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九年级英语第三单元张 瑜日期2013.7.16课 题Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes课型新授课课时安排共 4 课时 第 1 课时教学目标知识与技能Learn the usage of the passive voice with the modal verb,useshould+be allowed to +Vto talk about what you are allowed to do .Learn to show your agreement or disagreement改 进 建 议过程与方法With the learning strategies of retlecting and Transforming Information ,get the students to know about the rules of styles in different places情感态度与价值观Make the student know what they should be allowed to do or what they should not be allowed to do.Encourage the students to show their own opinions教 学 重 点should be allowed to do/should not be allowed to do教 学 难 点The usage of the passive voice and the passive voice with the modal verb教法与学法talking,discussion pairwork教 学 活 动 过 程 设 计步骤教 师 活 动学 生 活 动一、创 设情 境导 入新 课1.Show some pictures and askwhat can you do on this condition?Help the Ss answer(I canI think its) 2.Repeat the sentences with“should+be allowed to”3.Write down the sentences on the Bb and explain the usages of the passive voice with the modal verb1.Try to make up some semtences using should(not) be allowed to do2.Talk about other situations using the structure二、尝 试探 究解 决问 题Section A “1a”1.Ask the students to talk about the rules in 1a and show their agreement and disagreement2.play the tape of part163.Point to the picture of 2a and ask students to say something about it4.play the tape of 2a and 2b5.check the answers1.Finish “1a”2.Students choose“ture”or“false”3.Students finish”2a “and “2b”. 三、课 堂练 习巩 固新 知1. Pairwork Point to the phrases in the left box ask a student to read then ask student to make conversations2.Make a list of things teenagers should and should not be allowed to do.Discuss you list with your partner.1. Present their coversations2.Discuss with partner 四、课 堂小 结 布 置作 业1. The usage of the passive voice whit modal verb2. should/should not be allowed to do.3. agreement and disagreement.4. Grammar Focus5. Homework:New words. Go over. Grammar Focus Prepare 3aMake a survey 五、板书设计Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes1. The passive voice with modal verb:must/can/may/should/conld/+be+p.p 2. be allowed to do sthallow sb to do sthallow doing sth3.get/have sth done六、教学反思
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