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Written essay on how to guide students toAbstract essay is to use language to express their subjective views and feelings direct way, the students through the writing self-observation, self-experience, self-feedback, self-regulation, understand their own emotional and psychological needs of the personality, to grow their own mold a a rich spiritual world. This writers written essay about how to guide students to their own experience. Keywords: composition teaching quality education conception Writing articles is the need for mood, the mood is the soul of the article. Want to write an article on the need to succeed in creating the mood to start. So how to create a mood? In the view of many moods is a kind of intangible thing, some simple narration, contrast, rendering often failed to create a mood effect, but instead is often the failure of articles. In my opinion, to create a mood is a basic skills can be developed, the primary phase of training is particularly important. Just a few hundred words to create mood primary composition is not lost innocence is not an easy thing. The author of more than forty years of teaching career which summed up a little essay to guide students to create a mood of the experience and share. 1, and guide students to observe and make a connection 1. Mood comes from life. To create a good mood he must be good at observing life, some easily overlooked part of the extract be possible to enhance the realm of the article. How to observe a living? See through the appearance of the essence. Everyday life, we encounter all sorts of things, usually we see only the surface of things, while ignoring their real essence. After a series of in-depth observation and thinking, thinking becomes open, it is not difficult to dig up some real-life existence, even if we do not see the occurrence of these exist, it can infer some of our life experience required in writing information. Such an inference is the process that we would like to mention the following “reasonable imagination.” 2. To guide students to imagine a rational manner. A number of things when we have a certain understanding of the nature of the time, it will naturally have some reverie. With shoes, for example, saw a pair of old sandals, and we can not help but to think that difficult times, those indomitable Zhonghun, we can even really see the grass on the water, you can feel the real journey of the mud; to see a pair of red high-heeled shoes, we would imagine it would be a red warm host of young girls, we can even see its owner as if the camel, the beating clusters flame; see a pair of shining a very bright black shoes, we will associate to its owner is a young man, or a clean, successful people, we can further think it is frequented by the masters of social occasions. With these reasonable imagination, the students further when writing do not feel there is no material available, write the things people will be more close to reality, coupled with refining process is not hard to enhance the mood of writing. 2, extraction of living, and create a mood Conception comes from life, but not the same as life. We will live a true record of a simple piece of paper there is no beauty at all, but will be refined and shaping the real life so that it can produce all kinds of beauty, it is food for thought. Refining and shaping the way of life that we usually referred to writing way that they usually used in a metaphor, personification, exaggeration, imagination, circumflex combination Dianmianjiehe, dynamic and static binding, Syria proposed combination of scenes, background contrast, before and after the anaphoric to shore up things Yan Zhi, by King lyrical, bedding suspense, positive side, metaphor symbol Jiegufengjin, nexus, straight to the point and so on. Here a simple analysis of several relatively easy to use tactics. 1. Contrast rendering. Contrast rendering, is a common practice, almost every article have missed the use of this tactic, but mostly unsuccessful use. How can the successful application of contrast rendering time? In my opinion, rendering contrast must seize the real life, rather than unfounded hearsay, and only close to the experience of life in order to allow readers to have to be able to achieve the effect of rendering contrast. Otherwise, the only pale and weak narration, gave people a tired, we can say there is no narration of life is failure. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download :/eng. There is such a topic: a wanderer returned from a thousand miles away, standing at the door the moment he felt tired. Please use a reasonable description of his journey to imagine the hardships, known as limited, not limited to words. After the students see this topic, most of them are nowhere to put pen to paper, barely out of things to write most of uniformity, most of the article
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