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黑龙江外国语学院 毕业论文(设计)Title: On Lead-in in English Teaching in Senior High School题 目: 论高中英语教学中的导课艺术学生姓名 孟婷玉 学 号 BC05110108 指导教师 韩阳 讲师年 级 2005级英语本科一班专 业 英语系 别 外语 黑龙江外国语学院毕业论文(设计)任务书学生姓名 孟婷玉系别 外 语专业 英 语班级 05级英语本科一班二一一年 四 月 一 日说 明1、本任务书为我院各专业下达毕业论文(设计)任务之用。2、本任务书由指导教师填写并签字,系主任批准签字。批准后,由系统一保存。3、本任务书中阶段检查必须按时进行填写,以保证毕业论文(设计)按时如期完成。4、毕业答辩完成后,本任务书与毕业论文(设计)一起装入学生毕业论文(设计)资料袋,由系统一保存。教务处二八年十二月毕业论文(设计)任务书姓名孟婷玉系别外 语专业英 语班级05级英语本科一班毕业论文(设计)题目:毕业论文(设计)目的意义:毕业论文(设计)计划与要求:时间安排:1. 2008年10月21日 12月15日 收集资料与选取研究课题 2. 2009年4月1日 提交开题报告 3. 2009年4月2日 4月15日 完成论文初稿 4. 2009年4月16日 提交论文初稿 5. 2009年4月17日4月25日 修改论文提交修改稿 6. 2009年4月26日4月30日 对论文进行再次修改 7. 2009年5月10日 提交论文终稿 8. 2009年5月25日 提交论文打印稿指导教师意见(签字): 200 年 月 日专业教研室意见(签字): 200 年 月 日系主任意见(签字): 200 年 月 日黑龙江外国语学院2011届毕业论文摘要本文从高中英语教师应该如何利用导课这一教学模式来提高学生学习英语的兴趣和吸引学生的注意力这一角度出发,对以下几点进行了阐述:(1)对教育学家提出的一些关于导课的理论的阐述;(2)导课的几个目标:激发学生的学习兴趣、吸引学生的注意力、使学生充分了解课文的背景和相应的知识以及检测教师的能力;(3)导课这一教学模式的优势;(4)导课必须遵循的规定及要求,如要严格控制导课时间、保证导课的趣味性、导课资料的实时性以及导课的恰当性;(5)导课的课前准备,其中包括老师的准备和学生的准备;(6)以及导课的常用的几种行之有效的方法这几个主要方面进行分析,提出导课是高中英语教学中最不容忽视的一个环节。关键词:导课;效率;兴趣;注意力;方法;功能 iiiAbstractFrom the perspective of how to arouse senior high school students interest and draw their attention by using the lead-in, this paper analyses six aspects of lead-in. Firstly, it analyses the theories that were raised by some famous educationists. Secondly, it analyses the goals of the lead-in including the goal of arousing students interest, the goal of drawing students attention, the goal of getting students to know some information or background about the text, the goal of materializing the teachers own value. Thirdly, it analyses the advantages of the lead-in. Fourthly, it analyses the requirements of lead-in, for example, the time of the lead-in should be limited, the materials of lead-in must be interesting, novelty and appropriate. Fifthly, it analyses the preparations of the lead-in including teachers preparations and students preparations. Finally, it analyses the methods of the lead-in. And then, this paper comes up that lead-in is the most indispensable part and the precondition of an efficient class in high school English teaching.Key words: lead-in;efficient;attention;interesting method;function Contents摘要iAbstractiiContentsiiiChapter 1 Introduction4Chapter 2 Theories of Lead-in in Senior High School English Teaching6Chapter 3 Lead-in in Senior High School English Teaching83.1Goals of Lead-in in Senior High School English Teaching83.1.1 The Goal of Arousing Students Passion and Interest83.1.2 The Goal of Drawing Students Attention83.1.3 The Goal of Getting Students to Know Some Information or Background about the Text93.1.4 The Goal of Materializing the Teachers Own Value93.2 Advantages of Lead-in in Senior High School English Teaching93.3 Requirements of Lead-in in Senior High School English Teaching113.3.1 Requirements of Lead-in in Senior High School English Teaching113.3.2 Requirement of Proper Method According to These Factors123.4 Preparations for Lead-in in Senior High School English Teaching143.4.1 Teachers Preparations for Some Contingent Events143.4.2 Teachers Preparations for Different Sections163.4.3 Students Preparations183.5 Methods of Lead-in in Senior High School English Teaching193.5.1 The Misunderstandings about the Methods of Giving Lead-in193.5.2 The Proper Methods of Lead-in in Senior High School English Teaching193.5.3 The Proper Methods of Lead-in for the Individual Participation203.5.4 The Proper Methods of Lead-in for the Group Participation23Chapter 4 Conclusion25Bibliography26Acknowledgements27On Lead-in in English Teaching in Senior High SchoolChapter 1 IntroductionEnglish, as a tool of communication, is used by more and more people around the world. There are 4,000 to 5,000 living languages in the world today. Of these, English is the most widely used. Many European young people learn to speak English almost as well as their own language because they are in close contact with English speakers. Their success in North American society depends largely on how well they learn English. In this kind of English teaching, the teacher knows that students will have daily opportunity to practice
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