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Human Rights Awareness of Students in HITAbstract Our group surveyed Human Rights Situations of college students in HIT to measure and analyze their human rights awareness ( Everyone own its rights the time he or she was born。) The law give everyone the right to live on the earth as soon as one was give birth to . Meanwhile one must fulfill its obligations(履行义务)that is because right is equal to duty. In addition people can give up their rights but they cannot abandon(放弃)their duty。 Gradually people forget or abandon most of their rights .When they are being steadily eroded(权利受到侵犯) they have not got the thought that their rights are invaded or they just regard it as a normal thing 。What is important is that our government just emphasiz the peoples duty instead of helping people to protect their rights. We college students ,as a new generation, should try our best to improve our right protection Consciousness so as to make our society much more harmony。 Besides we must learn how to get legal assistance whenever our right is harmed。 If every generation pays attation on teaching the next generation how to protect peoples rights,their consciousness of rights protection will make a big progress. In our daily life, we are trespasses always。 So we select some questions to do questionnaire. This is a partial report on the results of the survey on the students rights awareness of hit students in the campus by the team during 2010。42010。5 period .At first, we communicate with each other. To find some efficiency ways to collect the data what we need. We select some material connected with our topic to choose some of them for our using. We deliberated some question which is the best we thought. We printed 80 pieces of papers。 We send out them to some class, some other college and some girls .So ,we think that our data coming from our questionnaire is effective。 The questionnaire is the listed:调 查 问 卷 大学生维权意识班级: 性别:你好!我们正在进行一项关于大学生的维权意识的实践调查!为了提高调查结果的真实性,请您如实填写。感谢您参与这次调查活动,请在下列问题中选择与您实际情况最相符的一项前打“”。1. 是否存在未经您同意他人占用甚至损害您财产的情况? A、是 B、否2. 您的隐私是否曾被侵犯过? A、是 B、否3. 您觉得学校在考试,比赛中的评定评选是否做到了公平公正?A、是 B、否4. (1)您在消费时会要发票吗?A、很少 B、偶尔 C、经常 D、总是(2)您要发票的动机?A、防止产品出现问题 B、刮奖 C、纳税意识 D、报销5. (1)你参加校外活动的次数?A、很少 B、偶尔 C、经常(2)当参加校外活动的时候您的权利受到侵害时,你会?A、忍气吞声 B、事后对其抱怨一下就过了C、与侵权者抗争到底 D、运用法律手段来解决6. 当身边的同学或朋友的权益受到侵犯时,你会?A、提供一些建议 B、运用法律手段助其解决7. 您觉得大学生维护自身合法权益是否重要?A、非常重要 B、重要 C、一般 D、没想过8. 您对自己现在权益受保护状况的看法?A、非常满意 B、满意 C、不满意 D、很不满意9. 对于以下几种维权措施您更倾向于哪一种?A、协商,和解 B、调节与仲裁 C、诉讼 D、其他:10. 你认为大学生应当如何提高我们大学生自身的维权意识?A、看相关书籍 B、听有关讲座C、参与相关课程的学习和实践 D、无需学习,我们会在生活中逐步提高The survey questionnaire was administered in 2 colleges in HIT from April 2010 May 2010. The survey questionnaire has the following variables and their samples: 1. Gender: male 57; female 13. 2. Type of students: Machine69;Other 11。 3. Quality:80;Receive:70.Overall analysis as well as analysis per variable were done to allow comparisons and find out differences, if any, exist among and between them.Analysis of ResultsI. From the first three questions which is related to our vital interests, we can know the result from this form .是否存在未经您同意他人占用甚至损害您财产的情况?您的隐私是否曾被侵犯过?您觉得学校在考试,比赛中的评定评选是否做到了公平公正?YES364530NO332640II. Then ,there are two questions which comes from our daily life especially our college students。 The answers will show you by a chart.We can see the every part of the people who ask for the invoice from the chart next。The next chart shows that what the students who was tort would do to protect themselves.III. The questions 7 to 10 is related to our students views and our manner to the things happened in our daily life which connected to our rights an interests.We have so many ways to preserve our rights an interests, such as compromise, ask for mediation request and so on。 Let us see what they will do!IV. The left is the 6th. In the 70 questionnaire, 69 persons choose “A。 We should admit that we neglect our duty.第六章 争议的解决第三十四条 消费者和经营者发生消费者权益争议的,可以通过下列途径解决:(一)与经营者协商和解;(二)请求消费者协会调解;(三)向有关行政部门申诉; (四)根据与经营者达成的仲裁协议提请仲裁机构仲裁;(五)向人民法院提起诉讼。文中如有不足,请您指教! /
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