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精品文档 欢迎下载Module 1 Stories本模块重点学习了祈使句的用法。现将本模块主要句型及相关知识归纳如下:词汇分类动词:1win赢,赢得carry携带;扛mean意思是remember记住crash碰撞die死stop停止appear出现happen发生名词: hare野兔 tortoise龟 ground地面形容词:silly愚蠢的proud骄做的careless不小心的patient耐心的sad悲伤的easy容易的steady 稳健的such如此副词: harder更努力地代词: himself他自己 another另一个介词: into到;到上习惯搭配/短语go back to the classroom返回教室have a race进行赛跑take a rest休息crash into a tree撞到树上pick up捡起wait for等待run away跑掉go for it努力吧;加油happen to发生于in such a hurry如此匆忙in the field在田地里all day long整天a delicious meal一顿美餐from then on从那时候起惯用表达式Are you OK?你还好吗? What do you mean?你什么意思?That s right.没错。Don t be proud.不要骄傲。Don t be sad.不要难过Work harder.再接再厉。dont be in such a hurry.不要如此匆忙。Be careful小心。Don t cut too fast.不要切得太快。Be patient,要有耐心,公式化句型告诫别人不要做某事的句型Dont be sad/cut too fast/be in such a hurry.Be型祈使句Be careful/patient/steady.Module 2 Animals本模块重点学习了如何描述动物的特征、生活习性,号召我们保护处于危险中的动物。现将本模块主要句型及相关知识归纳如下:词汇分类名词:frog青蛙kangaroo袋鼠starfish海星tiger老虎lion狮子panda熊猫elephant象giraffe长颈鹿whale鯨鱼Africa非洲Asia亚洲ocean海洋earth地球forest森林sea海洋tum轮回;轮到的机会bamboo竹子neck脖子leaf树叶(复数是 leaves)danger危险fur皮毛动词:save拯救;节省disappear消失 pollute污染 made制造(make的过去式)形容词: difficult 困难的副词: forever永远only仅仅习惯搭配/短语play a game 玩一个游戏jump very far 跳得很远live in Africa生活在非洲look like看起来像cut down砍伐be called被称为eat bamboo吃竹子make from用制造plant trees植树King of the Animals百兽之王in danger处于危险中惯用表达式Let s play a game让我们玩游戏吧。That s difficult.那很难That s easy.那很容易。My turn.轮到我了You try.你试试。I know.我知道了公式化句型描述“它被称为”的句型It is called the “king of the animals”.It is called the “king of the ocean”.表达“如果我们不,也许”的句型If we dont do something now, they may all disappear.If we dont help him build the house, he may have no place to live in.If we dont go to the park, I may go shopping.Module 3 Famous people本模块重点学习了谈论名人和谈论某人在过去做了什么的句型。现将本模块主要句型及相关知识归纳如下词汇分类名词: leader领袖inventor发明家actor(男)演员musician音乐movie电影company公司bulb灯泡iPad平板电脑iPod大容量播放器iphone掌上智能手机person人history历史game-maker游戏(机)制造者动词: tree使自由 invent发明return回到形容词: famous著名的successful成功的biggest最大的副词: probably或许 once一次缩写:Dr= Doctor医生;博士习惯搭配短语turn.into把变成have dinner吃晚餐look at看have a race赛跑be good at,撞长“ come true变成观实be born出生get bored感到厌烦make a lot of money很多in the photo在照片里in the kitchen在厨房里in white穿白衣服cartoon movies卡通电影light bulb灯泡once again再一次a great leader一位伟大的领袖in Chinese history在中国历史上free the Chinese people使中国人民自由make their lives better使他们的生活更好惯用表达式Thats right.没错What a great man!多么伟大的人! I think so.我认为是这样。公式化句型What开头的感叹句What a great man! What an interesting film! What nice weather!Module 4 Good manners本模块重点学习了如何谈论行为规范及怎样做才有礼貌。现将本模块主要句型及相关知识归纳如下词汇分类名词: manners礼貌seat座位line队dish盘子;碟子word词;话语sign指示牌bottom底部动词: push推laugh大笑light点燃(过去式是lit) lead指引;引路(过去式是led)brought带;携带( bring的过去式) throw扔;掉(过去式是 threw)形容词:impolite没有礼貌的full满的magic魔术的upset失望;难过dark黑暗的其他: as当的时候none没有人inside在里面except除了brightly 明亮地ever永远;曾经习惯搭配/短语stand up站起来give.to.:把给 sit down坐下push in插队wait for等候share with others和他人分享laugh at朝笑cry out大声喊carry on(with)继续light up点亮full of,.充满long ago很久以前at the supermarket在超市in need需要(的时候) in line.排队except for除以外on the bus在公共汽车上at the bottom of.在的底部in the middle of在的中间惯用表达式Thats easy那很简单。How impolite! 多么没礼貌! Be patient!要有耐心!that s right.那是对的Help yourself to,随便吃点公式化句型询问对方在某种条件下将会做什么的句型What will you do if you see an old lady standing on the bus?What will you do if someone wants to push in?What will you do if you see the boys throwing things on the ground?Module 5 Travel abroad本模块重点学习如何谈论某个城市或国家的相关信息以及自己想去哪里旅行。现将本模块主要句型及相关知识归纳如下:词汇分类国家和城市: Sydney悉尼Japan日本Tokyo东京France法国Paris巴黎Wellington惠灵顿Canada加拿大Ottawa渥太华Toronto多伦多地点: airport飞机场Chinatown唐人街 harbor海港物品:flag旗passport护照 ticket票建筑物: bridge桥tower塔其他: nature大自然opera歌剧capital首都kiwi几维鸟maple枫树beauty美,美丽waterfall瀑布abroad在国外natural自然的choose选择(过去式是 chose) book订购land着陆;陆地习惯搭配/短语go shopping购物buy a robot买一个机器人save money省钱maple trees枫树New Zealand新西兰White House(美国)白官big Ben大本钟Tower Bridge塔桥South Africa南非Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院be famous for以而著名Washington D.C.华盛顿哥伦比亚区Sydney Harbor Bridge悉尼海港大桥惯用表达式I can t wait to see you.我迫不及待要见你。Dont worry.别担心。see you then.到时候见。公式化句型表达自己想要做什么的句型Id like to see the Sydney opera house.Id like to go to south Africa.表达“它是一个做某事的好地方”句型Its a great place to go shopping/have a trip/fly a kite.表达“为而多谢你”的句型Thanks so much for inviting me to v
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