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2023年海南同等学力考试真题卷本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Although Graham spent years (struggle) against the disapproval (of audiences) who disliked and (ridiculed her work), the power and substance of her unique vision proved in the end (to be undeniable).AstruggleBof audiencesCridiculed her workDto be undeniable 2.(Following) the foundation of new universities at (such as) places as York and Lancaster, (hopes) for a university at Stamford ran (high).AFollowingBsuch asChopesDhigh 3.The (detailed study) of fossils, rather like a crime investigation, (it involves) (the piecing) together (of many diverse) fragments of evidence.Adetailed studyBit involvesCthe piecingDof many diverse 4.Today, Guinness is the (worlds) widely distributed beer produced in (over) 40 countries and (sell) in around (130).AworldsBoverCsellD130 5.While the roots of social psychology (lie in) the intellectual soil of the whole Western tradition, (its) present (flowering) is recognized to be (characteristically) an American phenomenon.Alie inBitsCfloweringDcharacteristically 6.We (cannot hardly) expect adolescents (to have respect) for the possessions of others (if) they have no hope of attaining any of (their) own.Acannot hardlyBto have respectCifDtheir 7.I have given my third and fourth preferences to candidates (who), (not if) exactly worthless, know as well as I do (they) have no chance of (being) elected.AwhoBnot ifCtheyDbeing 8.If he told his wife about their plan, she was bound to agree.Awould unnecessarilyBwould simplyCwould certainlyDwould alternatively 9.As college teachers, they enjoy talking about their own specialties.AproblemsBexperiencesCinterestsDfields 10.Factors leading to the crisis included poor regulation, mismanagement and deception in the industry, and competition from other types of financial firms.AcheatingBpollutionCabuseDdepression 11.The colors in these artificial flowers are guaranteed not to come out.AdisappearBvanishCfadeDblend 12.Initial reports were that multiple waves of warplanes bombed central Baghdad, hitting oil refineries and the airport.AbeatingBknockingChurtingDstriking 13.Beijing Television-Station Transmitting Tower really looks magnificent at night when its illuminated,AdecoratedBillustratedClit upDstudied carefully 14.A good employer gives hints to his or her employees without interfering with their creativity.AfreedomBassistanceCcluesDfunds 15.When snow collects on top of a building during the winter, the weight sometimes weakens the construction and occasionally causes the roof to collapse.AmeltsBaccumulatesCselectsDscatters 16.Professor Wu traveled and lectured throughout the country to _education and professional skills so that women could enter the public world.AprosecuteBacquireCadvocateDproclaim 17.In principle, a person whose conduct was caused by mental disorder should not be liable to Criminal_.AidentificationBpunishmentCinvestigationDcommitment 18.A major goal of the state travel agency is to _more people to visit its country at the turn of the century.AreduceBexpectCarouseDinduce 19.Steel is an alloy composed _of iron and carbon.AprimarilyBtraditionallyCcarefullyDpartially 20.The author of the book has shown his remarkably keen _into human nature.AintellectBinsightCperceptionDunderstanding 21.The Government has therefore agreed to pay authorities extra sums to _for their financial losses.Amake upBturn upCfill inDlean on 22.As the firms business increased they _more and more employees.Atook upBtook inCtook afterDtook on 23.This is the (longest)flight I (have ever taken). By the time we get to Los Angeles, we (had flown) (for)13 hours.AlongestBhave ever takenChad flownDfor 24.(Electronic) mail to describe an upcoming workshop (should use) only (if) potential participants use this form of communication (regularly).AElectronicBshould useCifDregularly 25.Confuciusa statesman, scholar, and (educator) of (great skill) and reputation-is generally held to be Chinas (greatest) and most (influence) philosopher.AeducatorBgreat skillCgreatestDinfluence 26.(It is said) that Einstein felt (very) (badly) about the application of his theories (to) the creation of weapons of war.AIt is saidBveryCbadly
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