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试题为word版 下载可打印编辑提分专练(六).完形填空On a trip to California, my family stopped for lunch. As we walked toward the entrance to the restaurant, a man, with a _1_ beard and dirty hair, jumped up from a bench outside the restaurant and opened the door for us. Regardless of his _2_, he greeted us in a friendly way.Once inside, my daughters whispered, “Mom, he _3_.” After we ordered our lunch, I explained, telling the kids to look _4_ the dirt. We then watched other customers approach the restaurant but many _5_ him. Seeing this rudeness truly upset me. The day I became a mother, I had determined to set a good _6_ to my children. Yet sometimes when things didnt go right, being a good example was _7_. When our meal arrived, I realized I had left the carsick pills in the truck. With the windiest trip ahead, the kids needed them, so I _8_ myself from the meal and went to get them.Just then, the “doorman” was opening the door for a couple. They rushed past him without even acknowledging his _9_. Letting them in first, I said a loud “thank you” to him as I _10_.When I returned, we talked a bit. He said he was not allowed inside _11_ he purchased food. I went back and told my family his _12_. Then I asked our waitress to add one soup and sandwich.The kids looked _13_ as we had already eaten, but when I said the order was for the “doorman”, they smiled. When it was time to _14_ our trip, I found the “doorman” enjoying his meal. Upon seeing me, he stood up and thanked me heartily. He then _15_ out his hand for a handshake and I gratefully accepted. I suddenly _16_ the tears in his eyes tears of gratitude. What happened next drew great astonishment: I gave the “doorman” a _17_. He pulled away, with tears _18_ down his face.Back in truck, I fell into deep thought. While we cant choose many things in life, we can choose when to show gratitude. I said thanks to a man who had _19_ held open a door for me, and also said thanks for that _20_ to teach my children by example.1A.messyBcleanCpretty Dbright解析:选Amessy“凌乱的;肮脏的”;clean“干净的,清洁的”;pretty“漂亮的;可爱的”;bright“明亮的;鲜明的”。根据下文脏的头发可知他的胡须也是脏乱的。故选A项。2A.service BstateCappearance Dattitude解析:选C句意:他不顾及他的外表,很友好地向我们打招呼,问候我们。service“服务”;state“状态;州;国家”;appearance“外表,外貌”;attitude“态度;看法”。3A.smokes BsmellsCsighs Dsmiles解析:选B句意:一到里面,我的女儿们就小声对我说:“他的身上散发着臭味”。smoke“吸烟”;smell“嗅,闻,闻起来有臭味”;sigh“叹息”;smile“微笑”。4A.around BoverCbeyond Dinto解析:选C句意:我们点了午餐之后,我向孩子解释,让孩子要超越污垢,要看实质的事情。around“周围;环绕”;over“在之上;结束”;beyond“超越,超过”;into“在里面”。5A.ignored BhatedCmissed Drefused解析:选A句意:我们看了一下进餐馆的其他顾客,但是许多人都没有理他。ignore“忽略,忽视”;hate“憎恨,讨厌”;miss“思念;错过”;refuse“拒绝”。6A.target BruleCrecord Dexample解析:选D句意:看到这些粗鲁的行为我很不安,从我做母亲的那天起,我就决定要为我的孩子树立一个好榜样。target“目标,靶子”;rule“规则,规章”;record“记录”;example“例子,榜样”。7A.stressful BaccessibleCawkward Dtough解析:选D句意:然而有时候,事情发展并不总是顺利的,做一个好榜样是很难的。stressful“紧张的,有压力的”;accessible“易接近的,可进入的”;awkward“尴尬的,笨拙的”;tough“强硬的,困难的”。8A.excused BrefreshedCprevented Dforgave解析:选A句意:当我们的饭来的时候,我才意识到我把晕车药忘在车里了,在往前充满大风的旅行中,孩子需要它,因此我就去取药了。excuse“托辞,借口”;refresh“使恢复,使更新”;prevent“阻止,阻碍”;forgive“宽恕,原谅”。9A.company BpresenceCchallenge Dattack解析:选B句意:正在那时,“看门人”正在为一对夫妇开门,他们迅速地从他身边过去了,甚至没有意识到他的存在。company“公司;同伴”;presence“存在,出席,参加”;challenge“挑战”;attack“袭击,攻击”。10A.quitted BmarchedCexited Dapproached解析:选C句意:让他们先进来,然后在我出去的时候,我大声地向他说谢谢。quit“停止,叫停”;march“前进,进军,行进,游行”;exit“出口,出去”;approach“接近”。11A.before BunlessCthough Dsince解析:选B句意:当我回来的时候,我们聊了几句,他说,他不被允许进入餐厅,除非他买吃的。before“在之前”;unless“除非”;though“虽然”;since“既然”。12A.story BdeedCdesire Ddemand解析:选A句意:我回去以后,把他的故事告诉给了我的家人。story“故事”;deed“行动,功绩”;desire“欲望,要求”;demand“要求,需求”。13A.concerned BpuzzledCexcited Dbored解析:选B句意:我让服务员加了一份汤和三明治。孩子们看上去有些困惑,因为我们已经吃完了。但当我说这份餐点是给那位看门人的时候,他们笑了。concerned“有关的,关心的”;puzzled“困惑的,迷茫的”;excited“激动的,兴奋的”;bored“无聊的,无趣的”。14A.make BstartCcontinue Dtake解析:选C句意:到我们继续旅行的时间了,我发现那位“看门人”正在享受着他的大餐。make“制造,使得”;start“开始,着手”;continue“继续”;take“带走,耗费”。旅程不是开始而是继续。15A.waved BwashedCraised Dreached解析:选D句意:当他看见我的时候,他站起来真心地感谢了我。他接着伸出他的手和我握手,我很感激地接受了。wave“波动,起伏”;wash“洗涤,洗刷”;raise“举起,升起”;reach“延伸,伸出手”。16A.watched BinspectedCwitnessed Dnoticed解析:选D句意:我突然注意到了他眼里的泪水,那是感激的泪水。watch“观察,注视”;inspect“检查,视察”;witness“目睹”;notice“注意到”。这里不是观察,而是注意到了这一点。17A.hug BnodClift Dstrike解析:选A句意:接下来的事情更让人吃惊,我给了这个“看门人”一个拥抱。hug“拥抱”;nod“点头”;lift“电梯;搭便车”;strike“罢工,打击,殴打”。18A.slipping BrushingCrolling Dbreaking解析:选C句意:他离开了,热泪滚下了他的脸。slip“滑动”;rush“猛冲,催促”;roll“滚落,旋转”;break“破坏”。眼泪应是顺着他的脸滚落了下来。19A.firmly BsimplyCconstantly Dpolitely解析:选B句意:回到车上,我陷入了沉思,尽管在生活中,我们不能选择许多事情,但可以选择我们能够表示感谢的一刻。我向那位仅仅为我们开门的看门人说了声谢谢。firmly“坚定地,坚决地”;simply“简单地”;constantly“不断地”;politely“有礼貌地”。20A.journey BwisdomCcommunity Dopportunity解析:选D句意:也为这个能够教育孩子的机会说声谢谢。journey“旅行,旅程”;wisdom“聪明,明智”;co
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