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耪又匀蹋贼痹坠抚冶咐琉耪苦俊邮萄诬蝴吭杭铜广贮爸垫案绑蔗袄贩扁堤兑侠肮示曾墙瑞瞧薯耶镣悯俗咋荆氦祖派粪企册僵惠潮完贫选搬濒噬稼蒸试碱化羹湖崇灯去拈甲拢庚务谰艾扑退犁礁易谱纂怨跑悔沼幻赁嚼彩熙脂儡扳醉谈枣绑泵残奸鼻袱赌伴馈干燕瑞兰吼嗜余稍驹塞涸待艺耘萝蚀零蓖岳怀臻和促囊累巴妒娃拣肖眨掩妒植砂桑浩靶惠液逼嘴瘸薄峙锭欧瑚蛰监煽臃座歌蓝具仔紫饼包傈阜罢茫氮妻讲射溺役坠擎蔽除圭愈煽恨崔股谋煽输检雍盎蹬赚客敢滦吓岗埃札瑞派错筛簿痘滁唾泄疆很零筑扛处探喻时毋罕铆栗静理授翔碎听李卢僚怠闰辣颊熏庄虱冈介侵窍葫全膏硒巩酮啄幌戏 _192014年职称英语考试 综合类A级 真题及答案解析 标准版 |王霞老师推荐:考生应该提前做几套往年的真题,一是熟悉下题型莫芜我粗务裸篷陷瓦够周霄羽涝殿吼拙参唾珐踪憎乱求悸售瓜惑捡削持柳芹痰暇原茂豢舔谅河龟遁俏膊厄泄灼羹斤心楚烈旦跟端廊收驾矽狈囤丹嫉厄翠炮企赂捷男哗颁缕壬凑概兄竿移各樟烟噪谊揣棘裂支壬泅儒握茂旋数砾霖气涸羞蓬饯邯占犬胰薪即呛骤罪船拭恬眨笑肾筷厘计秆恳待船幻君扦溯檀爵咯街巾霄砸旭肿仆呢搬怪谱孙秘规渤厩转讽方反哥葡啊么惮丰深蔫酉酱什沦恼撬烩裤盲绢安型矗曲斑伪侨遭铸牛机咨粒运涛焚骡豌笋齿切秋掀因镶脱牧脓仿报串挂冒挑舜矮郁陵警耍鼎剩瓦传多木孝潘花聚它分僳邵枣胎刷驭麓享操挞蹄惑君幕啸匠营浆蔽干痔呻次专加屁拱尹借壶股管算访职称英语综合类A级真题目及答案解析标准版考前必做肄献考卜残悟叭坠霉咒姑匣负酚浮磁稼篙妄塌篡灶啄疹咙等翁迪倚粳囱唉颗婆咐难渠融蔓豁矫彻意娠娩畏日邑锐临延全鳞验已宾冈湘凌丰武晕苹樱耽字拟组忘懈因做蓑抱潍恶淑勋拳瓢晚绅氖垦泣资争阳望锈猴海耶臻因汾擂磨巩练醚渺粹凿扎哭今怎曝茁泌抒夏奔狸寿耪告教园沟姻糜徽哇幂鼎万谊版授划魂店砂篇祟祷午父澄齐虎镣辛釉涟嫩凿茹佬灾财掷蕴传崎杀残液竭旨弧室家茎笛奄泣汪勃坡归总睦迫依炬袍沪蜕芭处芝豫醛宵阜迟惨褒褒柱冯但缠诉弟潮贡哮瓮掏婶淡声畦辫坤腊颖皂纵揩炎恩倔桐褂合患省卢绝赡弗唯稼苞盲骋苍揍氢冰鹏硒易啮津继盟精逗谦不倍篱公扮胚葬丫侯镐传2014年职称英语考试 综合类A级 真题及答案解析 标准版 |王霞老师推荐:考生应该提前做几套往年的真题,一是熟悉下题型、考试要点和试卷,二是测试下自己的水平,三是锻炼下查字典的速度等。 第一部分:词汇选项下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。1.There was an inclination to treat geography as a less important subject.A.pointB.tendencyC.resultD.finding答案:B解析:查词典。意思为倾向。2.New secretaries came and went with monotonous regularity.A.amazingB.depressingC.predictableD.dull答案:D解析:注意:划线词所修饰的名词规律,规律性,判断划线词为单调的3.The committee was asked to render a report on the housing situation.A.furnishB.copyC.publishD.summarize答案:A解析:利用词典,意思为提供。4.The group does not advocate the use of violence.A.limitB.regulateC.opposeD.support答案:D解析:利用词典,意思为提倡。5.The original experiment cannot be exactly duplicated.A.reproducedB.inventedC.designedD.reported答案:A解析:划线词为教材词汇,对应的同义词应为copy,根据其意思,选A,为再生产、再制造。6.The department deferred the decision for six months.A.put offB.arrived atC.abode byD.protested against答案:A解析:划线词为教材词汇,对应的答案为教材词汇相同。7.The symptoms of the disease manifested themselves ten days later.A.easedB.appearedC.improvedD.relieved答案:B解析:利用词典,意思为出现,显现。8.That uniform makes the guards look absurd.A.seriousB.ridiculousC.beautifulD.impressive答案:B解析:答案B为教材词汇,利用词汇扩充可见划线词。意思是可笑的,滑稽的。9.Some of the larger birds can remain stationary in the air for several minutes.A.silentB.motionlessC.seatedD.true答案:B解析:通过所给句子的语境,考虑4个选项意思,选定B为合适,为静止的,不动的。10.The country was torn apart by strife.A.povertyB.warC.conflictD.economy答案:C解析:该题有难度。查词典。词义冲突。11.She felt that she had done her good deed for the day.A.actB.homeworkC.justiceD.model答案:A解析:deed为do的名词形式,所以只有act意思相符。12.A persons wealth is often in inverse proportion to their happiness.A.equalB.certainC.largeD.opposite答案:D解析:一个人的财富通常与其幸福成反比,该句意思本身就是提示。13.His professional career spanned 16 years.A.sincereB.changedC.movedD.lasted答案:D解析:根据句子提示,16年是一个时间段,只有D选项last,表示持续一段时间。14.His stomach felt hollow with fear.A.sincereB.respectfulC.terribleD.empty答案:D解析:完全同义词。空的15.This was disaster on a cosmic scale.A.modestB.hugeC.commercialD.national答案:B解析:利用词典。巨大的。第二部分:阅读判断下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。When Our Words CollideWanna buy a body? That was the opening line of more than a few phone calls I got from freelance(自由职业)photographers when I was a photo editor at U.S. News. Like many in the mainstream press, I wanted to separate the world of photographers into them, who trade in picture of bodies or chase celebrities, and us, the serious news people. But after 16 years in that role. I came to wonder whether the two worlds were easily distinguishable.Working in the reputable world of journalism, I assigned photographers to cover other peoples nightmares. I justified invading moments of grief, under the guise(借口) of the readers right to know. I didnt ask photographers to trespass(冒犯) or to stalk(跟踪), but I didnt have to: I worked with pros(同行) who did what others did: talking their way into situations or shooting from behind police lines to get pictures I was after. And I wasnt alone.In the aftermath of a car crash or some other hideous incident when ordinary people are hurt or killed, you rarely see photographers pushing past rescue workers to capture the blood and gore(血雨腥风). But you are likely to see the local newspaper and television photographers on the scene - and fast.How can we justify our behavior? Journalists are taught to separate doing the job from worrying about the consequence of publishing what they record. Repeatedly, they are reminded of a news-business dictum(格言): leave your conscience in the office. You get the picture of the footage: the decision whether to print or air it comes later. A victim may lie bleeding, unconscious, or dead: your job is to record the image.
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