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最新九年级英语课文翻译最新九年级英语课文第一课翻译One day in ancient Greece, King Hiero asked a crown maker to make him a golden crown. At first, he was very happy with it.古希腊的一天,海尔罗国王请一位制作皇冠的人给他制作一顶金皇冠.起初,他对皇冠感到非常快乐.“Its a nice crown, isnt it?” he asked his men. Later, however, he began to doubt that it was a real golden crown. “Is it made pletely of gold?” hewondered. He sent it to Archimedes and asked him to find out the truth.“这是一个很漂亮的皇冠,不是吗?”他问仆人.然而后来他开始疑心皇冠是否是一顶真的金皇冠.“这真是纯金的吗?”他纳闷着.他把皇冠送到了阿基米德那里,叫他搞清楚真相.“This problem seems difficult to solve. What should I do?” thought Archimedes. “这个问题似乎很难解决.我该怎么办?”阿基米德想.Archimedes was still thinking about this problem as he filled his bath with water. When he got into the bath, some water ran over.当阿基米德往浴池里倒水的时候他仍然考虑着这个难题.当他进入浴池时,一些水溢了出来.“Thats it!” shouted Archimedes. “I know how to solve the kings problem!” “就是如此”阿基米德喊道,“我知道如何解决国外的难题了!”Archimedes went straight to the palace to see the king. First, he weighed the crown and asked the king for some gold of the same weight. 阿基米德直接去到了宫殿觐见国王.首先,他称了皇冠,然后像国王要了同等重量的金子. Next, he put two pots into two big bowls and filled both pots with water. He put the gold into onepot and some water ran into the bowl. Then he put the crown into the other pot. This time, even more water ran into the bowl.接着,他放了两个罐子到两个大碗里,然后把罐子注满了水.他把金子放入其中一个罐,一些水跑到了碗里.然后他把皇冠放入另一个罐.这一次,更多的水跑到了碗里.“Look at this,” said Archimedes to King Hiero. “A crown made pletely of gold displaces less water than a crown made of gold and another metal. This crowndisplaced more water than gold of the same weight, so Im certain that its not pletely made of gold.” “快看”阿基米德对国王说道.“一个完全由金子制作的皇冠比一个由金子和其他金属制作的皇冠要取代更少的水.这顶皇冠比同等质量的金子取代更多的水,所以我确定这不是纯金的.“The crown maker tricked me , didnt he? What a bad man he is!” shouted King Hiero. He then sent the crown maker to prison.“金匠骗了我,对不对?这个大坏人!”海尔罗国王喊道.然后他把金匠投入了监狱.九年级下册英语课文翻译Section A1bListen and check () the kinds of music Tony and Betty like.Betty: Oh, look! Theres the new Cool Kids CD.Tony: The Cool Kids? Do you like them?Betty: Oh, yeah. Theyre my favorite band. I like music that I can dance to.Tony: Youre kidding. I think theyre awful. I prefer music that has great lyrics music that I can sing along with.Betty: I like songs that I can sing along with, too. So whats your favorite band?Tony: The Lions. They always have interesting lyrics.听录音并在托尼和贝蒂喜欢的音乐类型下面打勾()。贝蒂:噢,看!这里有新的“酷小孩”唱片。托尼:“酷小孩”?你喜欢他们吗?贝蒂:噢,是的。他们是我最喜欢的乐队。我喜欢能随之跳舞的音乐。托尼:你在开玩笑吧。我认为他们糟透了。我更喜欢歌词优美的音乐我能随之唱歌的音乐。贝蒂:我也喜欢能随之唱歌的歌曲。那么你最喜欢的乐队是什么?托尼:“狮子”乐队。他们总是有有趣的歌词。2a Listen and T for true or F for false.Xu Fei: Look, Carmen. These T-shirts are great! Look at this one.Carmen: What a great T-shirt, Xu Fei! I really love the Australian singer Dan Dervish. I like musicians who play different kinds of music.Xu Fei: HmmI guess hes OKCarmen: Hes only OK?! You must be joking.Xu Fei: Well, I like musicians who write their own songs. Dan Dervish doesnt write his own music.Carmen: Hmm. Well, I think hes great.Xu Fei: The Moderns T-shirt is interesting.Carmen: The Modern are really great. I love electronic music thats loud.Xu Fei: I know you dobut I prefer groups that play quiet and slow songs.听录音,正确的圈“T”,错误的圈“F”。徐飞:看,卡门。这些T恤衫棒极了!看这一件。卡门:多么棒的一件T恤衫啊,徐飞!我非常喜欢澳大利亚歌手丹德维什。我喜欢演奏不同类型乐曲的音乐家。徐飞:嗯我想他还可以卡门:他只是可以?!你一定是在开玩笑。徐飞:嗯,我喜欢自己写词作曲的音乐家。丹德维什自己不作曲。卡门:嗯。噢,我认为他棒极了。徐飞:“现代”乐队的T恤衫很有趣。卡门:“现代”乐队确实很棒。我喜欢喧闹的电子音乐。徐飞:我知道你确实但我更喜欢演奏轻柔舒缓歌曲的乐队。2b Listen again. plete the sentences.Xu Fei: Look, Carmen. These T-shirts are great! Look at this one.Carmen: What a great T-shirt, Xu Fei! I really love the Australian singer Dan Dervish. I like musicians who play different kinds of music.Xu Fei: HmmI guess hes OKCarmen: Hes only OK?! You must be joking.Xu Fei: Well, I like musicians who write their own songs. Dan Dervish doesnt write his own music.Carmen: Hmm. Well, I think hes great.Xu Fei: The Moderns T-shirt is interesting.Carmen: The Modern are really great. I love electronic music thats loud.Xu Fei: I know you dobut I prefer groups that play quiet and slow songs.2b 再听一遍录音,完成句子。徐飞:看,卡门。这些T恤衫棒极了!看这一件。卡门:多么棒的一件T恤衫啊,徐飞!我非常喜欢澳大利亚歌手丹德维什。我喜欢演奏不同类型乐曲的音乐家。徐飞:嗯我想他还可以卡门:他只是可以?!你一定是在开玩笑。徐飞:嗯,我喜欢自己写词作曲的音乐家。丹德维什自己不作曲。卡门:嗯。噢,我认为他棒极了。徐飞:“现代”乐队的T恤衫很有趣。卡门:“现代”乐队确实很棒。我喜欢喧闹的电子音乐。徐飞:我知道你确实但我更喜欢演奏轻柔舒缓歌曲的乐队。第 页 共 页
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