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Module 4Fine ArtsWestern, Chinese and Pop Arts根底自主回忆.课标单词1_当代的(adj.)2_有活力的;有生气的(adj.)3_方面(n.)4_风格(n.)5_忍受(vt.)contemporaryaliveaspectstylestand 6_令人愉快的;可爱的(adj.)_(n. & v)7_景色;风景;场景(n.)_(近义词)景色8_传统的;习俗的(adj.)_(n.)9_临摹;仿造;模仿;仿效(vt.)_(n.)10_观察;注意到(vt.)_(n.)delightfuldelightscenescenerytraditionaltraditionimitateimitationobserveobservation11_真实;现实;逼真(n.)_现实主义的_现实主义(n.)_领悟;了解;实现;实行(vt.)_真的(adj.)12_采纳;采用;收养(vt.)_(n.)13_展览(n.)_(v.)14_表现;表达(n.)_(v.)15_破坏;毁坏(vt.)_(n.)realityrealisticrealismrealizerealadoptadoptionexhibitionexhibitexpressionexpressdestroydestruction.常用短语1_从可以看出2_在(做)成功了3_推迟;延期4_轮流5_在最正确/鼎盛期tell bysucceed in (doing) sthput offtake turnsat ones best6_目的/力争去做某事7_对厌烦8_喜欢;喜爱9_尝试/试图做某事10_一系列的11_同时12_一直aim to do sth. be/ get tired of be fond of attempt to do sth a series of at the same time all the time .重点句型1Do you like traditional Chinese art _ brush and ink?你喜欢用画笔和墨水的中国传统艺术作品吗?答案:using2This is a painting by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, _ the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.这是西班牙画家巴勃罗毕加索的一幅油画,他被认为是二十世纪西方最伟大的画家。答案:considered to be3Cubist artists painted objects and people, _.在描绘物体和人的时候,立体派画家会同时展现对象的多个不同侧面。答案:with different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time4What do you _ (it)?你认为它怎么样?答案:make of.模块语法用括号内动词的适当形式填空1He didnt want _ (share) things with his friends.答案:to share2You must pay attention to _ (listen) to your teacher in class.答案:listening3It is good _ (take) morning exercises every day.答案:taking4Lets put off _ (hold) the meeting till next Sunday.答案:holding5I had intended _ (help) you but I was busy then.答案:to help6I have failed _ (pass) the exam.Thats too bad. But dont be discouraged.答案:to pass7He dreamt of _ (become) a bird.答案:becoming考点探究解密考 点 解 读 1consider v认为;考虑精讲拓展:意为“认为,以为时,有以下句型:consider sb./sth.to be/as.认为某人/某事是是consider itadj.that.认为be considered to have done.被认为干了意为“仔细考虑“细想,有以下句型:干considering为悬垂分词,为介词用法。意思是“考虑到;就而言,后可接that从句。误区警示:consider可以跟不定式to be作宾补,但不能跟“to do sth.作宾补。但可以说:be considered to have done。朗文在线:Im considering applying for that job.我在考虑申请那份工作。Were still considering where to move to.我们仍在考虑搬到哪里去。Considering(If you consider)that shes only been studying English for six months,she speaks it very well.“认为讲经常以被动形式出现的短语被考查,作“考虑讲后常考查接ing的形式。活学巧练:All things_,it is a good plan.AconsideringBconsideredCto be considered Dto consider答案与解析:Bconsider与all things是动宾关系,用过去分词,构成独立主格结构。2observe vt. & vi.看到,观察,注意;遵守(法律,习俗等);庆祝(节日等);评论,评述精讲拓展:observe sb.do sth.看到某人做(过)某事observe sb.doing sth.看到某人(正在)做某事observe a rule/the law 遵守规那么/法律observe that.说;注意到observe on/upon 说;评论observation n观察,观察力observer n观察者observe Christmas/May Day 庆祝圣诞节/五一节误区警示:observe 无进行式。朗文在线:Ben knew that someone had observed him meeting Ryain.本知道有人看到他和瑞安见面了。So far the ceasefire has been observed by both sides.到目前为止,双方都遵守着停火协定。Keynes observed that humans fall into two classes.凯恩斯说人类分为两个阶级。“观察讲的用法是考查的重点。活学巧练:He observed a stranger_around the store at 12 pm.last night.Ato hang BhangChanging Dto be hanging答案与解析:C由at 12 pm.last night知,是在某一点上正在发生的动作,故用observe sb.doing sth.句型。3adopt vt.(1)采用,采纳;(2)正式通过;(3)收养They adopted our methods.他们采用了我们的方法。精讲拓展:adopt an idea采纳意见adopt a child收养孩子adoption n采纳,采用,过继adopter n收养者,采用者adapt vt.使适应,改编朗文在线:The resolution was adopted by a vote of 88 in favor to 10 against it.决议以88票对10票获得通过。Mr.King adopted the orphan as his own son.金先生把孤儿收养为自己的儿子。He adapted himself to the cold weather.他适应了寒冷的天气。活学巧练:(1)(第一次调研)Distance learning is being _in several countries to help children in remote rural schools obtain higher education.Aattended BadoptedCadapted Dadmitted答案与解析:B句意为“远程教育在一些遥远地区被采用,attend“出席,照料;adapt“使适应;admit“成认,录用,都不合语境。adopt为“采纳,合题意。(2)(模拟)The old couple decided to _ a boy and a girl though they had three of their own.Aadapt BbringCreceive Dadopt答案与解析:D句意:这对老夫妇自己已有了三个儿女,但还是决定收养一个男孩和一个女孩。adopt此处为“收养。4stand v忍受,经受,承当 n看台;摊子;立场They wanted to stand beside men,with the same chances for success.精讲拓展:as it stands 事实是这样It stand
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