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2022年考博英语-中央民族大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 不定项选择题At first, the new business plan seemed counterintuitiveif not a quick route to bankruptcy. Koreans who ordered products from LG Home Shopping, a television shopping channel hawking everything from jewelry to cookware, could return them no questions asked and get a refund even before the items were collected from their home. All deliveries were free. And the new plan was launched in the depths of the Asian financial crisis in 1998.Little wonder that everyone including his staff thought LG Home Shopping Chief Executive Choi Yung Jae has a screw looses. Even as Choi offered one of the best bargains in Korea, he refused to sacrifice quality. One day, he appeared at a Seoul warehouse for a spot inspectionand canceled orders from nearly 70% of LGs suppliers. “Customer trust will make or break our business,” he declared. Not long after, Choi set up a fax line in his office to handle customer complaints directly. Complaints poured in. “But then,” says LG manager Shin Hyung Bum, “six months later he started getting complimentary faxes.” Executives are confident that sales will jump another 50% next year.Choi is still getting them. In 1998, LG Home Shopping earned its first profit as sales tripled to $169 million. The channel, which airs around the clock and prices items up to one-third cheaper than department stores, has thrived ever since. Despite the global slowdown, the company predicts sales of $ 779 million this year, up 68% from 2000.LG takes advantage of Korean demographics. Knowing that most middle-class women are homemakers, it has focused its marketing on females in their 30s and 40s. And delivery costs are minimal because nearly half of Koreas 14.3 million families reside in apartment blocks.The operation is also resolutely up-market, in contrast to similar U.S. channels. Because most cable-TV subscribers in Korea are well-to-do, LG sells no item for less than $ 23, which it figures is the minimum it can charge and still make a 4% margin after covering delivery. On average, LG shoppers spend $110 per order, triple what U.S. TV shoppers spend.Rivals acknowledge Chois contribution to electronic shopping, which has accounted for 3% of Koreas $90 billion retail market. “The whole industry is indebted to Chois pioneering campaign,” says Samsung Vice-President Suh Kang Ho, who heads the chaebols Internet Shopping division. “The big question is if LG can keep its growth in the face of tougher competition.”1. Which of the following best defines the word “counterintuitive” (L. 1, Para. 1)?2. By saying that “Choi Yung Jae has a screw looses” (L. 2, Para.2), the author means that( ).3. In the views of Choi( )4. From the text, we can infer that( )5. What is the attitude of Suh Kang Ho towards the future growth of LG?问题1选项A.Sensible.B.Irrational.C.Quick.D.Feasible.问题2选项A.the staff in the company are afraid of ChoiB.there is something wrong with the facility of the companyC.Choi is mad to some extentD.Chois bargains cannot be accepted by the staff问题3选项A.product quality is crucial to the success of the company.B.electronic shopping has a bright future.C.the American way of e-commerce has more disadvantages.D.the rival company has already acknowledged his contribution.问题4选项A.the new electronic shopping plan starts in an unfavorable economic situation.B.the majority of the customers of LGs service are women and children.C.the American electronic shopping companies are the rivals of LG.D.the price of the same product sold by LG is higher than that of the American Company.问题5选项A.Positive.B.Negative.C.Suspicious.D.Indifferent.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:A第5题:C【解析】第1题:词义推断题。本题如果记过这个单词可以直接选择,如果不认识也没有关系,根据词根词缀法我们可以发现,单词由counter-和intuitive两部分组成,词缀counter意为“反对”,intuitive意为“直觉的”,因此这个单词的意思大概为“违背直觉的”,B项正确,如果不知道这个方法也可以从后文的“if not a quick route to bankruptcy.”(如果你不想快速破产的话)可见当时普通人对新商业计划的认知都是它是不正常的,违背常理的,答案为B。第2题:作者意图题。首先定位到这个句子的前后文,后面是说到Choi拒绝牺牲商品的质量,也就是他必须要保证每一件商品的质量,在后面提到说他去视察一个工厂时,直接让那个工厂70%的商品都标为不合格并且直接取消,说明他对于商品的质量是有着很疯狂的追求的,他绝对不会牺牲商品的质量来换取营业额,题干中的“screw looses”意为做事古怪的,也与C项相符。第3题:细节推断题。题干提问在Choi的观点中是怎么样的,A项说他认为产品的质量是公司成功的关键,这一点从第二段可以看出,他非常强调商品的质量,因此A 保留;B项全文并没有提及,电子购物现在已经发展得如火如荼,但是它的未来Choi并没有给出观点,要注意题干问的是Choi的观点,并不是考生的想法,不要代入自己的主观思想,要从题干中找信息;C项也没有提及;D项是Choi的对手三星总裁的观点,答案为A。第4题:文章推断题。A项在第一段的最后一句话“And the new plan was launched in the depths of the Asian financial crisis in 1998.”可以得出,A项保留;B项错误,电视购物的主力就是家庭妇女,并没有儿童;C项错误,LG的对手主要是韩国国内的其他平台;D项也不对,只是说LG的顾客会在购买时花得更多,而不是它的单价高。答案为A。第5题:作者态度题。根据人名定位到最后一段,Suh说道“The big question is if LG can keep its growth in the face of tougher competition.”意思是不确定LG能不能在之后更加激烈的竞争中胜出,说明他对于LG的未来是持怀疑态度的,答案为C。2. 不定项选择题Predicting the future is risky business for a scientist. It is safe to say, however, that the global AIDS epidemic will get much worse before it get
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