有的知识。We shall never learn enough , not if we live to be a hundred .3、即使是钢制品,也承受不住这么大的压力。Were it made of steel , it would not stand up to such tremendous pressure .(虚 拟倒装后,if省略。4、即使你在你的研究方向里取得了一些成绩,发表的论文比其他同学多, 你也没有理由骄傲自大。Even if you have scored some achievements in your academic orientation , as (is) shown by the fact that you have published more theoretical articles than your classmates , there is no reason for you to feel conceited and arrogant .第六式:用“含有最高级修饰语的主语(a superlative-modified subject) +谓语部 分”这一结构造句例如:1、即使抄最近的路,从这儿步行去到那个超市也要花上 20 多分钟。The shortest cut will take us more than 20 minutes to get at the super-market .2、学问再渊博(无论有多么深的学问),也不可能什么都懂。The most profound scholar cannot know everything . 注:英语的最高级词义往往产生“让步”的意义。有时英语的最高级修饰语 与其中心词构成的词组亦可用作句子中的其它成分,仍具有让步含义。例如:3、即使在最困难的时候,他也没有想过要离开那所山村小学。Never in the most difficult period of time did he think of leaving the primary school in the mountain village .第七式:用“negative subject+谓语部分”这一结构造句,这一结构又常以下面的 形式出现于行文中:(1) no amount / degree / stretch of+名词+谓语部分(2) negative subject+so - +but(or , but that / but what) 例如:1、2013 年,他从一所农业大学毕业的那年,他没在城里找工作。不论家 人怎么劝说,也没能阻止他去农村创业。当时,亲友们无论怎么想,也没想到他 此举将会取得成功。He didnt try to find a job in cities when he was a fresh graduate from an agricultural university in the year of 2013. No amount of persuasion on the part of his family could keep him from settling down in the countryside and making his own establishment there. No degree of imagination could lead his family members, relatives and friends to the idea that he would be successful on such a move at that time.2、文章写得再好,也总有修改的余地。There is no article so well-written but it may leave some room for further improvement.3、译作无论有多完美,也总有让批评家不满意的地方。No translation is
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