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小学六年级上学期英语期中质量监测题一、判断黑体部分读音是(T)否(F)一致。(5)( ) 1. A page B .orange C. giraffe( ) 2. A. school B. China C. chocolate( ) 3. A. thirsty B. these C. birthday( ) 4 .A. dinner B. worker C. her( ) 5. A. catch B. dance C. family二找出不同类的单词(5)()1AcleanBmopCsweepDcut()2AsisterBniceCillDswing()3AdanceBeatCdrinkDcook()4AexcuseBuseCbusDcute()5AcertainlyBcarCcatDcake三连线(5)1、climbthehillA、写信2、writealetterB、收集昆虫3、makealistC、拍照4、takepicturesD、列一张单子5、collectinsectsE、爬山四、按要求填空。(10)1.go hiking(翻译)_2.get ready for the Olympic Games(翻译)_3.have a good time(翻译)_4.很多蚂蚁(翻译)_5.做早操(翻译)_6.child(复数) _7.run(现在分词) _8.are not(缩写) _9.their(同音词) _ 10.glass(复数)_五转换词语(5)1、Iam= 2、thatis= 3、weare= 4、youre=5、aret=六写出反义词(5)1、open_2、big_3、no_4、come_5、boy_七英汉互译。(10)1.Lets go and have a look ._2.Can I go out to have dinner?_3.Mother crow is getting old._4.他们正在浇花。_5.我们打算去钓鱼。 四、选择最佳答案。(15)( )1.Im thirsty. I need some _. A.bread B.cookies C.juice( )2.Theyre making a picture with _. A.all kinds of stone B.all kind of stones C.all kinds of stones( )3.Do you want a lot of _. A.fish B.fishes C.ant( )4.Theyre running and jumping _.A.always B.all time C.all the time( )5.She is sitting between Li Ming _ Linda. A.to B.and C.but( )6.Its _ cold _ go out for food. A.to,to B.too,too C.too,to( )7.Lets go _. A.to hike B.hike C.hiking( )8 Theyer getting ready _the Olympik Games in 2008. A.to B.for C.on( )9. Do you want a lot of _? A.,fishrs B.ant C.fish( )10.How naughty _! A.are you B.you are C.is he()11Hi! Letsgoandplay_ping-pong.A/BaCanDthe()12What_youdoing?AhasBareCisDam()13Areyoudancing?_,wearent.AYesBNoC/Dplease()14Whosthatboy?_one?Thebigone.A/BaCtheDWhich()15Shes_friend, Annie.AmyBICareDit五、连词成句。(20) 1.its cold to go out too ( . )_2.her is baby growing up ( . )_3.they taking are pictures ( . )_ 4.do want a lot fish of you ( ? )_5.how the air is fresh ( ! )_6doingmyIamhomework(.)_7youdoingwathare(?)_8.goplayandletping-pongus(.)_9weouraredoinghomework(.)_10.too out Its go for to food cold (.) 六、阅读,回答问题。(10)(一)Do you like fruits? We need fruits every day. They are delicious and nutritious(有营养的).You see, some fruits are big, eg, watermelons. Some are small, eg, grapes
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