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M1 UNIT2重点词汇及经典句型全解析Welcome to the unit & reading(Ps21-25)重点词汇-1. frightened【教材原句】Mom!Dad!Youre back early!(Looking around room, sounding frightened.(P22)妈妈!爸爸!你们这么早就回来了呀!(四下打量,惊慌地)【例句研读】根据英语句子完成汉语句子I was almost _ to death at the _ snake. =The _ snake almost_ me to death. (frighten)看到那条 蛇,我 。【自主归纳】frighten vt.使惊吓;使惊恐 frightened心里感到害怕的 frightening adj.令人害怕的关键一点:表示心理活动的动词其ed形式的形容词多用来修饰人,描述人的声音、表情或感受;其ing形式则多用来修饰事物,描述事物的状态或性质。be frightened of doing sth. be frightened to do sth. be frightened to death 【即时巩固】用frighten 的适当形式填空The child was into silence.Oh, how !Please turn off the TV, John.The thief tried to me by showing me a knife.来源:Zxxk.Com完成句子我害怕被独自一人留在公司。I by myself in the company.他不敢从那栋建筑物的顶楼往下看。He the top floor of the building.重点词汇-2.be supposed to 【教材原句】But, but you werent supposed to come home until tomorrow. (P22) 但是,但是你们不是应该明天才回家的嘛!【例句研读】根据英语句子完成汉语句子 You are supposed to take off your shoes before entering the room.进入房间前 。Who do you suppose we saw at the restaurant? 我们在餐馆见到谁了?The speaker is supposed to be excellent. 演讲者 。Suppose/Supposing flights are fully booked on that day, which other day could we go? ,我们还可以哪天走呢?I dont suppose she is a volunteer, is she? 她不是志愿者,是吗?He wont be coming tomorrow, will he? I suppose not(=I dont suppose so). 他明天不会来,对不对? 。You are supposed to have finished the work ahead of time, but you havent. 你 ,但是你没有。【自主归纳】译出下列词组(句型):(不)应该做某事 表示按照约定、规则或义务“应当、理应”做某事,相当于ought to 或 should。本来应该做某事(而事实上没有) be supposed to be suppose/supposing (that从句) I suppose so. 。I suppose not.( I dont suppose so.) 。【即时巩固】单项选择题What are you doing out of bed, Tom?Youre _ to be asleep.A. supposed B. knownC. thought D. consideredWe havent heard from Jane for a long time. What do you suppose _to her?A. was happening B. to happenC. has happened D. having happenedThe plane _arrive at 1130, but was almost half an hour late.Common practice.A. was about toB. was likely toC. was supposed to D. was certain toMrs. White is supposed _ for China last week.A. to have leftB. to be leavingC. to leave D. to have been leftYou should apologize to her,Barry._, but its not going to be easy.A. I like to B. I feel soC. I prefer to D. I suppose so重点词汇-3.starve 【教材原句】The money for dog food is gone, but Spot looks like he is starving!(P22)用来买狗食的钱不见了,可是小斑点看上去都饿坏了!【例句研读】根据英语句子完成汉语句子Hes starving himself to try to lose weight.他正在 以减轻体重。Two Nanjing girls starved to death after their mother locked them in their home for days.两个南京的女孩在母亲把她们锁在家里几天后 。The leftbehind children starve for parents love.留守儿童 父母的关爱。At present, there are still many people dying of starvation in Africa.现在非洲依然有很多人 。【自主归纳】starve v. 挨饿;饿死, 使挨饿 n. 饿死,挨饿,绝食译出下列词组:饿死 渴望得到某物 【即时巩固】用starve的适当形式填空Many people will face as a result of the drought.They to death in the desert during the exploration.重点词汇-4. do with 【教材原句】What did you do with the cash we left?(P22) 你用我们留给你们的钱做了什么?【例句研读】根据英语句子完成汉语句子This is a very hard problem and what will you do with it? 这是一个很难的问题, ?Turn off the radio. I cant do with such noisy music.立刻关掉收音机。我 如此吵闹的音乐。If they cant get it to us in time, well just have to do without.如果他们不能及时给我们拿来,我们 。This has something very important to do with learning? 这和学习 。do with, deal with都可以表示“处理,应付,对付”,其区别在于:do with和 连用,而deal with和 连用; The housewife doesnt know what to those ragged clothes. The housewife doesnt know how to those ragged clothes. 那位家庭主妇不知道如何处理那些破烂的衣服。注意:handle为及物动词,后面不加介词with。【教材原句】I dont know how to handle this .(P34)我不知道如何应对这件事译出下列词组: 无法忍受 与有关(无关) 没有也行,将就 请注意:do away with废除【即时巩固】单项选择题Could you tell me how to _ these problems so that I will be able to adapt to the life in Guiyang ? A. do with B. come up with C. agree with D. deal withHow do you _a disagreement between the company and its customers?The key to solving the problem is to meet the demand made by the customers.A. make with B. do withC. handle with D. deal withWith t
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