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2022年考博英语-南昌大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Improvements in quality control techniques have resulted in more high-quality products with very few _.问题1选项A.failuresB.defectsC.routesD.spots【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。failures “失败”;defects “缺点”;routes “路线”;spots “斑点”。句意:质量控制技术的改进使产品质量更高,缺陷更少。选项B符合题意。2. 单选题Of recent inventions, it is perhaps the motor car which has our lives more than anything else.问题1选项A.transformedB.transmittedC.transferredD.transplanted【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。transformed “转变”;transmitted “传输”;transferred “转移”; transplanted “移植”。句意:在最近的发明中,也许汽车比其他任何东西都更能改变我们的生活。选项A符合题意。3. 单选题Sometimes patients suffering from severe pain can be helped by “drugs” that arent really drugs at all _ sugar pills that contain no active chemical elements.问题1选项A.or ratherB.rather thanC.other thanD.but rather【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。or rather “倒不如说”;rather than “而不是”;other than“除了,不同于”;but rather “而是”。句意:有时候帮助病人缓解疼痛的药物并不是真正的药物而是一些不含活性化学元素的糖丸。选项D符合题意。4. 单选题A joke or two always up a lecture, I think.问题1选项A.raiseB.loosenC.livenD.inspire【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。raise “提高”;loosen “放松;松开”;liven “使高兴”,liven up “使有生气”;inspire “激发,鼓舞”。根据关键词a lecture,可知是liven up 符合题意。句意:我认为一两个笑话可以使课堂更有生气。选项C符合题意。5. 翻译题The history of ecological change is still so elementary that we know little about what really happened, or what the results were. The destruction of the European aurochs as late as 1627 would seem to have been a simple case of overenthusiastic hunting. On more complex matters it often is impossible to find solid information. For a thousand years or more the Frisians and Netherlanders have been pushing back the North Sea, and the process is culminating in our own time in the reclamation of the Zuider Zee. What, if any, species of animals, birds, fish, shore life, or plants have died out in the process? In their heroic combat with the sea have the Netherlanders overlooked ecological values in such a way that the quality of human life in the Netherlands has suffered? I cannot discover that the questions have ever been asked, much less answered.(1)People, then, have often been a dynamic element in their own environment, but in the present state of historical scholarship we usually do know exactly when, where, or with what effects man-induced changes came. As we enter the last third of the 20th century, however for the problem of ecological backlash is mounting feverishly. Natural science, conceived as the effort to understand the nature of things, had flourished in several eras and among several peoples. Similarly there had been an age-old accumulation of technological skills, sometimes growing rapidly, sometimes slowly. But it was not until about four generations ago that Western Europe and North America arranged a marriage between science and technology, a union of the theoretical and the empirical approaches to our natural environment. The emergence in widespread practice of the Baconian belief that scientific knowledge means technological power over nature can scarcely be dated before about 1850, save in the chemical industries, where it is anticipated in the 18th century. (2)Its acceptance as a normal pattern of action may mark the greatest event in human history since the invention of agriculture, and perhaps in nonhuman earth history as well.【答案】1. 因此,人们在他们自己的环境中常常是一个动态的因素,但在目前的历史学术状态下,我们通常确实知道人为的变化在何时、何地或以何种影响出现。2. 它被接受为一种正常的行为模式,可能标志着自农业发明以来人类历史上最重大的事件,也许在非人类的地球历史上也是如此。6. 单选题Surprisingly perhaps, the biggest health risk for tourists travelling abroad is actually road traffic accidents.问题1选项A.potentialB.theoreticalC.definiteD.alternative【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。potential “潜在的,可能的” ;theoretical “理论的;理论上的”;definite “一定的,确切的”;alternative “供选择的;选择性的”。句意:也许令人惊讶的是,对出国旅游的游客来说,最大的潜在健康风险实际上是道路交通事故。选项A符合题意。7. 单选题It is not uncommon for there _ problems of communication between the old and the young.问题1选项A.beingB.would beC.beD.to be【答案】A【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:年轻一代与老一代之间的交流存在问题,这种情况非常罕见。此处是there be句型,根据句子结构,可知此处并不缺少谓语动词,因而只能使用非谓语动词,选项A符合题意。8. 单选题Some people complain doctors for too many medicines for minor illnesses.问题1选项A.advisingB.deliveringC.orderingD.prescribing【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。Advise “建议”;deliver “交付;递送”;order “命令”;prescribe “开药方”。句意:一些人抱怨医生总是给小病开很多药。选项D符合题意。9. 单选题She expressed her strong determination that nothing could her to give up her career as a teacher.问题1选项A.induceB.deduceC.reduceD.attract【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。induce “诱导,引起”;deduce “推论;推断”;reduce “减少”;attract “吸引”。Induce sb. to do sth. “诱导某人做某事”。句意:她表达了自己坚定的决心,任何事都不可能诱使她放弃教师这个职业。10. 单选题Doctors believe that secondhand smoke may cause lung cancer in people who do not smoke. Nonsmokers often breathe in the smoke from other peoples c
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