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Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?课时:第三课时 Section B (P20P21)预习导航:任务一:识记下列单词恐惧的 攀登 跳跃 呼喊 猫 火车站 逃跑 任何地方 进来 发生 ride(过去式) run(过去式) meet(过去式) 任务二:阅读理解快速阅读短文(P 21 .3),回答下列问题:1. What was Linda doing when Davy ran away? 2. Why couldnt Linda see Davy? 3. Where was Davy while Linda was looking for him? 4. What happened while Linda was on the telephone? 5. What was Davy doing when Linda finally saw him? 任务三:语言知识学习:尝试翻译下列短语或句子:课本P 201)恐惧 2)爬树 3)跳下来 4)看见一只猫在树上 5)照相 6)骑自行车 课本P 211)当Linda正在火车站买报纸的时候,狗从盒子里面跑了出来,逃走了。When Linda at the train station, the dog and .2)在任何地方Linda都看不到Davy。Linda Davy .3)当她正通过电话谈话的时候,Davy在车站外面遇见了另外一条狗。While she , Davy .4)在车站四处走动 5)思考做某事 6)对某人说 7)当Linda最后看到Davy的时候,它正在和另外一条狗跑、跳着。When Linda Davy, he and .任务四:Role Play (分角色表演)11:00 am11:10 am11:15 am11:20 am11:25 amStudent A was in the park last Sunday. Student B is a policeman. Talk about what was happening at these time. A: What were you at 11:00 am last Sunday?B: I was in the park.A: What were you doing there?B: I was swimming in the park.任务五:课堂小测1.The thing was very _ ,and all of us were _.a. surprised ; surprising b. surprising; surprised c. surprised; surprised d. surprising; surprising 2.The hall is crowded _many people.a. at b. in c. with d. of 3.When the thief saw a policeman, he _ quickly.a. runs away b. ran away c. stopped running d. is running away 4.When my teacher got my home, my family _ dinner. a. was having b. were having c. is having d. are having 5.I _(play) the piano when someone called my name. 6.What _(happen) to you yesterday? -I _(fall) off the tall tree and hurt my leg.7.We thought about _(go) to London or New York.8.-_you _(fight)with your brother?-Yes,I did. 9.Someone _(shout) at the poor old man at eight yesterday morning. 找出每题中的一个错误10.The problem is too difficult. Nobody can work out it . A B C D 12.I dont know how to use the computer, too. A B C D13.Is the boat enough big to hold five people? A B C D
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