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最新教学资料人教版英语Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?3aSelf Check练习.用所给单词的适当形式填空1Those are _ (key)2The tape player is on the _(teacher) desk.3I have two _ (dictionary)4Please _(call) me after class.来源:数理化网.单项选择1_ is he?He is my new English teacher.AWho BHowCHow old DWhere 2_ is Li Ping?来源:www.shulihua.netHe is in the classroom.AWhat BWhereCHe DIt 3Theres a map of China _ the wall.Ain BonCunder Dbetween 4Your brothers tapes _ in the drawer.Ais BamCare D/ 5There are many apples _ the tree.A bird _ the tree is eating an apple.Ain;on Bon;inCin;at Dto;of .完形填空This is my bedroom.You can see _1_ pictures on the wall.The lamp is _2_ the desk.The football is _3_ the chair._4_ is the bed?Its near the window.My father and _5_ bedroom is near my bedroom._6_ flowers and a nice big bed _7_ in their room.The windows are _8_ the wall.A yellow door is in the wall,_9_.Do you like my bedroom and _10_?1A.a Bam Cone Dsome 2A.under BonCin Dbehind 3A.in BunderCto Dfor 4A.Who BWhat CHow DWhere 5A.brother BmotherCmothers Dbrothers 来源:www.shulihua.net6A.the BsomeCThe DSome来源:www.shulihua.net 7A.is BareCisnt Dam 来源:www.shulihua.net8A.on BbehindCin Dunder 9A.of BhereCthere Dtoo 10A.their Btheirs Cthem Dtheir room 参考答案. 1. keys2. teachers3. dictionaries4. call . ABBCB . DBBDC DBCDD
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