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电大英语 2 考试资料2008-07-13 19:01电大英语 2 考试资料 1. Hello. Im Xiaoyan David Manning. Nice to meet you. _C_.C. Nice to meet you, too. Im David Manning$N o: r1 ) Y ? T; h2. Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please? _C_.$g:C. Its next to the newsagent. 3. _A_? Yes, I do. My mother and father live in Oxford. A. Do you have any family4. How much is the rent of the flat? _B_.* B. It is 450 pounds a month- 3 v% M1 D4 u u - G5. What does her boyfriend look like?1 f0 P; N* f- I/ H- Q; _ _C_.: k: a- ( u7 o2 q5 J0 z% mC. He is quite tall with fair curly hair7 k% ?3 N2 c; m- p; f- 第二部分 词汇与结构(40分)6 25小题:阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(每题2分,共40分)- Q$B k/ C# $s! C6. Im a deputy manager. I _A_ an IT company.6 q9 8 g8 ( A. work for 7. What is your job? Im _B_ accountant.A. A B. an C. / ) b4 T5 - T 0 |0 T) I# K5 a) 3 c8. Who is that man over there? Do you know _C_ name?A. he B. hes C. his9 I usually go to the office _B_ train. ) v) W) q g8 l2 C3 A. at B. by C. on 10 _A_ wine do you need for the party?A. How much B. How little C. How many9 m6 D7 : l2 A3 . Y11. You have more apples than _B_ do. But _ are better than yours.A. us, we B. we, ours C. ours, us & e! X8 * w, h l12. How do I _A_ the gym?/ b S5 ?- y. F0 G2 PA. get to B. arrive C. go w! y+ g9 |9 ( R* p13. He can _A_ good English.A. speak B. talk C. say $X5 _3 z+ p3 4 x& V: w8 z14. Does David _A_?A. like flying B. likes flying C. likes to fly6 ; H. A% T+ n15. The Business Banking Department is on _C_ second floor.A. / B. an C. the 16. The shop B at six every day.# m: P: & d* SA. is closing B. closes C. closed + Z l0 I. 1 z( Y% m17. You can paint the walls and _A_ posters. You can do what you want. A. put up B. put down C. put on. H3 $d6 V8 M+ # 7 g; Q4 R18. The coat is _A_ than that one.A. much more expensive B. very expensive C. much expensive19. Jack _B_ late because he is a good student.A. never come B. never comes C. comes never20. I dont get up late on Sundays.0 C: M P% K6 t _A_ do I.& m* H/ + W9 S5 P- J K; CA. Neither B. Either C. So21. I have got a pain in my chest. You _A_ see the doctor.6 ?& P* h, X: v. H5 D% c! JA. should B. need C. have22. Sallys parents _C_ come and stay with her soon.A. are going B. is going to C. are going to23. A will the meal take? Itll take two hours, I think.A. How long B. How many C. How much24. It often _B_ in winter in the north of China. A. snow B. snows C. is snowing25. I dont want _A_ milk in my coffee. A. any B. some C. many5 P c/ q* _6 d& s$n7 k/ M9 L第三部分 阅读理解(20分)! f- g0 B* L+ f/ f2630小题: 阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(每题2分,共10分)! q0 3 E$6 E+ V5 cHi Joe, How are you? Im sitting on the balcony of my hotel. I am looking at Hyde Park in London and I am thinking about my life here. I am having a wonderful time. I like my job it is very interesting, and my colleagues are great. I love London its busy, noisy, crowded and exciting. The cinemas, theatres, pubs and restaurants are really nice, but theyre too expensive! I think the people in London are very friendly (surprise!) and Ive got some new friends. What the weather like in Shanghai? Is it raining? Here its lovely! It isnt foggy! The sun is shining and the birds are singing. Its very warm. (Surprise, surprise!) And it is my birthday today.But I am missing you all in Shanghai. COME AND VISIT!Love, b% H8 k; $w8 M0 Z- SXiaoyan 26. What does Xiaoyan stay in London for? B3 K2 a3 L# e0 B7 x5 c# U$tA. She is having a holiday.% m w1 w# k9 h! Q7 m5 W8 4 B2 sB. She is working. : f) k- # s! U/ C. She is visiting some of her colleagues.6 r, p- U- w7 P Q3 C27. What are Xiaoyans London colleagues like? CA. They are very important. B. They are very serious. C. They are very nice.28. What does Xiaoyan think of London? C( & m$s8 ( CA. She thinks it is relaxed.* P I: p w3 j6 e fB. She thinks it is cheap.C. She thinks it is exciting.29. What does Xiaoyan think of people in London? B l1 M* G2 m; Y1 L PA. She thinks they are interesting. 9 K |/ _3 S% h3 B. She thinks they are friendly.C. She thinks they are surprising. 30. Whats the weather like in London when Xiaoyan i
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