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An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 一日之计在于晨。2014学年度第一学期八年级英语讲学稿(1)初二( )班 姓 名_ 学 号_课题:外研英语8A Module 1 Unit 1 Lets try to speak English as much as possible.【学习目标】1.知识目标:1、复习一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时和现在进行时。 2、掌握用英语提建议的句型及相应的词汇。2.能力目标:如何用英语提出建议。3.情感目标:掌握与他人交流时语言的得体性、与他人共享学习心得。【重点难点】提出建议的表达方式:如how about + 动名词, try (not) to do【学法指导】1.通过听说练习,掌握“四会”单词;2.归纳提建议的表达方法;3.学会用英语向别人征求和表达建议。【学习过程】一、 课前预习导学1、 掌握词汇 (请在课本P2-A3中划出来并注中文)1)改正,纠正 _ 2) 单词_ 3) 拼写 _4)两个人,一对_ 5) 练习 _ 6) 把。填完整_7) 句子_ 8)词典,字典_ 9) 意义,意思_ 10) 语法_ 11) 字母_ 12)查,查找_ 13) 错误,过错_ 14)意见,建议_15)笔记本_16)理解,明白_17) 应该_18) 可能的_ 19) 发。的音 v._ 20)大声地 _ 21) 电台,广播 _22) 发音 n._ 23) 忘记_ 24)主要的_ 25)关键性的,非常重要的_ 26)优秀的_27)赞同_2、写出下列短语。1)练习做某事_2)查找_ 3)犯错误_4)谈论_ 5)尽可能多_6)写下,记下_7)忘记去做某事_8)需要做某事_9)尝试做某事_10)听广播_11)同意某人的观点_12)为什么不做某事。_ 13)做。怎么样_14)做某事是个好主意_3、细读对话P2- A3,补充完整下列句子。1)让我们尽可能多说英语吧。Lets try to speak English _.2) 为什么不在笔记本上记下错误呢? _ the mistakes in our notebooks ?3)每天大声拼读新单词的发音是个好主意。 _ spell and pronounce new words every day .4)听英文广播怎么样?_ the radio ?5) 我同意你的意见。 I _ you.二、课堂学习研讨1、Warming up .1) What do you think of learning English, easy or difficult? 2) Do you read or speak English every day ?3) Do you have any good ways (好的方法) in learning English? 2、Activity 2: Listen and answer the questions.3、Activity 3: Dialogue learning 1) Listen once and answer the question.What are they talking about ? They are talking about_A. what they will do in English class.B. how to speak English.C. how to learn English.2) Listen and find out: Which are the good ways in learning English according to the passage? (多选) A. Try to speak English as much as possible. B. When you are reading, we should understand every word. C. Why not write down the mistakes in the notebook? D. Its a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day. E. How about listening to the radio and reading English stories?3) Write notes about learning English. 4、Activity 4: Underline the correct words. 5、Activity 6: Talk about problems in learning English and give advice. 三、语法归纳: 1)读 Activity 5 ,总结归纳提建议的句型。2) Group work : Give your classmates some advice about learning English. 复习下列时态的结构,完成下面的练习。一般现在时:动词+s/es一般过去时:was/were, 动词+ed一般将来时:will + 动词原形, be going to do现在进行时:am/is/are doing Exercises:1. I _ ( make ) a card for my mother next week.2. My mother _ (buy) a present for me yesterday.3. Lily and Lucy _ (watch) TV at home now.4. - _ you often _ shopping with your mother ?5. His father _ (be ) born in 1975.6. Tom _ (not play) football yesterday.7. There _ (be ) a football match tomorrow afternoon.四、课内训练巩固 1、单词填空。 1) These _(字典) are very old.2) Johns father is very helpful, he always gives John some a_ about Johns work.3) Please be careful next time! Dont make so many m _. 4) I cant write down the _(正确的) answer. Can you help me?5) My English teacher asks us to speak English as much as p_. 6) Simon always a_ with his brother. He doesnt have his own ideas.2、选择填空( )1 ) Bob, its getting cold. _ take a jacket with you? All right, Daddy. A. What about B. You should C. Why not ( ) 2 ) We should _ to improve (提高) our English. A. read more B. to read more C. reading more ( ) 3) Please try _English in class. A. to speak B. to speaking C. speak( ) 4) How about _ a picnic this weekend? A. have B. having C. to have( ) 5) Its a good idea _ new words in groups. A. write B. to write C. writing( ) 6) Our teacher often gives us _. A. some advices B. some advice C. an advice( ) 7) This is what we will learn, please _. A. write down it B. write them down C. write it down(
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