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Unit 7完成句子1. Ill _ _ _ _ with Daniel _ the Internet to get more _ about him.我会与丹尼尔在网上取得联系,从而得到更多关于他的信息。2. I will think about _ _ _ the food festival.我会考虑怎样组织这个美食节。3. What do you think you _ _ _ _ the people there?你认为你可以做些什么去帮助那里的人们?4. Im _ _ that.我正在想这件事。5. _ _, Im sure that fried rice and dumplings will _ _.更为重要的是,我相信炒饭和饺子一定会大受欢迎。6. Will you please _ _ something _ yourself ,your village school and Nigerian children?你愿意给我讲一些有关你自己、你们村的学校各尼日利亚孩子的事情吗?7. Kangkang is _ him _ the food festival _ the phone.康康正在通过电话邀请他人来参加美食节。8. We students will cook many delicious inteernational foods _ _ _ _ _ raise money for a village school in Nigeria.为了给尼日利亚一所乡村学校筹款,我们学生将会出售自己制作的许多美味的国际食品。9. Lets _ his _ _ _.让我们把他的梦想变成现实吧!10. Michael and his friends _ _ his _.迈克尔和他的朋友们听说了他的计划。11. But I am not sure _ I can cook it well.但是我不确定我是否能把它做好。12. First ,put a _ _ pot on the cooker _.首先,把一个又大又深的锅小心地放到炉具上。13. What is the _ of _ fast food?西方快餐的优点是什么?14. Would you _ _ we _ to make it _ you?我们向你学习做它好吗?15. _ _ _.熟能生巧。16. The answer is that you should _ _ and _ _ _.答案是你应该小声地说话并且多微笑。17. When you _ _ _,youd better _ your glass and _ only _ _.当你向别人敬酒时,你最好举起酒杯只喝一小口。18. If you cant _ these rules, just _ _ other people do.如果你记不住这些规则,只要照着别人做就行了。19. The students are very _.这些学生非常热心。20. Lets _ them _.让我们祝他们成功。21. I have _ good _ _ _ you.我有一些好消息要告诉你。22. We worked very hard, and _ _ _ we made over ¥1500.我们工作很卖力,最终挣到了1500元。23. Well _ the money _ you.我们将会把钱寄给你。24. First,we need _ _ _ food,never _ _ or too _.The food must _ _ and we should cook it _.首先,我们必须有充足的食物,不能太多或太少。食物必须干净,而且我们应该用适当的方法来烹调。25. Second ,its very _ _ us _ have a _ _ .其次,保持均衡的饮食对我们很重要。26. _ _ that half of the students dont have a _ breakfast or dont _ _ at all in the morning. 据说有一半学生吃早餐没有规律甚至不吃早饭。27. _ _,a good breakfast _ us _.事实上,一顿丰盛的早餐让我们保持身体强壮。28. _ _, we should _ _ eat enough,good and healthy food _ _ eat _.总之,我们不仅应该吃足够多的、健康的食物而且饮食也要有规律。29. _ _ I but also Jim _ _ to music.我和吉姆都喜欢听音乐。
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