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2022年高中英语 unit 1 Getting along with others Grammar学案 牛津版必修5 Step One: Leading-inTell the functions of the underlined parts in the sentences: subject, object, object plement, attributive, predicative, or adverbial1) Tom seemed excited when he heard the good news yesterday.2) My mother didnt allow him to go out, for he had lots of homework to do.3) In order to keep healthy, Jack takes exercise every morning. Step Two: To-infinitive Tell the functions of the underlined parts in the sentences:FunctionsSample SentencesTo find a best friend is difficult.It is difficult to find a best friend.I need to sleep for eight hours every day.Please remember to write to me. I ask him to e over.He ordered Tom to leave at once.I have an important meeting to attend.I have two letters to write.His intention was to cheer me up.My job is to deliver letters.My dad arranged some swimming lessons to surprise me.He worked hard to provide for his big family.Pay attention to the following point:The to-infinitive often follows some verbs as the object of a sentence. want, hope, like, begin, start, try, forget, agree, learn, refuse, dare, decide, determine, fail, manage, offer, prepare, prefer, mean etc.The to-infinitive can also have a continuous or perfect form in active or passive voice.Active VoicePassive VoiceBasic formPerfect formContinuous formI am glad _ you. 我很高兴见到你。Tom is said _ a science fiction book about love.据说汤姆写过一本科幻小说。Tom happened _ loudly when the teacher came in.老师进来时汤姆刚巧在大声说话。Step Three: Bare infinitive1) We use the bare infinitive after let, make and have 1. I let her _(borrow) my book. 2 She made me _(promise) to write every day.3. The teacher often has his students _(read) aloud in class. verbs of perception: feel, hear, see, observe, notice and watch 1. I often see them _(play) basketball together. 2. I heard him _(sing) in the next room yesterday. Phrases or patterns: would rather, had better, and why not 1. Id rather _(stay) at home instead of _(watch) the film. 2. Youd better _(not be) late.3. Youd better _ (tidy) your bedroom. 4. Why not _ (visit) your cousin in Japan? We can use the bare infinitive for the second infinitive when two infinitives are joined by and, or, except, but, than, rather than, as or like.1. I forgot _(turn off) the lights and _(close) the door when I left. 2. We have nothing _(do) but _(watch) TV. 3. I prefer _(stay) at home rather than _(go) to the dancing party. Later plete the exercise on page 9Step Four: Verb-ing as a nounTell the functions of the underlined parts of the sentences:Sample SentencesUsagesSwimming is good for your health.I love swimming in the sea.I keep fit by swimming every day.Her swimming is improving day by day.The old man has to use a walking stick. The situations we can use Verb-ing forms.u We use Verb-ing (not a infinitive), after the following words:admit dislike imagine delay consider mind understand avoid enjoy practise miss finish keep suggestu Some mon phrases are used with Verb-ing forms.cannot helpI cannot help _(wonder) why she does not like me.look forward toI look forward to _(see) you at the party.feel likeI dont feel like _(do) anything now.cannot standShe cannot stand _(see) that boy.It is no use/goodIt is no use _(cry) about your exam results now.put offI had to put off _(shop) for a while.keep onHe kept on _(ask) me for my phone number.u We can use a verb-ing or an infinitive after the following verbs with little difference in meaning but sometimes with some difference in meaning or usage such as 1. continue prefer begin hate like start love (little difference)2. forget regret remember mean try go on (with some difference)Step Five: Language Pionts1) persuade vt. 劝说;使相信persuade sb to do sth= persuade sb into doing sth (成功地)说服某人做了某事persuade sb of sth 使某人相信某事sb be persuade of sth 某人相信/确信某事 I persuaded her _ (go) to school, even though she did not want to. I am almost persuaded _ his honesty. persuasive adj. 具有说服力力的,使人信服的2) discourage vt. 使丧失勇气;使气馁;使沮丧 discourage sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 相似结构有: stop sb (from) doing sth keep sb from doing sth prevent sb (from) doing sth We discouraged Tom from _ (give) up the job.Step Six: Homework To do Part C2 on page 92 in workbook to practise the infinitive and verb-ing forms To preview the task
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