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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! (九年级)英 语 试 题 第卷(选择题 共55分)一、单择。(每题0.5分,共25分)1 Mum, where is my CD player? Its in _ white bag on your desk.AaBan CtheD/2_ I know, the super star will visit the Water Cube next week.ASo far BAs soon asCAs far asDAs long as3More and more modern buildings have been built on _sides of Changan Street.AeachBall CbothDevery4 Tony, keep quiet. Didnt you see the board which says “_” there? Im sorry.ANo runningBNo shoutingCNo smokingDNo parking5Great changes have taken place in Beijing _ he left for America in 1989Asince BwhenCuntilDafter6Jim, there are so many spelling mistakes in your composition. Why dont you _ the words in the dictionary?Alook throughBlook for Clook upDlook over7Im sorry, sir. The play _ for 10 minutes. Please wait outside for a second scene.Abegan Bhas been on Chas begunDwas on8All the cars here are made in Japan _ the green QQ. Its made in China.Aexcept BbesidesCwithDabout9 Peter, would you please _ me the magazine? Sure. Here you are.Ato pass BpassingCpassDpassed10 Have you gone to see Mr. Smith? He wanted to talk to you. No, but I _.AdidntBhavent CwasDwill11He will treasure(珍惜)the _ he had in America, where he stayed with an American family. Its really amazing.AexperienceBexerciseC.experiment Dexcuse12 Do you know how many gold medals China got in the 29th Olympic Games? Oh, fifty-one! We all felt _ when we heard the _ news.Aexciting; excitedBexcited; exciting Cexciting; excitingDexcited; excited13 Excuse me, could you tell me _? Go straight and turn right. Youll find it on your right.Ahow can I get to the National Stadium Bwhich was the way to the National Stadium Chow far the National Stadium is Dwhere the National Stadium is14Two thousand dollars _ too much for the course. Can we make it cheaper?AareBisC. was Dwere15He is the old man _ spoke at the meeting just now.Awhich BwhoseCwhatD who16My computer is broken. Ill have it this afternoon. A、repair B、to repair C、to be repair D、repaired17 Would you like to enter the photo competition? _, but I lost my fathers new digital camera last month.AId love to BThats all rightC. Im sorry DCome on18 What did you do last night? I _ to a Chinese music concert. I prefer quiet and traditional music.Awent BgoChave goneDhad gone19I cant stand hamburgers! They make me feel _.AniceBsick Cexcited Dhot20The teachers in our school are well- trained and . .A、experienced B、experience C、experiencing D、experiment21Paris, the capital of France, is one of _ cities in Europe.Alively BlivelierCthe livelierDthe liveliest22Sometimes my parents _ home late, so I have to have supper myself.Acome Bwill comeCcomesDcame23I dont like eating chocolate _it tastes too sweet.Aafter BwhatCbecauseDhow24That man reminds me _ my English teacher. They wear the same clothes.Awith BonCforDof25We are going to Africa on vacation. We hope _ some elephants.Aseeing BseeCto seeDto seeing26 _ kind of music do you like? Quiet and gentle.AHow BWhatCWhyDWho27We are going to set up a food bank _ hungry people.Ahelped BhelpsChelpDto help28Do you know where John is? He should meet me earlier but he didnt _.Ashow up Bput upCstay upDlook up29Is this the film _ you saw yesterday?Awhere BwhatCwhoDthat30I want to know _ the day after tomorrow. Awhat he did Bwhat did he do Cwhat he will do Dwhat will he do31 When _ the car _? In 1885Adid; invent Bwas; invented Cdoes; invent Dis; invented32_ you study harder, youll never pass the final exam.AIf BAs CUnlessDUntil33 Excuse me, Id like to buy a map but I cant find a bookshop. I know _nearby. Come on, Ill show you.Ait BoneCsomeDthat34Aunt Huang gave all her saving to the Hope School she herself was not rich. A、becauseB、as ifC、although D、for35The opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games started _ August 8th in the National Stadium in Beijing.Aat Bon CinDfor36 Would you like to see a film, Helen? No, John. I _ my homework.Ado BdidCwas doingDam doing37 Will you go to the net bar with me? Sorry. My mother always tells me _ there.Anot go Bnot to goCdont goDdidnt go38 _ there a sports meeting in your school tomorrow? Yes, Dad.AWill; have B
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