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小学四年级湘少版上学期英语看图写单词复习专项题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图,在四线格中正确写出下列单词或短语。12342. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1.Does she like playing_?2.We like playing_.3.They like playing_.4.I like playing_.3. 看图,补全对话。1_is it?Its_oclock. Its time for_class.2_the weather_today?Its_.3_these_?Yes,_.4_this_cheap?_,_.5_skirt_it?_.4. 根据图片提示写出单词。1Its_today.2Its_in Moscow.3Its very hot outside. Can I have some_?4Its cool and_. Lets fly kites.5Its_. Lets make a snowman.5. 根据图片,写单词。1 23 45 66. 根据图片和首字母提示,填写单词,完成句子。1I have t_apples.2I can s_.3This is my b_.4Have some j_, please.5My e_are big.7. 根据时间表,完成下列任务。7:00 a.m.breakfast9:30 a.m.English class12:30 p.m.lunch3:00 p.m.music class6:00 p.m.dinner将时间和对应的活动匹配。A.B.C.D.1_ 2_3_ 4_8. 看图,补全单词。1ele_ant. 2h_se3pan_. 4t_er.9. 看图,回答问题,每题词数不限。1.Is there a skateboard in the room?2.Is there a photo on the wall?3.Where are the books?4.How many balls are there?5.Can you see two kites?10. 看图,写单词。1 23 4511. 看图写单词。1 23 45 612. 看图片,写单词。12345_13. 根据图片提示,补全句子或对话。1These_new shorts.2Are these her shorts?No, they_.3This is_new dress.4Is this his dress?No, it_.14. 根据句意或图片提示填空。1-What would you like? -Id like some_.2-Would you like a cup of_. -Yes,_.3-What would you like? -Id like a glass of_.4I want some_.5-Heres a cup of_. -Thank you.15. 根据图意写出英文单词。1. 2.3. 4.16. 根据图片和汉语意思写单词。1(滑冰)2(大山)3(受伤)4(糖果)5(植物)17. 根据图片内容填空。1Danny is_the box.2_3weather:_4festival:_5_18. 看图片,写单词。1This is my brother. He is a_.2Id like some_for dinner.3Hi, Lingling. Whats your uncles job?Hes a_.4Mum, can I have some_now?5Welcome to my_.页码 / 总页数
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