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本科毕业论文题目:雾都孤儿中南希的人物性格分析学生姓名:学 号:院 部:外国语学院 专 业:英 语年 级:指导教师姓名及职称:完成日期: 年月曰An Analysis of Nancys character inOliverTwistA Thesis Submittedto School of Foreig n Lan guages ofXinjiang University of Finance and Economicsin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsBySupervisor:AcknowledgementsI would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis.I would like to express my sin cere gratitude to my supervisor, Wang Ying who gives me considerable help suggestion, comments and criticism. His encouragement and unwavering support has sustained me through frustration and depression. Without his pushing me ahead, the completi on of this thesis would be impossible.I would also want to express my gratitude to Liu Xiaoling, Mr.C , Wang Fengxia, Zhao Weili and other teachers who have taught me during these years for their brilliant and enlightening lectures in literature, translation and linguistics.In addition, I would like to express my gratitude to my parents and my friends who have bee n assisti ng, support ing me all of my life.#摘要人类的性格是一种矛盾体,有许多色彩丑恶不堪,也有一些极其美丽。这是一种矛盾, 一种异态,一种表面看来不可能的现象,然而这是真实。狄更斯在小说雾都孤儿中塑 造的南希这一人物形象仅仅是小说中的一个次主要角色 ,但却是小说中一个极为典型的人 物。她不像小说中的其他人物一样表现出或者好或者坏的某一面,而是在某些时刻表现出来 的好的一面,某些时刻又表现出坏的一面。正因为这样,这个人物才更贴近于生活,这个人物 性格之复杂才值得我们来探究。本文以英国批判现实主义大师查尔斯狄更斯的小说雾 都孤儿为主要研究资料。首先,本文从英国批判现实主义的定义及作者生平入手,再重 点从她的一系列行动来分析她的双重性格及成因。无论环境多么恶劣,它都无法泯灭人类 本性中的善良成分并由此引出作者对人类善良本性的呼唤及对现代教育体系的批判,这不 但能引起读者对这位迷途知返的 女贼”的同情,更有助于我们认识她所处的那个社会的真 面目。关键词:雾都孤儿;南希的双重性格;等级制度;批判主义AbstractHuman personality is a contradiction, there are many colors ugly bear, there are some extremely beautiful. This is a con tradict ion, an ano maly, a seem in gly impossible situati on, but it is true. Nancy is on ly one of the sec on dary major roles in the novel Oliver Twist which writte n by Charles Dicke ns but it is a very typical figure in the no vel. She was not like the other characters just show good side or the bad, but at some point, shows the positive side, sometimes show the mean one. Because of this, this figure is more close to life, its complexity character worth us to study. This thesis takesOliver Twist written by famous critical realist author Charles Dicke ns as major material. Firstly, this article will beg in with the defi niti on of critical realism and Dicke ns fife, the n focus on a series of actions from her to an alysis her character and factors. No matter how cruel the surro unding is, good ness will n ever be elim in ated and the author wants to call for the nature of goodness and to criticize the education system in England. This can not only cause readers to sympathy with this Women Thief II who realize her errors and mend herways, but also helps us to know the true features of that society.Key words: Oliver Twist; Nancys double character; Hierarchy; CriticismiiiTable of ContentsAck no wledgeme nts IAbstract (Chinese) IIAbstract IIITable of Contents IVPart One In troduct ion 1Part Two An Introduction to the Author 12.1 The Author:Charles Dickens 12.1.1 The Definition of Critical Realism 22.1.2 Dicke ns Life 22.1.3 Dicke ns Writ ing Style 32.2 The main story of Oliver Twist 4Part Three An Analysis of Nancy s Double Character 53.1 Nancy Hold a Candle to the Devil 53.1.1 Nancy is to Bug and Intercept Oliver 53.1.2 The Protection of Theft Gang 63.2 Nancy s Good Nature 63.2.1 Nancy Saves Oliver in Distress 63.2.2 Nancy Reveals in side Story of Olivers Birth 73.2.3 Faithful to the Love 8Part Four The Reasons for Nancy s Complicated Charracte 94.1 Tragic Life of Nancy 94.1.1 Comparis on betwee n Nancy and Rose Birth 94.1.2 Sig nifica nt Con trast betwee n Nancy and Olivers Birth 104.2 In flue nee of Feudal Society on Nancy s Character 104.2.1 Interpersonal Apathy Effects on Nancy s Character 104.2.2 The Heavily Fortified Hierarchy 10Part Five Associated with Modern Society 11115.1 The Call of Good ness115.2 Educatio n System Needs to be ImprovedPart Six Conclusion 12Notes 13Bibliography 14#Part One IntroductionCharles Dicke ns was a prominent critical realist in the mid 19th cen tury. He has a world of sympathy for the misseries and a srong feeli ng for the poor labori ng masses. He cried flout loud aga inst social injustice but he had n ever thought of overthrow ing the exist ing social order. By expos ing the social in justice and the vices of the upper class, he puts his heart into depict ing the miserable existe nee of the com mon people. He gives a truthful picture of capitalist En gla nd of the time.Dickens vivid description creates many lifelike characters which impress the readers deeply in their memory after reading. Oliver Twist is one of his masterpieces which marked the beg inning of his literary life. This no vel was famous for expos ing the dark si
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