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10安顺市第一高级中学高一英语导学案必修三 【背景阅读材料】AA SANDSTORM struck Beijing yesterday, covering homes, streets and cars in brown dust and leaving the skies a murky yellow as the city suffered its worst pollution in years ahead of the 2008 Summer Olympics. The sandstorm originated(起源) on the border of China and Mongolia and started affecting Beijing on Sunday night. “Unlike the particulate(微粒的) matter that often exists in Beijings air, the suspending granules hitting the city today are bigger, though still less than 100 microns in diameter,” said Wang Xiaoming, an official with the municipal environmental protection bureau(局). “Thats why we feel sand is raining down.” The particulate matter that often hovers over Beijing is mostly less than 10 microns in diameter, he added. The Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau warned the sandstorm could be harmful. “Sandstorms can affect the human body, especially the respiratory(呼吸的) system,” an official with the bureau said. Hospitals have dealt with a sharp increase in patients with respiratory diseases, and news -papers warned people to wear masks outdoors. Sandstorms could easily occur at places with little rainfall, scarce vegetation and frequent gales, said Qiao Lin, an expert with the China Meteorological Administration. Northern China experiences sandstorms almost every spring. The situation is worsened by higher temperatures this spring and the prolonged drought in northern China, Qiao said. China launched an afforestation(造林)project in 2000 in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, which is regarded as the source of sandstorm. The project, however, has not been able to control the desertification.BNW China sandstorm shuts airports, schoolsBEIJING - A sandstorm hit regions of northwest China Thursday, delaying flights, stranding thousands of passengers and forcing schools to suspend(暂停) classes. Parts of five provincial regions were affected, including Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and the provinces of Gansu and Shaanxi, the National Meteorological Center said. The sandstorm hit the Gansu provincial capital of Lanzhou in the morning and reduced visibility(能见度)y to less than 500 meters, said Xu Dongbei, chief forecaster of the citys observatory. Further west in Dunhuang, a tourist destination famous for Buddhist grottoes, the sandstorm lasted about 16 hours starting at 2:30 a.m. Maximum wind speeds reached 24.3 meters per second and visibility fell to 20 m. In terms of intensity and duration, such a sandstorm was rarely seen over the past decade(十年), said Li Guanglin, chief forecaster of the citys observatory. The sandstorm delayed two flights and forced many schools to suspend classes, local officials said. Agriculture might suffer serious damage from the sandstorm. I saw the strong wind swept away many greenhouse roofs, cotton seedlings and young grapes on the vine. Some trees and electrical poles were broken, said Gao Hua, of the Dunhuang Municipal Forestry Bureau. The local government is calculating the losses. In Yinchuan, capital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, people on the street were seen covering their mouths and noses tightly. Some wore a plastic box on their heads to keep out sand. At Hedong Airport, 12 flights were delayed. Local meteorological(气象的) experts advised citizens to stay indoors as much as possible, especially the elderly and children. They also warned people not to stand under billboards or trees. Similar conditions prevailed in other provinces. At Baita Airport in Hohhot, capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, 29 flights were delayed and three others were cancelled(取消) due to poor visibility and strong wind, stranding thousands of passengers, officials said. Meteorological authorities in these provincial regions have forecast a temperature drop of up to 8 degrees Celsius and even frost after the sandstorm. Sandstorm conditions would persist until Friday, the National Meteorological Center said late Thursday. Module4- Sandstorms in Asia No 1 【课 题】Sandstorms in Asia 【课 型】Word Study 【学习目标】Pronunciations and spellings of the new words 【重点难点】Usages of some important words.Some important words and phrases. 学习内容及过程预习导航 重点词汇1. 沙尘暴 2. 吓人的,可怕的 3. 大量的 4. 活动,战役 5. 进程,过程 6. 市民,公民 7. 预报,预告 8. 力量,力 9. 化学物品 10. 环境 11. 垃圾,废料 12. 重新利用 13. 绝对地,完全地 14. 根据,证明 15. 关心的,担心的 16. 主要的
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