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差分放大器试验报告篇一:差分放大器设计的试验报告设计课题设计一个具有恒流偏置的单端输入-单端输出差分放大器。学校:延安高校一: 已知条件正负电源电压?V模信号Vidcc?12V,?VEE?12V;负载RL输入差?20k?;?20mV。?10k?;差模电压增益Avd?15;共模抑制二:性能指标要求差模输入电阻R比KCMRid?50dB。三:方案设计及论证方案一:方案二方案论证:在放大电路中,任何元件参数的变更,都将产生输出电压的漂移,由温度变更所引起的半导体参数的变更是产生零点漂移的主要缘由。采纳特性相同的管子使它们产生的温漂相互抵消,故构成差分放大电路。差分放大电路的基本性能是放大差模信号,抑制共模信号好,采纳恒流源代替稳流电阻,从而尽可能的提高共模抑制比。论证方案一:用电阻R6来抑制温漂? 优点:R6 越大抑制温漂的实力越强; ? 缺点:<1>在集成电路中难以制作大电阻;<2> R6的增大也会导致Vee的增大(实际中Vee不可能随意变更)论证方案二优点:(1) 引入恒流源来代替R6,志向的恒流源内阻趋于无穷,直流压降不会太高,符合实际状况;(2)电路中恒流源部分增加了两个电位器,其中47R的用来调整电路对称性,10K的用来限制Ic的大小,从而调整静态工作点。 通过分析最终选择方案二。四:试验工作原理及元器件参数确定? 静态分析:当输入信号为0时, ? IEQ(Vee-UBEQ)/2Re ? IBQ= IEQ /(1+)?UCEQ=UCQ-UEQVcc-ICQRc+UBEQ动态分析? 已知:R1=R4,R2=R3篇二:加法器及差分放大器项目试验报告加法器及差分放大器项目试验报告一、项目内容和要求 (一)、加法器1、任务目的:(1)驾驭运算放大器线性电路的设计方法; (2)理解运算放大器的工作原理;(3)驾驭应用仿真软件对运算放大器进行仿真分析的方法。 2、任务内容:2.1 设计一个反相加法器电路,技术指标如下:(1)电路指标运算关系:UO?(5Ui1?2Ui2)。输入阻抗Ri1?5K?,Ri2?5K?。(2)设计条件电源电压Ec=5V; 负载阻抗RL?5.1K?(3)测试项目A:输入信号Ui1?0.5V,Ui2?0.5V,测试4种组合下的输出电压;B:输入信号Ui1?0.5V,Ui2为正弦波1KHz,0.1V信号,测试两种输入组合状况下的输出电压波形。C:输入信号Ui1?0V,变更Ui2的幅度,测量该加法器的动态范围。D:输入信号Ui1?0V,Ui2为正弦波,1V,变更正弦波的频率,从1kHz渐渐增加,步长为2kHz,测量该加法器的幅频特性。2.2 设计一个同相加法器电路,技术指标如下: (1)电路指标运算关系:UO?Ui1?Ui2。 (2)设计条件电源电压Ec=5V; 负载阻抗RL?5.1K? (3)测试项目A:输入信号Ui1?1V,Ui2?1V,测试4种组合下的输出电压;B:输入信号Ui1?1V,Ui2为正弦波1KHz,1V信号,测试两种输入组合状况下的输出电压波形。(二)、差分放大器1、任务目的:(1)驾驭运算放大器线性电路的设计方法; (2)理解运算放大器的工作原理;(3)驾驭应用仿真软件对运算放大器进行仿真分析的方法。 2、任务内容2.1 设计一个基本运放差分放大器电路,技术指标如下: (1)电路指标运算关系:UO?5(Ui1?Ui2)。 输入阻抗Ri1?5K?,Ri2?5K?。 (2)设计条件电源电压Ec=5V; 负载阻抗RL?5.1K? (3)测试项目A:输入信号Ui1?0.5V,Ui2?0.5V,测试4种组合下的输出电压;B:输入信号Ui1?0.5V,Ui2为正弦波1KHz,0.5V信号,测试两种输入组合状况下的输出电压波形。二、设计及调试(一)、电路设计 1、反相加法器U0=-Rf*IfU0=-Rf*(Ui1/R1+Ui2/R2) 输出电压与输入电压反相R3在电路中起平衡作用(R3=R1/R2/Rf)2、同相加法器U0=(1+Rf/R)Ui输出电压与输入电压同相R在电路中起平衡作用(R3=R1/R2/Rf)3、差分放大器差分放大电路可以有效的抑制“零点漂移” U0=(R1+Rf)/R1*R3/(R2+R3)-(R2/R1)*U1 R1=R2,R3=Rf,U0=-(R2/R1)*(Ui1-Ui2)(二)、电路仿真 1、加法器1.1反相加法器A.输入信号Ui1?0.5V,Ui2?0.5V,测试4种组合下的输出电压 仿真测试数据:B.i1i2电压波形仿真电路:仿真测试波形:输入: Ui1=0.5V,Ui2为频率1KHz,幅度为0.1V的正弦波信号 (蓝色波形) 输出: U0发生直流偏移,向下偏2.5V(红色波形)输入: Ui1=0.5V,Ui2为频率1KHz,幅度为0.1V的正弦波信号 (蓝色波形) 输出: U0发生直流偏移,向上偏2.5V(红色波形)C.输入信号Ui1?0V,变更Ui2的幅度,测量该加法器的动态范围仿真电路:仿真测试波形:输入:Ui1=0V,Ui2为频率1KHz,幅度0.1V正弦波(蓝色波形) 输出:U0=0.2V(最大值),频率1KHz正弦波(红色波形)输入:Ui1=0V,Ui2为频率1KHz,幅度2V正弦波(蓝色波形)输出:U0=3.998V,频率1KHz正弦波,顶部发生失真现象(红色波形)篇三:差分放大器长春理工高校国家级电工电子实验教学示范中心学生试验报告 学年第学期试验课程 试验地点 学院 专业 学号 姓名12345organization system and working mode, the selection of a number of municipal strengthening group to build innovation and strengthen the organization of the basic level organizations advanced model.(seven) the manual work of the Communist Youth League Organization published and League branch of manual work, to promote the use of two manuals in the citys organizations at various levels. The county committee, directly under the group (work) is under the jurisdiction of grassroots League and group (total) using branch ratio shall not be less than 70%.Three, to further strengthen the groups leadership and team building(a) to strengthen the leagues leadership at all levels of construction. Continue to do a good job of municipal Party Committee Organization Department on the strengthening of the Communist Youth League cadres management opinions implementation. To promote the group counties (autonomous counties, cities) Commission and city directly under the group (workers) appointed to carry out the Five team building activities. Improve the League Association Department working mechanism. Conscientiously fulfill the duties of CO, combined with the city group directly under (the) Committee of the general election and the adjustment, actively jointly with the unit where the party organization department good group leadership selection with the work. Do a good job in municipal Party committee assistant committee leadership and leading cadres of the annual assessment work, adhere to and improve the assistant secretary of the Communist Youth League talk system group To weave individual conversation and collective conversation, to strengthen the committees of all levels, the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee, the establishment of a sound system of central group learning, the system of investigation and study, the system of important issues and the reporting system.(two) to strengthen the work of education and training of cadres to conscientiously implement the Central Committee. On the implementation of grassroots cadres training project and opinions on carrying out the mission municipal CYL Cadres training project implementation opinions, full implementation of the project of the City Youth League cadres training education. Focus on the county grassroots cadres and workers focused on training, the new school system vocational training League cadres, for the Municipal Organization Department jointly held the third session of the Communist Youth League system training cadres in party. Focusin
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