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ministry的意思用法总结,希望可以帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。ministry的意思n. (政府的)部,神职,牧师职位,神职任期ministry用法ministry可以用作名词ministry的意思是“政府的部”,与美式英语中的department同义,首字母常大写且常与of连用。ministry还可用作集合名词,作“(全体)牧师”解; 其单数形式还可指“牧师的职责效劳期限”,此时ministry常与the连用。ministry用作名词的用法例句Shes on attachment to the Ministry of Defense.她如今隶属于国防部。The army, navy and airforce are all controlled by the Ministry of Defense.陆海空军皆由国防部控制。The Ministry released him on passionate grounds.内阁因同情而将他释放。ministry用法例句1、The Ministry desperately tried to hush up the whole affair.部里拼命想隐瞒整个事件。2、People accused the ministry of failing to take adequate preventive measures.人们谴责该政府部门未能采取足够的预防措施。3、Efforts to reform the Interior Ministry have not yet proceeded very far.对内政部进展改革的尝试还没有获得很大进展。ministry词组 | 习惯用语ministry of education 教育部ministry of finance 财政部ministry of agriculture 农业部ministry of merce 商业部foreign ministry 外交部;外务省ministry of health 卫生部ministry of public security 公安部;中国公安部ministry of foreign trade 外贸部ministry of foreign affairs 外交部ministry of culture 文化部ministry of information industry 信息产业部;产业部;资讯产业部ministry of munications 交通部ministry of railways 铁道部,铁路部finance ministry 财政部ministry of justice 司法部ministry of civil affairs 民政部ministry of personnel 人事部ministry of water resources 水利部merce ministry 商务部ministry of chemical industry 化学工业部ministry英语例句库1.The quaestor served in the ministry of finance.财务官从事财政部门的效劳。2.They sent a deputation to the ministry to plain.他们派了一个代表团到部里投诉。3.The Ministry of Finance consistently overestimated its budget deficits.财政部一贯高估预算赤字。4.That must be somebody from the Ministry of Education.那一定是教育部里的人。5.He occupies an important position in the Ministry of Education.他在教育部充任要职。6.Mr.White occupies an important position in the Ministry of Education.怀特先生在教育部里担任要职。7.All schools are under the control of the Ministry of Education.所有学校统归教育部管辖。8.He was bathed in glory on the day he became the Ministry.在成为部长的那一天他感到无上荣耀。9.Any infectious disease must be notified at once to the Health Ministry.出现任何传染病都必须马上通知卫生部。10.The army, navy and airforce are all controlled by the Ministry of Defence.海陆空三军均由国防部管辖。11.Labial ministry Use wine lipstick for many times scumble, but outline must clear.唇部使用暗红色唇膏屡次薄涂,但轮廓一定要清楚。12.The ministry of books is manifold.书的用途很多。13.While antinomianism opposes the law, it has little impact on the ministry of the gospel.反律法反对律法,与福音事工只有微缺乏道的冲突而已。14.Additional, to bare brachial ministry skin, frivolous gauze pledges amice and oversleeve are your good helper.干性肌肤宜选择霜状的防晒用品;中性皮肤那么无严格规定。online games which glamorize mafia gangs.中国文化部发布通知要求各地立即查处运营或宣传“黑帮”主题网络游戏的网站。16.J-50A crawler Logging Skidder is a fine product of the ministry of machinery and electronics industries.J-50A型履带式集材拖拉机是机电部优质产品. 配有功能完善的工作装置, 爬坡才能强。at gastral cavity ministry.上药共为粗末,用醋炒热,布包熨于胃脘部。18.After fifteen years of teaching,he was seconded to the Ministry of Education to advise them on school planning.任教_年后,他被调到教育部协助制定教育规划。19.Mercurialism eye ministry appears mercurialism sex crystalline lens changes, inspect a function to damage drop for central eyesight, view is narrow.汞中毒眼部出现汞中毒性晶状体变化,视功能损害为中心视力下降、视野缩小。20.He firstly consulted with the Ministry of Agriculture on fish inspection, but suffered their dodgery;he couldnt find any authority for the testing at all.他先是向农业部咨询验鱼的事情,可却遭到他们的推托,根本就找不到化验的权威机构。第 页 共 页
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