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真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。Teaching Plan 中山市第一中学 刘桂芳本课题目:You are supposed to shake hands.教学内容:教材内容:教材九年级第十二单元Section A 第一课时语言目标:What are you supposed to do when you meet someone in ? You are supposed to .教学重点:利用所学的语言目标在greeting 和visiting两个方面进行礼貌交际的建议,同时,通过讨论、听力、阅读等方式了解西方不同国家的礼仪。教学词汇:greet, shake hands, knock at the door, bow, hug, kiss教学目的:学习新词汇,熟练掌握语言目标,并能进行最基本的日常对话,同时,了解西方不同国家的礼仪,增加学生的知识面,培养学生的礼貌意识和世界意识。学生分析:中山一中是中山市的一所重点中学。2002年开始在初中部实行电脑派位,我所带的这个班是第一届。初三级共十二个班,除十一、十二班是竞赛班外,共有十个平行班,平行班实行分层教学,即每两个教学班以考试成绩分成A B班上课,班成绩相对较好。我任教的初三级一、二班班全级英语成绩排名中上,踏实、勤奋、灵活、好奇是这个班的特点,英语课上他们敢于大胆提问,主动参与,并积极配合老师。教学策略:以任务型教学理论为主导,分层次、分步骤地创设任务,完成任务,实现教学目标。采取参与教学,自主教学,评价教学等教学策略,让学生在一种轻松、积极的气氛中掌握语言目标。教学反思:这节课基本上按照我的设计,较好地完成本节课的教学内容,达到了预想的效果。在任务的安排和设计上能由浅入深,贴近生活,通过学生对不同国家风俗礼仪的调查,培养学生的合作意识、文化意识,充分体现学生学习的自主性,能动性,同时多方面多渠道的进行对目标语言的综合训练,达到交际目的。本节课的最初意向是将课堂交给学生,转换教师的角色,增加学生的语言交际量,但由于时间掌握不够好,致使小组讨论和小组展示竞赛部分未能达到更多学生参与。另外,课室前方白板上的八面国旗未能发挥其作用,如果能让学生在竞赛环节加入对国旗的介绍,可能会更好。总之,在今后的教学中,还是要从分析学生入手,精心设计,不断进行课后反思,让自己在实践中得到不断提高。 教学步骤课前准备:1。课前要求学生以小组形式搜集与本单元相关的八个国家在greeting 和visiting两个方面的礼仪,并做成卡片进行对比。(要求:每个组至少选择两个国家)如:CountryGreetingVisitingJapan123123USA123123课前请两名学生准备一个小对话。其中有两处礼貌错误。准备八张不同国家的国旗,课前挂在黑板的上方。用来营造课堂气氛一篇阅读文(Turkey):引入 以教师错误的打招呼开始本节课。(注:本节课是下午第一节)目的在于:以知引趣,活跃气氛,同时引出本堂课的讨论话题是打招呼并自然地过渡到教学greet。符合学生由浅入深的认知规律。T: Now, class begins, good morning, boys and girls.SS: Good afternoon, Miss Liu.T: Thank you, sit down please. You know I made mistakes?SS: Yes.T: So, I greeted you in a wrong way. So I write here. Read after me: greet.SS: Greet.T: Greet.SS: Greet.T: Greet.SS: Greet.T: Yes, very good. I greeted you in a wrong way. Now, what should I say? I should say” Good afternoon!” I also say I am supposed to say “Good afternoon!”. Thats very easy, I think. Right? So this time I want you to watch a short play, and find two mistakes, watch carefully, now welcome(下面的这个小对话,是课前提前准备的。这个环节的目的是为了弥补前一环节的仓促,让学生能换个角度和方式再认识greet 和be supposed to。)S1: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Yang Shuojun.,and today, my friend Garry will come to visit me.S2: Where are you? Shuoshuo?S1: Oh, its Garry. You are more handsome than before.S2: You are much fatter than before.S1: Oh, the weather is great!S2: Yes, the weather is great. But, may I sit here?S1: Oh, sorry, my friend, sit down, please.S2: Thank you.S1: Here is the present for your son? Here you are.S1: Oh, its great. I love it.S2: Thats all.T: Thank you. Thank you. Fine, ok, now, what are the mistakes? Can you tell me? First, volunteer? Who wants to tell me? Never mind. Right? OK? Now, look, first, he shouldSS: Knock at the door.T: Yes, good, he should knock at the door. We also say, he is supposed to knock at the door. Good, Now, read the sentence again, class.SS: He is supposed to knock at the door.T: And he should say, he should saySS: Sit down, please.T: Yes, very good. Or he is supposed to say sit down, please. Now, the whole class, say that again.SS: He is supposed to say “Sit down, please!” 2.介绍目标词汇:通过课件图片学习shake hands, bow, hug, kiss.同时操练语言目标 本环节利用非语言信息来加深学生对目标语言的理解和运用,从广度上提高学生的认知水平。T: OK, very good. How to greet in China? Look at the pictures, we shouldSS: Shake hands.T: Very good, read after me, shake hands.SS: Shake hands.T: Shake hands.SS: Shake hands.T: So ,we are supposed to SS: Shake hands.T: Good, the whole class, read again.SS: We are supposed to shake hands.T: Any more? Are we supposed to bow?SS: No.T: Do you know bow? Read after me, bow.SS: Bow.T: Bow.SS: Bow.T: Good, bow.SS: Bow.T: Are we supposed to bow?SS: No.T: So, read it.SS: We are not supposed to bow when we greet.T: Greet.SS: Greet.T: Greet.SS: Greet.T: Very good, next picture, how are they supposed to do? Do you know hug?SS: Yes.T: Read after me, hug.SS: Hug.T: Hug.SS: Hug.T: Read it again ,they areSS: They are supposed to hug.T: Very good, look, are we supposed to kiss?SS: No.T: Are we supposed to kiss when we greet for the first time?SS: No.T: Maybe not, very good, so read it.SS: We are not supposed to kiss when we greet for the first time.巩固与应用:采用示标教学策略,参与教学策略,自主教学策略和评价教学策略。 分别设计五项学习任务,由浅入深地运用目标语言实现新课标的最高要求:听说读写共同体现。Task one: Discuss questions:(讨论问题)在这项任务中,采取示标教学策略,限制语境,限制问题数目,限制活动方式。从讨论问题到完整回答问题,从而实现口头上的日常交际,培养学生的合作意识。T: Are you a polite person? Are you a polite student?SS: Yes.T: Are you sure?SS: Yes.T: Yes, ok, so, lets look at the picture, what are we supposed to do when we are having class?And you should answer me, we are supposed to and we are not supposed to,and, what are we supposed to do, when youSS: Meet the teacher.T: Very good, what are we supposed
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