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玉环大鹿岛之大地艺术玉环大鹿岛之大地艺术一岩雕自然本来就是一个神奇的造物者,无论是桂林山水的秀美还是泰山的雄伟,它 们洗净铅华,屹立在中国大地上,神州大地给予了它们无穷无尽的灵气。而玉环大 鹿岛这个大地艺术之地也在不断的茁壮成长。在经历了多年的洗礼,变得越来越有 魅力。玉环大鹿岛天生就占尽优势,它坐落在资源丰富的东海之边,吸收着东海的 灵气,东海源源不断的为它输送新鲜“血液”。玉环大鹿岛气候宜人,鸟语花香, 丛林密布,是闲暇时光最佳的去处。你可以选择和家人或者朋友一起来这儿体验玉玉环大鹿岛因为坐落在东海之滨,大鹿岛东南两侧的海岸常年受海浪的侵蚀, 海水侵蚀着陡崖,形成了一个个奇形怪状的陡崖,有人看了遐想万分,宛如进入了 一个神秘的国度。到处可见的海水侵蚀着洞穴让人更是捉摸不透。站在海边翘首就 能遥望到五口罗汉屹立在海上的壮观景象,这一尊尊罗汉栩栩如生,宏伟壮丽。海 狮观涛的逼真真让人不经感叹自然的神奇魔力,世间还会有如此形象的岩雕,鬼斧 神工的自然巨匠就这样雕刻着座座艺术。更有甚者,自1985年起,中国美术院洪世清教授为了发展中国岩雕艺术,多次踏上大鹿岛,以石赋形,以海洋生物为题材,完成了近白座具有秦汉风格的岩雕Highway 1/2 Rail transportation and land use there Big Urban rail transit as a low-pollution urban public transport has become a major positive development and construction of the citys main transport infrastructure through the construction of urban rail transit will help curb rapid growth in traffic demand and help reduce the core frequency无论是大鹿岛的自然风光,还是后人苦心经营的美景,它们都是大鹿岛上壮丽的艺术,并随着时间的雕琢与沉淀,变得越来越美丽,,Highway 1/2 Rail transportation and land use there Big Urban rail transit as a low-pollution urban public transport has become a major positive development and construction of the citys main transport infrastructure through the construction of urban rail transit will help curb rapid growth in traffic demand and help reduce the core frequencyHighway 1/2 Rail transportation and land use there Big Urban rail transit as a low-pollution urban public transport has become a major positive development and construction of the citys main transport infrastructure through the construction of urban rail transit will help curb rapid growth in traffic demand and help reduce the core frequency
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