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2022年考博英语-中国地质大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 填空题My grandfathers heavy Fujian accent(1) his Chinese hard to understand(2)times. I love to talk to him, but I often(3) to understand things he says, so I have to ask him to(4). This doesnt(5)him, but it does me. When my mother is around, she helps when she(6)that Im having trouble. The problem is that Ive never(7 ) any time in the small town(8)the Fujian oast where my grandfather (9)up. My mother, who also lived there till shewas eight, says its a beautiful place. She and I have discussed the possibility of(10 )the town while my grandfather is still healthy(11) to make the trip. He is in(12) late seventies now but he leads a very active life and his mind is as sharp as ever. 大意:有时,我祖父明显的福建口音使他的中文很难让人理解。我喜欢和他说话,但是, 我经常不理解他说的,所以我会要他再重复一遍。这并不困扰他,但是困扰我。当我妈妈在旁边时,当她发现我陷入麻烦时,她会帮我。问题是我从未在祖父长大的福建海岸附近的小镇上度过多少时光。我的妈妈也在那住到8岁,她说那个地方很美。我和妈妈己经讨论拜访这个小镇的可能性了,在我祖父的身体仍然很健康,能出去旅游的时候。但是,在他快80岁的时候,他的生活过得非常积极,他的思维和以前一样敏锐。【答案】1.makes2.at3.fail4.repeat5.trouble6.find7.spent8.near9.grew10.visiting11.enough12.his【解析】1.词汇题。句意: 我祖父明显的福建口音使他的中文让人很难理解。2.固定搭配。At times 有时候。3.固定搭配。Fail to 不能/未能。4.词汇题。句意: 我经常不理解他说的,所以我会要他再重复一遍。5.词汇题。前文说到听不懂祖父说的话, 空格后面说 “but it does me”,可知前文是说这件事并不困扰他祖父。6.词汇题。句意: 当她发现我陷入麻烦时,她会帮我。7.词汇题。此处应填动词,宾语是any time,根据前面的have判断时态为现在完成时, 故填spent。8.词汇题。句意: 问题是我从未在祖父长大的福建海岸附近的小镇上度过多少时光。因此此处缺少表示地点的介词。9.固定搭配。Grow up 长大。此处应为一般过去时。10.词汇题。句意:我和妈妈己经讨论拜访这个小镇的可能性了。11.词汇题。句意: 在我祖父的身体仍然很健康。这里用enough修饰healthy,表示很健康。12.固定搭配。In ones late seventies 在快八十岁的时候,这里主人公为祖父,因此填入his。2. 填空题Ill be(1) if Martin and Silvia get married. They seem to quarrel all the time. I have trouble believing that any union of theirs would(2) .【答案】surprised; survive【解析】1.语义题。句意:如果马丁和希维亚结婚了,我会感到惊讶。2.语义题。句意: 他们好像一直在吵架。我不大相信他们这样的结合会持续长久。他们一直在吵架,我觉得可能很难维系下来,所以填survive。3. 填空题Yesterday I went (1)a drink with three Canadian geologists who came to hear my presentation. It (2)out that we have a number of research interests in(3) , so we(4) the possibility of working together, using new material from sites in Canada and China.【答案】for; turned; common; discussed【解析】句意: 昨天我和三个过来听我报告的加拿大地质学家一起喝酒。发现我们在研究兴趣上有很多相同点,所以我们探讨共同工作的可能性,使用来自加拿大和中国地皮上的新材料。1.固定搭配。go for a drink 出去喝点。2.固定搭配。It turns out that. 结果是,这里应该用过去式turned。3.固定搭配。have sth. in common有相同之处。4.语义题。句意推测为: 所以我们探讨共同工作的可能性。4. 填空题These days people get their news from many different(1) . Some people still read an old-style printed daily newspaper, while(2) read newspapers on(3). Many people no (4)read a newspaper at all, instead relying(5) the internet for short news articles, or visiting favorite websites that circulate pieces from other websites. Another group of people get most of their news from TV or radio broadcasts. Many Western intellectuals regard the decline of the greatdaily newspapers as a negative (6)that will lead to a (7)understanding of world affairs. They are alarmed by the growing number of people who largely(8) the outside world, focusing on their own society or small personal sphere.句意:现在人们可以通过多种出处获取新闻。一些人仍然阅读老式的纸质日报,而另一 些人则在网上看报纸。许多人不再在网上看报纸,相反只是依赖网络去关注短消息, 或浏览自己喜欢的网站。还有一群人是通过电视或收音机获取大部分消息。许多西方 知识分子把伟大的日报的衰落视为一种负面的现象,它将导致人们对世界事务了解的 匮乏。他们惊讶地发现,越来越多的人只会把注意力放在自我世界之中,关心自己的 事,而忽视外面的世界。【答案】1.sources2.others3.internet4.longer5.on6.phenomenon7.poor8.ignore【解析】1.逻辑衔接。由关键词“news新闻”知这里指代“从不同的出处或消息来源获取新闻”,故这里填sources “出处;消息来源”。2.固定搭配。some.others 些 ,另一些 。3.逻辑衔接。文中提到一些人读纸质报纸,那另一些人很自然就读网上的报纸。4.固定搭配。No longer.at all不再5.固定搭配。rely on 依靠6.语义题。句意: 许多知识分子把伟大的日报的衰落视为一种负面的现象。7.语义题。句意: 阅读报纸的人数下降,人们对世界事务的了解变得匮乏。8.语义题。句意: 人们把注意力放在个人世界里,也就会无视外面的世界。5. 填空题A new graduate student (1)our research group yesterday. (2)enough, he has the same name (3)our professor. (4)of them arenamed Michael Wilson. Professor Wilson is only 39, and were always called him “Mike”. To (5)confusion, weve decided to call the new member of our research group “Michael”,(6) though it does sound a bit formal especially when we use a nickname to address the professor who (7)our group.大意: 昨天,一个新毕业生加入了我们的研究团队。奇怪的是,他和我们的教授同名,他们两个都叫迈克威尔逊。威尔逊教授只有39岁,所以我们经常叫他“Mike”。为了避免混乱,我们还是决定叫新成员为“Michael”一一尽管这听起来有些正式,尤其是当我们用昵称称呼领导我们团队的教授时候。【答案】1.joined2.Funny3.as4.Both5.avoid6.even7.leads【解析】1.词汇题。句意: 昨天,一个新毕业生加入了我们的研究团队。2.词汇题。后文说:新来的成员和教授同名, 可推断前文应为 “有趣的是”。所以此处填入形容词funny。3.固定搭配。The same as 与一样。4.固定搭配。Both of A and B 两者都。5.词汇题。句意: 为了避免混乱,我们还是决定叫新成员为“Michael”。6.逻辑分析。句意: 尽管这听起来有些正式,而且空格后为though,因此此处填even表示让步。7.词汇题。这里是who引导的定语从句,修饰先行词the professor,所以空格处的动词应与宾语our group搭配,而且定语从句中主语为the professor,因此填leads。6. 单选题Dont get the idea that Ive bought a new car. Since the motor of my old Volkswagen started to make an odd noise last week, Im having it repaired. I drive this substitute for a few days.问题1选项A.get the idea that
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